
<Doomking> now i'm confused... using my older linux kernel config on the newer linux kernel with 'make oldconfig' works but when i attempt to do it from scratch it causes a blank screen at boot...


<Doomking> tried linux kernel 6.8.9 but it just gives me a blank screen despite doing the normal config setup


<sad_plan> oh, wait, I think I know the issue. I recently disabled couple configs in the kernel. its probably the culprit


<sad_plan> if it has qmk, you can also configure it through the browser aswell iirc, so even if it came without any config, shouldnt be too hard to get it up and running
<sad_plan> should have a default config that works. so a 40% should work just fine


<sad_plan> Doomking: not suprised, as tinyconfig seems to prefer xz and -Os, whereas allnoconfig uses gzip andb-O2. i diffed the configs, and the difference isnt that many. if you wanna talk numbers, its 285 vs 290 enabled configs


<daggerfella> hi. my linux kernel refuses to boot. (stuck in Loading Linux-version) | installing from a live void usb, guide I followed for kiss installation: https://comfy.guide/client/kisslinux/ video I used for kernel compilation (was recommended a lot in the subreddit): https://youtu.be/kZYcfT0WcCo .config: https://0x0.st/XiL2.txt | I enabled framebuffer and framebuffer efi support


<L0Wigh> sewn: yep or just freeze. I guess it doesn't really freeze, It might be just a kernel issue. I just compiled the default config with kiss specifications. I probably need to add tty options


<sewn> your kernel config is bad


<asimovsh> kirsty: add the option CONFIG_FRAMEBUFFER_CONSOLE


<asimovsh> someone here have a pipewire config?
<asimovsh> just a sway config
<sad_plan> and this CONFIG_MOUSE_PS2_SYNAPTICS_SMBUS=y
<sad_plan> asimovsh: try this CONFIG_MOUSE_PS2_SYNAPTICS=y
<asimovsh> i activated some configs that i used in gentoo


<riteo> There's even a configuration for our exact usecase! Putting it into $XDG_CONFIG_DIR/pipewire/wireplumber.conf.d/profiles.conf (can be any filename) fixes the issue! :DDDDDD


<riteo> ok while testing I had set up a broken user config, 0.3.85+0.4.15-1 definitely works


<ehawkvu> If you have the custom config, I'd keep it
<Denshi> I wonder if removing the grub config generates new behavior
<Denshi> idk what the build config for it normally looks like
<sewn> whats the grub config look like?
<ehawkvu> Denshi: any other info ? bios / uefi ? what sewn said, did you forget to generate the config?


<cdecompilador> doing all the configs on the .config file directly to compile the kernel is very error prone and didn't led me anywhere


<wannabekissuser> Hello, 'ts me again. GKISS maintainer helped me a lot with managing to boot the system, turns out I didn't have CONFIG_FB_EFI enabled in kernel config. Now the problem is nvidia, can't seem to make it work. I installed nvidia from gkiss repository, used depmod, modprobe'd the module, but couldn't start X. Also it seems like when I reboot I have to reinstall nvidia and do the stuff


<wannabekissuser> course but I hoped I could avoid the hassle. Also my kernel config is mostly default, I remember checking (and enabling if disabled) settings for NVMe, ext4 and EFI support, I think that's all. If it is still necessary to provide it I would, just tell me where to upload it, not really sure.
<wannabekissuser> have advice on how to install this kind of configuration, meaning xorg + nvidia (with gkiss of course). In what order the repos should be placed? A person on reddit suggested that I also provide nvidia building log and kernel config, but I no longer have that exact "installation" on my machine (started anew), though I can replicate this error of


<thikkl> I'll grep in .config for it


<sad_plan> only copy what you need, and point the EXTRA_FIRMWARE to those files in the .config
<sewn> sure, but you need to specify the firmware in config too
<sad_plan> and with that command, aswell as a kernel config from i.e. arch or w/e, you can have a premade kernel config which should boot in a matter of seconds. with the exception of you having to enable any extra firmware if needed
<sewn> i have CONFIG_FB_MODE_HELPERS unset though, each machine needs its own configuration probably
<sewn> do you have CONFIG_SYSFB_SIMPLEFB btw
<thikkl> What does localyesconfig do? I thought it just changed all the modules in your current config to builtin
<sad_plan> thikkl: you have to enable some framebuffer. as I said, try another. perhaps EFI_FB. read the describtions. you can also boot into arch, and do make localyesconfig, and see what configs pop up


