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<Guest59> has anyone used qutebrowser on kiss before?
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<illiliti> ehawkvu: i remember i was testing tinyramfs on arch and ubuntu. it was fine there, but that was too long ago
<illiliti> btw proc hook is not needed if you already have a device manager specified(in your case it's mdevd)
<ehawkvu> illiliti: glad to know that it is possible - also good to know, I'll modify the pkg
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<sewn> Hi
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<GeekoftheWild> I thought I sent this yesterday but I can't see it in the logs so it must not have gone through: illiliti, I have config_fb, config_efi and config_fb_efi all enabled in the kernel but I still get the "loading Linux" error. Any ideas? Thanks
<GeekoftheWild> Oh and do you think it's worth trying one of @ehawkvu 's prebuilt kernels from other distros?
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<Guest59> i saw that there was no drm enabled content on the kiss linux website. is there anything directly affected by this? i
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<phoebos> Guest59: maybe you meant that KISS doesn't support drm
<phoebos> which affects you if you want to watch netflix, I think
<Guest59> oh ok then
<Guest59> ty
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