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<asimovc> hi guys
<asimovc> can someone help me to use xdg portal?
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<midfavila> hrmmmmmmm
<midfavila> might finally have a lead on making a real disk image now...
<midfavila> crazy idea but
<midfavila> to test things i might try to graft alpine onto the uconsole
<midfavila> honestly, working on a KISS port to the uconsole feels like programming with athena for the first time all over again...
<midfavila> not enough docs and what docs there are are scattered all over the place, out of date, and poorly written
<midfavila> neat project to maybe bring up on a CV tho
* midfavila thoinks
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<midfavila> man i have no idea why arch's PKGBUILD scripts are so insane
<midfavila> or, at least, this one guy's for the r01 kernel is
<midfavila> not like, insane because it's a complex job, just insane that it's written so verbosely. three layers of internal functions just to compose a command that boils down to make -jX CROSS_COMPILE=target ARCH=arch
<midfavila> theres an entire function that does nothing but prepend its first arg to PATH. like
* midfavila squints
<midfavila> ngl tho if i can smash upstream and this guy's notes together and get a process that works, i might be able to refine this into a reliable way to create community images for the r01...
<midfavila> as is, there's only the factory image, which is an ancient ubuntu 21.04
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<midfavila> okay there, i think i have the kernel done...
<midfavila> fwah
<midfavila> i'm giving up for now
<midfavila> i don't have enough experience and the state of the software and docs is too chaotic for me to figure out right now
<midfavila> maybe once it runs a mainline kernel and uboot
* midfavila sighs
<midfavila> it's frustrating that people only put effort into the cm4 module
<midfavila> like yeah i get it being able to carry a cm4 in your pocket is awesome
<midfavila> but how many debians do you need to port to it before you say 'Maybe it's time to do something else'?
<midfavila> the worst part is that so many people i've seen with a uconsole fall into either the bing-bing-wahoo tech consoomer camp, or the what's-the-usecase camp. like just go away >:C
<midfavila> it didn't *finish* the boot process - i don't *THINK*
<midfavila> but it *started* and finishing initialising the display and keyboard-
<midfavila> okay enough blogposting
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<phinxy> When starting sway with `seatd-launch sway` the message output from both programs gets mixed up together and I can not read the full sway error messages.
<phinxy> setting seatd loglevel to silent fixed it. EGL fails to initialize. Hmm i915 kernel module is builtin to kernel. mesa has crocus gallium driver, everything looks fine in mesa config output. chipset: HD4000 (Ivy Bridge).
<phinxy> I noticed fully PREEMPT kernel wasnt possible with i915 module, so I chose dynamic "low latency desktop" preempt kernel.
<phinxy> Maybe Ill try i915 as a (M) module instead of built in (*)
asimovc has joined #kisslinux
fitrh has joined #kisslinux
<asimovc> hi guys
<asimovc> need help with xdg-portal
<asimovc> if someone can help me
<asimovc> i installed all the packages from kiss-dbus
<asimovc> actived dbus and rebuilded pipewire with dbus enable
<asimovc> still can't sharing my screen in flatpak ungoogled chromium
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<ivyfri12> ivybridge mentioned :3
<sewn> phinxy: why are you using seatd-launch?
<sewn> asimovc: you have to run the portals
<sewn> or atleast try
<asimovc> i tried
<asimovc> is it just ./xdg-portal -r and next ./xdg-portal-wlr -r?
<asimovc> if is just it
<asimovc> not worked
<phinxy> sewn: that's what post install suggested
<phinxy> what is portals?
<sewn> phinxy: dbus services that provide standard desktop routines for desktop applications
<sewn> asimovc: other way
<sewn> phinxy: enable seatd, add yourself to the seat group and launch without
<sewn> post install of what? libseat?
<phinxy> Of sway i believe
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<asimovc> sewm: you in in reverse? first xdg-portal-wlr and next xdg-portal?
<asimovc> you mean*
<ivyfri12> got a little bit of progress on firefox case so far: gentoo patch did not solve the issue for me too, rust 1.80 fails to build if taken alone from old repo, rn im trying build it not breaking the system in process.
<ivyfri12> rust 1.80 still fails to compile with llvm from same commit so things dont look great bruh
<ivyfri12> if i were to guess i would bet on either gcc or cmake
<ivyfri12> both are hell of a gamble to downgrate
<ivyfri12> oh i forgot to mention i also took clang from last commit that has rust 1.80
<phinxy> What is "the firefox case"? :)
<ivyfri12> eh firefox fails to build in really weird way, check yesterdays logs for more info
<sewn> asimovc: yes
<ivyfri12> asimovc aslo has that problem so its not (at least only) being dummy
<ivyfri12> asimovc aslo has that problem so its not (at least only) *me being dummy
<sewn> s/being/me being
<sewn> is the irc way
<ivyfri12> no way my zoom-zoom brain comprehends that
<phinxy> Rust < 1.80 builds firefox?
<ivyfri12> i guess it should, trying to build it rn
<phinxy> I had to apply this patch to compile busybox for linux 5.12, it removes "CBQ" from networking/tc.c:
<phinxy> (nothing relating to firefox)
<asimovc> sewm: not worked
<asimovc> this is the log for xdg-portal
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fultilt has joined #kisslinux
<midfavila> open hardware graphics card!
ivyfri12 has joined #kisslinux
<asimovc> is like heard about this from a it guy
<asimovc> graphics cards are hard to be builded from zero
<asimovc> and get what big tech achieve these days is more harder
<midfavila> speaking of graphics,
<midfavila> do any of you know how to rotate the framebuffer device?
<midfavila> not fbcon
<midfavila> i'm trying to find a way to rotate or otherwise change the dimensions of my fb0 by 90deg clockwise so that when software writes to the fb0 it renders from top-left towards bottom-right. as is it renders from bottom left to top left due to the device actually being portrait...
<asimovc> is riteo online?
<midfavila> riteo: bouncer is up seems like
<asimovc> need his help with flatpaks and xdg-portal
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