<sad_plan> CONFIG_VESA_FB


<sad_plan> iirc, it basically boils down to enabling CONFIG_EFISTUB in kernel config. and then just copy the bzImage to /boot but with a .efi extension. so that your uefi can recognize it. youd have to add it manually inside your uefi settings though


<sad_plan> but yes, just using an already existing kernel config like he shows in the video, is way faster than trying to figure out whats needed and not by just shuffling through the menuconfig tbh


<synima> And is this enough values in the config https://text.is/1234456
<synima> Just add a patch in the build config I'd guess, and wait for someone to build it


<synima> Hello<3 currently stuck on "Loading Linux 6.1.71" and I'm making a sorta educated guess and saying its because I saw that the tinyramfs.IMG file I made wasnt referenced in the grub config at all
<synima> Is it even possible to have two partitions in the tinyramfs config?


<fluntpwn> sorry i had to go, gonna try compiling again now with a different config


<sad_plan> isnt CONFIG_FB needed for the other framebuffers? I though CONFIG_FB would sortof default on
<darkk99> # CONFIG_CRYPTO_OFB is not set
<darkk99> # CONFIG_CRYPTO_CFB is not set
<darkk99> # CONFIG_FB is not set
<darkk99> # CONFIG_DRM_FBDEV_EMULATION is not set
<darkk99> CONFIG_SYSFB=y
<darkk99> # CONFIG_NET_SCH_SFB is not set
<darkk99> i'm on GKISS and when i try to boot, it just freezes with the "Loading kernel 6.6.7" message, `grep FB .config` outputs "


<Guest56> nconfig also doesnt work but config does so its an ncurses error


<synima> That have the config files in the build directory


<sewn> xkeyboard-config uses add_install_script('sh'...




<synima> Shit, i forgot to save my .config
<ukky> Then, if it is Grub, it loads Kernel/Initramfs according to your Grub config.
<synima> Anyone have some acpid configs i can snag?


<synimas> Might link config.h to .config lol
<synimas> Can anyone spare a someblocks config?
<sewn> is there a sample config i can look after
<synimas> Whats the best way to modify the bemenu config?


<asimovsh> sad_plan: i looked in the package and used the same config but not worked
<sad_plan> in case you dont have wpa_supplicant's config file in the same place i.e.
<sad_plan> its not supposed to be in your .profile. your .profile is for configs, not starting services. we have a service manager for that
<synimas> I really just want to hse wpa because i have a massive config file thatd take ages to move around
<ukky> PNVM_MISSING. You need to add iwlwifi-ty-a0-gf-a0.pnvm to CONFIG_EXTRA_FIRMWARE. That's my guess, I do not have this device.
<ukky> CONFIG_EXTRA_FIRMWARE="iwlwifi-ty-a0-gf-a0-72.ucode"
<ukky> CONFIG_EXTRA_FIRMWARE_DIR="/lib/firmware"
<ukky> synimas: no idea, I always run it with config
<synimas> What was the issue? Does dhcpcd not do anything without a config?
<synimas> Or can you make the config make wifi priority over eth
<synimas> The eth0 config should work for wifi as well after changing the interface?


<asimovsh> i don't remember the correct config for this


<sad_plan> aswell as CONFIG_MOUSE_PS2_SYNAPTIC_SMBUS
<sad_plan> asimovsh: try to enable CONFIG_MOUSE_PS2_SYNAPTICS for your trackpad. its what I use
<asimovsh> hey someone have a guide or a .config for activing touchspad in kernel?


