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<sewn> nothing, just it's complicated af and doas/ssu exists
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<phoebos> sad_plan: sorry, I forgot to reply to you. I don't get that error but I can apply the patch if you want
<sad_plan> I see. maybe its an sbase/ubase issue on my end. but yes please, apply it. this way we avoid other people having same issue
<phoebos> ok
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<riteo> sewn: regarding the XWayland stuff, I managed to build everything in the end!
<riteo> I'm still not hard gaming because the display actually doesn't work despite its socket getting created, but that's a story for another time (I'll debug it when I'll find some more time)
<riteo> ULTRAKILLing on a distro named KISS would be metal as fuck :P
<sewn> riteo: thats not hard
<sewn> i was playing apex legends not too long ago on kiss
<sewn> ULTRAKILL is on GOG
<sewn> although it says its coming soon only
<sewn> and Steam offers better wine support unsuprisingly
<sewn> lmk how it goes
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<riteo> yeah it's been coming soon for quite a while; we'll have to wait until it goes out of early access (_at least_ another year)
<riteo> I'll let you know indeed
<riteo> I must admit, I've only recently started to understand some of the appeal behind flatpak
<sewn> wait what
<sewn> im pretty sure you can play it
<sewn> just not from gog
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<riteo> sewn: no wait
<riteo> it's in early access
<riteo> that's the reason it's not "out" yet on gog
<sewn> oh
<sewn> so its been in early access for a year
<riteo> a year? I'm sure quite a bit more
<sewn> wtf
<riteo> AFAIK this game has been in development since like 2018
<riteo> did I dream this stuff up
<riteo> lemme check
<riteo> all right, it's been in EA since 2020
<sewn> wow
<riteo> according to wikipedia
<sewn> well thats one of a game
<sewn> it will never be like omori
<riteo> ULTRAKILL is my life
<wannabekissuser> Hello, 'ts me again. GKISS maintainer helped me a lot with managing to boot the system, turns out I didn't have CONFIG_FB_EFI enabled in kernel config. Now the problem is nvidia, can't seem to make it work. I installed nvidia from gkiss repository, used depmod, modprobe'd the module, but couldn't start X. Also it seems like when I reboot I have to reinstall nvidia and do the stuff
<wannabekissuser> with depmod and modprobe again. Still no X. GKISS maintainer has initially told me that it may be better to use official nvidia installer but this crap doesn't build, gives a middle finger. Is there anyone who has nvidia and xorg here? Maybe others have any idea? Hope so.
<sewn> i once used to use nvidia and xorg
<sewn> and now im on amd
<sewn> no logs provided?
<wannabekissuser> I can provide them, yeah
<sewn> kiss-xorg has an nvidia package
<sewn> but i abandoned it
<sewn> you should maintain it
<wannabekissuser> Understandable
<sewn> official gkiss nvidia package only does wayland afaik
<wannabekissuser> I fucking hate nvidia
<sewn> why?
<wannabekissuser> sewn: what's needed for that?
<sewn> needed for what?
<wannabekissuser> for maintaining
<sewn> here
<sewn> this is the PR in which i dropped the package
<sewn> you can pull the dropped package into your own kiss-xorg fork, add it and update it
<sewn> do try to spot differences between kiss-xorg nvidia and gkiss nvidia
<wannabekissuser> Alright, thanks, I'll try my best
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