<asimovsh> i used the original sway config and foot config


<illiliti> shame that these probes do not have kernel config attached
<illiliti> check config_fb_vesa too
<illiliti> config_fb_simple? config_fb_efi?
<illiliti> config_fb enabled? asking just in case
<Guest59> i saw CONFIG_DRM_SIMPLEDRM and enabled that


<ehawkvu> If you are using a live usb, you can get a decent, (not perfect) config by running 'make localyesconfig'
<ehawkvu> geekofthewild: Yes, you will need to provide your own kernel config
<GeekoftheWild> @sewn it does not appear that @ehawkvu 's linux-lts package has any kernel parameters enabled by default. when i go into /path/linux-lts/files and look at the one name "config", it is empty. should i just add filesystems to this file? thanks


<sewn> and kiss doesn't like bundled packages (except compose-tables and xkeyboard-config)


<sewn> in CONFIG_EXTRA_FIRMWARE you can specify firmware seperated with spaces, for me i do CONFIG_EXTRA_FIRMWARE="intel-ucode/06-b7-01 iwlwifi-so-a0-hr-b0-74.ucode"
<sewn> CONFIG_EXTRA_FIRMWARE_DIR="/home/meow/src/linux-firmware"
<sewn> firmware is baked in with a manual config key that you have to specify firmware in


<mitigate> i've set CONFIG_X86_VERBOSE_BOOTUP and CONFIG_EARLY_PRINTK but i dont get even 10% of the messages on boot which i used to get say a decade or so ago


<GeekoftheWild> I thought I sent this yesterday but I can't see it in the logs so it must not have gone through: illiliti, I have config_fb, config_efi and config_fb_efi all enabled in the kernel but I still get the "loading Linux" error. Any ideas? Thanks


<ehawkvu> This is the current build script (contains the tinyramfs config aswell): https://github.com/ehawkvu/kiss-personal/blob/master/testing/arch-linux-lts/build
<Guest59> what do you mean by config?
<illiliti> make defconfig could be not enough, but yeah, that's how you do it more or less. just make sure that tinyramfs's config is set up
<illiliti> you'll need to prepare a config first and then you do: tinyramfs /path/to/where/to/output/initramfs


<Doomking> illiltiti: Geek would also need to have EFI enable as well before CONFIG_FB_EFI can be enable
<illiliti> also don't edit config by hand because this way dependencies are not taken into the account
<illiliti> did you enable CONFIG_FB first?
<GeekoftheWild> thank you illiliti, but have you got any idea on how I would be able to enable CONFIG_FB_EFI in my kernel? that seems to be what would solve it, but the option is not there in menuconfig and after manually putting it in my .config and running make, it is not longer there


<asimovsh> or a special config
<sad_plan> ok, that means its not global, so it must be something assosiated with your user. some config file or w/e. any scrpts you usually use?
<sad_plan> what about any configs in /etc/rc.d? those are boot hooks that you can appply pre/post-boot etc..
<asimovsh> Sway config
<asimovsh> My SWAT config
<asimovsh> Is just export configs and some sway conditions to creat XDG_RUNTIME and auto start sway


<asimovsh> I don't know why but my kernel don't have the CONFIG_HOTPLUG option
<realkmf> you need to enable CONFIG_USER_NM in your .config, in make menuconfig it's under General Setup -> namespace support
<realkmf> asimovsh: you need to enable CONFIG_USER_NM in your .config, in make menuconfig it's under General Setup -> namespace support


<sad_plan> kiss wont take care of your config file. only /bin/sx, and its permissions


<sad_plan> so you can use that, but just running sx wont do anything, because it looks for .config/sx/sxrc if youve not set XDG_CONFIG_HOME to someting else
<Doomking> and i copied a person’s sxrc config with the “while true; do …” not sure if that’ll work


<Doomking> It's not the best way, but at least it'll get your machine up and running, later you can further customize your kernel config afterwards
<Doomking> The best thing that you could do if you want Artix kernel is grab their kernel .config and use that to build your own kernel
<emmatebibyte> no, it was inside the default grub config for loading my kernel is what i mean
<emmatebibyte> its disabled in my kernel config


<Doomking> Worst case, I'll just copy a .config from a distro and use it to build my kernel


<Kirsty> for tinyramfs, all i need to do is point it to my config file and kernel, and then set where the initramfs source is IN the kernel right? am i missing anything before i do that?


<illiliti> it should be added to the beginning of the config. i forgot about this nuance, my bad


<illiliti> but it wouldn't be minimal because those configs are too generic and include all shit.
<illiliti> you can steal config from some well-known distro. as you already mentioned arch is a good option
<ERROR_404_NULL> Is there a default minimal kernel config that I could use?
<ERROR_404_NULL> I think I'm just gonna copy the Arch config and search for the keyboard and mouse configs


<illiliti> also isn't ./configure script smart enough to make all these pkg-config checks without assistance?


<mako2> my CONFIG_EXTRA_FIRMWARE="amd-ucode/microcode_amd_fam19h.bin" which is my cpu
<sewn> but not the literal glob, echo it and then put it into CONFIG_EXTRA_FIRMWARE
<sewn> for me its Sienna Cichlid, and i just use glob and add it to CONFIG_EXTRA_FIRMWARE: amdgpu/siennacichlid*.bin
<sewn> well you can put the firmware anywhere, you just have to set it in CONFIG_EXTRA_FIRMWARE_DIR
<mako2> i think im starting to get why some .configs on other distros work, like i see a lot of options enabled amd or nvidia
<mako2> so there should be no =m value in the .config since im just booting without initramfs right?
<xdream8[m]> enable kernel option: CONFIG_DRM_SIMPLEDRM
<mako2> i already enabled amd gpu in the graphics settings in the kernel .config file


<mako2> i downloaded another kernel then compiled it without touching .config
<sewn> CONFIG_FB is not set
<mako2> can someone take a look at my .config for the linux-6.4.6 kernel


<mako2> some people can even boot it up without touching the .config file


<mako2> idk, i want the bg to change from the config file
<mako2> i did reload my config
<sewn> you have to reload sway config dont forget htat
<mako2> i cant change the background in sway config


<xdream8[m]> nope it does not have any config options for these
<testuser[m]> check if toybox has config options to enable these
<depressed_pigeon> Enable what you want/need. Nevermind the rest. Gives you a more lean config
<xdream8[m]> i will try it. it seems first i need a config like busybox


<rottatorg> doesn't seem to be the same problem there and i couldn't find anything in the earlier logs. i tried messing with the framebuffer configs a bit but it hasnt helped
<rottatorg> i can post kernel config if there isn't something more obvious that could cause this


<depressed_pigeon> Hm, check my kernel config, maybe ive enabled something you havent; https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hovercats/kiss-dumpsterfire/master/extra/linux-lts/files/.config
<rory50> but config input mousedev iff
<rory50> I have config input mouse to y
<rory50> OK my config input mousedev isn't set in kernel
<depressed_pigeon> For keyboard, it seems I only have CONFIG_INPUT_KEYBOARD and CONFIG_KEYBOARD_ATKBD. Nut sure what the last one is, as im on my phone atm


<sad_plan> it seems that I should be able to view it, but it requires CONFIG_PROC_PAGE_MONITOR to be enabled in kernel. which ive not enabled. /proc/pid/smaps should as far as I can tell from the manpage show usage.


<sujo> once you know what it is, the gentoo wiki usually has through kernel config
<petrifiedoak> Hello, im having wifi problems on my thinkpad X230. I have all the firmware set in .config but it doesnt seem to get loaded. ip a shows wlan interface.


<xdream8[m]> grep "=m" .config
<sad_plan> sujo: I think you can grep =m in the .config file. which would easily check if youve set anything to module
<xdream8[m]> sujo: you can do `cat .config | grep "=m"`
<xdream8[m]> i had built my kernel config with make allnoconfig in the past. it was totally a torture but it was worth it and i still use it
<xdream8[m]> you may also need CONFIG_DRM_SIMPLEDRM.
<xdream8[m]> check if you have enabled CONFIG_FB


<xdream8[m]> everytime you make a change to your shell profile or config make sure to source it.
<xdream8[m]> your config is your shell config file.
<username36> im tierd of exporting echoing parts, i want to see exactly config file
<xdream8[m]> <username14> "is there .config file for kiss..." <- You can just use a small script like this:... (full message at <https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/v3/download/libera.chat/72329c6af6da1cc10c0d57d8b8651e57391e9ffe>)
<username14> is there .config file for kiss where can see this exported flags


<feenix> having trouble with a package im porting myself. its a really simple one. just a single Makefile. readme says make and make config. the problem is kiss allows it to directly install its files to system /usr/bin while its building. rather than to .cache/kiss/proc. doesn't come with a configure file either.


<illiliti> by removing muon_static option, we tell muon/libpkgconf to use default pkg config path while keeping static build
<illiliti> because it breaks discovery of packages that have pkg config file installed


<dilyn> setting hostonly in config results in success. Will investigate why soon enough
<dilyn> I think the way would just be a zfs.init.late that checks if a var is set in config and mounts datasets - trivial with a zfs mount -a BUT if you're doing a dual boot off a single pool and have datasets setup like I do you'd need to set a different passphrase on the root datasets so that you don't get a collision -- because rpool/kiss was made after
<illiliti> specify it in config
<dilyn> I think I'm JUST screwing up the config tbh
<dilyn> I'll test later today with an updated config, seems like it should work then. thank you so much <3


<iceman[m]> binaries in the filesystem and correct permissions for `/etc` config files


<ruivlea> i don't know, i use config from my lts then make menuconfig on newer kernel. that issue not exist in lts.
<sad_plan> and its not config related?


<Guest46> I copied my .config from the new one to the old one. my kernel went from 5.3 MB to 5.1 without changing anything.


<shokara> (or grep for CONFIG_JS)


<sad_plan> but sure, reinstalling kiss is a breeze initially once you have the kernel config ready


<Gremlin8483> pretty much config for everything pacakge related is stored in shell .profile? simple and genius


<sad_plan> I messed up the sxhkd config, which instead used the old script, which broke the borders
<midfavila> what if you lose power and/or a config error happens and/or a disaster occurs, etc


<aelspire> as programmer I'm in favour or using sane libraries instead of adding scripting language to config
<aelspire> and other view is allow user to pipe current file into user specified command, but it would require writting some config
<midfavila> why would you need configs?
<aelspire> vs. spawn shell and run user provided command here, oh and you need to write your config files


<midfavila> and configs aren't quite ported yet


<phoebos> did you do the git config gpg.ssh.allowedSignersFile .allowed_signers


<rohan> i used the default config for foot
<sad_plan> nothing about your config that would cause it? can you replicate it with same config on say gentoo?


<sewn> look at dmesg and config again
<rohan> yeah but is the same config i used
<sewn> kernel config issue it seems
<rohan> still the same config when i used kiss months ago


<sad_plan> ah. I have no clue. I havent really needed to mess with much config files in X at all. things have luckily mostly worked for me :p
<sad_plan> you also dont need libinput etc, or xkeyboard-config and so on. which I find really nice


<illiliti> > so to avoid mess its using config files for any configuration and scripts are immutable
<testuser[m]123> so to avoid mess its using config files for any configuration and scripts are immutable (symlinked from /usr/share)


<midfavila> "buh mid you don't understand chatgpt3 can write configs for apache that i only still have to read in their entirety and modify a good portion of in order to get it to work and it can do it all using nothing but a natural language prompt!!!"


<midfavila> oh i have a repo on my gitea to store some of my configs and i install them using kiss


<sewn> mfw CONFIG_CRYPTO_LIB_POLY1305=y


<illiliti> # CONFIG_CHECKPOINT_RESTORE is not set
<illiliti> # CONFIG_DRM_AMDGPU_CIK is not set
<illiliti> # CONFIG_DRM_AMDGPU_SI is not set
<illiliti> send kernel config
<illiliti> i suppose kernel config is wrong


<tprepper> wasn't sure if the Gentoo kernel config I found for my ThinkPad model would work on 6.1.8
<windy-aftermath> so is there a convenient way to get notified when a new Linux kernel releases? I would imagine I need to setup the config file only once, so the build process for updates will just be downloading and building the new source using the old config?


<tprepper> maybe I'm configuring it wrong? I just edit the .config file...
<testuser[m]> CONFIG_FB_EFI *
<testuser[m]> is CONFIG_EFI_FB enabled


<sad_plan> do that. oh, you can also still use runit. just make a custom busybox config which only enables the service manager. hell, you can enable the init aswell, and use something else for the rest of coreutils etc..
<sewn> I'll look into it after perfecting my kernel config


<illiliti> or CONFIG_NETFILTER=n
<illiliti> i wanna try it and CONFIG_TTY=n
<illiliti> i mean CONFIG_VT=n


<wael_> just look at ubuntu kernel .config


<Guest38> how do i set it in my .config
<wael_> either via kernel .config or via your bootloader


<soliwilos> wael_: I'd probably just try to re-create the config from scratch.
<wael_> i dont think it even gets all of the configs
<wael_> did I seriously lose my server kernel config
<testuser[m]> I still haven't been able to figure out kernel ipv6 config for server. I enabled all ipv6 related stuff but dhdpcd just doesn't get an ipv6 address
<wael_> the diff from config and config-uid is fucking 2000 lines long
<sad_plan> create one config with things that does not need suid, then create a new one, which enabled things that do need setuid
<wael_> how am i supposed to make a .config and .config-suid like kiss build
<sad_plan> I could however create a new config for it, to fix my other.. issues
<sad_plan> not even xkeyboard-config
<wael_> i dont think it sets permissions and groups on files like mdevd does in the mdev like a boss config


<Ogromny> @sad_beauty what's your oasis config ? Like if you can get everything from nix/pkgsrc why not just install the most minimalist oasis possible (with the strict bare minimum) and get everything with nix/pkgsrc


<Haea> any_of_ya_getting_errors_when_installing_xkeyboard-config_from_repo?


<soliwilos> You can also edit the wallpaper in the config and reload (not restart) to change it.
<soliwilos> hikari has wallpaper support built-in, set it it's config file.


<aelspire> config.
<illiliti> generic config != generic package
<dilynm> I mean hell I could devise a generic config that could work for 80% of systems
<dilynm> I mean it would really be as easy as putting something like CONFIG_NVME=1\nCONFIG_EXT4=1 into some file, setting a variable to point at that file, running the build, and then them running whatever they would otherwise have to run
<dilynm> You just have a variable that allows adding a generic config that overrides default values
<illiliti> generic kernel is a kernel that just work, right? if i need to make some changes to config, it is not generic
<dilynm> For instance they could use a config that enables all of the things they need to be built-in


<asdfhjkl> dilynm - one more thing, about initramfs, i know i know ... but i'm thinking about not only trying to provide the most easily sources available, but it'd be nice to have a kernel option available that just supported tons of hardware out of the box, any recommended tool for generating initramfs? I'm thinking about using arch default config options,


<aelspire> so I'm asking if anyone know some cool config file syntax
<aelspire> Anyone had some ideas on ideal config file syntax?


<wael_> <rohan> "someone is using kernel 6.1 with..." <- Kernel config issue


<aelspire> I've installed irssi and doing some tests. Default config seems sane but after all this post on net that irssi is the best irc client I'm somewhat underimpressed


<cem> Maybe it's about alpine's kernel config
<cem> And the positional variables you use on that config script are assigned by the build script
<cem> Because you're writing the config script using cat <<EOF


<aelspire> some default kernel config and build script would only cause problems
<midfavila> just tested by swapping the modmask from mod4 to shift in sowm's config


<testuser[m]> aelspire: that's a kiss config issue not gtk i think


<phoebos> vouivre: i'm not sure I understand your question about zathura, but I don't think I need a feature to dump config


<kqz> nope, works when I switch to eudev though so not sure if mdevd config issue or libudev zero incompatibility with pipewire


<aelspire> currently I'm using ash/dash for speed I've lot of small scripts in my kakoune's config


<aelspire> but I need to look into kernel config
<aelspire> midfavila: Can I have your ALSA config, maybe it's me doing it wrong way
<aelspire> wael: tested ALSA only config, without dmix there is no multiplexing but with simple dmix config it works!
<wael[m]> alsa config: 2 lin
<testuser[m]> i just use pw to avoid alsa config
<testuser[m]> u need config


<aelspire> sad_plan: There is no problem with kernel config in git, I'm just looking for ideas.
<aelspire> so I'was turning on random option found on gentoo wiki until it worked and now this config is a mess
<aelspire> I've managed to make touchpad working in linux kernel. It was hellish ride. Much more problematic than my root drive missing due to lack od VMD. And now my kernel config is a mess. Anyone have idea how to nicely organize kernel config? I consider something like git repo containing empty config with or without config fragments, and in separate commits I'll add more functionality for e.g commit: Make touchpad working. Any better idea?


<sad_plan> aelspire: what issue do you suppose is there when having your kernel config tracked with git? I do this, and tbh, its a great way to keep track of it. however I have in a kiss repo, and have kiss build my kernel for me instead of doing it manually
<aelspire> Main problem with git repo will be config changes due to new kernel versions
<aelspire> Hi, I've managed to make touchpad working in linux kernel. It was hellish ride. Much more problematic than my root drive missing due to lack od VMD. And now my kernel config is a mess. Anyone have idea how to nicely organize kernel config? I consider something like git repo containing empty config and in separate commits I'm adding more functionality for e.g commit: Make touchpad working. Anyone have better idea?


<wael_> send kernel config


<sad_plan> Makeallyes config is really great to filter out what absolutely is not needed. But it doesnt work unless modules are already actually loaded. So its not really applicable when in kiss..
<sad_plan> What testuser said. Well, i just used gentoo wiki, which provided me with what I needed for extra firmware. Else you can also use makeallyes config with a arch linux config while chrooting to kiss. Ive done that. Or you can also lsmod to see what modules are active.
<wael_> btw sad_plan: is my kernel config good? https://termbin.com/coja


<sad_plan> its a website. it goes through the kernel configuration process, and points out what different configs do, and wether or not you might need them. I know most of this is sortof outlined in the help section for earch config, but it still helps shed abit more light on some of them
<wael_> mfw minimal config
<sad_plan> macslash1[m]: exacly. however, the kernel doesnt have a all-no config option, so you have a to create a new config, then do some sed magic to remove everything effiecnelty
<sad_plan> do an all-no config, its way more fun. also a great learning experience


<hackexe> I ran that on my local slackware box and loaded that config while chrooted into KISS
<wael_> if i were you id go from a live bloated system and chroot into it and make a config with 'make localyesconfig'
<wael_> that makes the default config
<hackexe> Yep, that's how I did it initially until the kernel hung on PCI bridge error. Tried to compare Slack's config but that's futile, too much shit going on to find which module I need to get passed that. Or if a module is what makes it halt
<wael_> all stuff in my kernel config are marked as built-in and not a module
<hackexe> But you know what I haven't tried with this full Slackware config
<hackexe> Tempted to steal Void's kernel .config


<dilyn> sturn[m]: if you build your GPU drivers *into the kernel* you need to list the firmware in CONFIG_EXTRA_FIRMWARE, and it doesn't do { ... } expansion. if you build it as modules, you just need the firmware to be in /lib/firmware in the right locations and it will all Just Werk(tm)
<testuser[m]> wael: ur supposed to add all fw into CONFIG_EXTRA_FIRMWARE
<saturn[m]> found the culprit about the blank screen, the AMDGPU driver. i enabled absolutely everything, even in the submenus, and yet; blank screen, anyone know why? i’ll send my config in a second


<testuser[m]> # CONFIG_FB_EFI is not set
<testuser[m]> send kernel config


<testuser[m]> it even auto reloads its config lol


<illiliti> xkeyboard-config isn't a lib
<testuser[m]> maybe its required for some other configs
<testuser[m]> xkeyboard-config


<midfavila> testuser[m] I manage my configs with kiss