progress is coming along now that i'm actually sitting down and doing something wew
just about all of the core packages for x86_64 for my new setup are good to go, save the native toolchain
i'm thinking i probably won't bother with the toolchain for arm and riscv. at least native.
i just rebuilt a few things on my system with -march=native and -O3
brain itchy i wanna fuck with something
recompile everything with -ffast-math
nah the only things on my system built with any tweaked flags are musl and my kernel
im mostly just playing with it at the moment, it would be easier for me to reinstall void from source compared to migrate to a fully source install now
mfw selling some counterstrike skins
which i think technically isnt even legal in the US
for some weird reason
i should probably be able to pay for the router build i want + a managed switch and a thinkpad t480 with what i get off of one of them
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kris_: maybe just taxes
no idea, maybe see how do ebay and shit work in the US and I think that will be fine
(this isn't real advice wait how do I say that thing)
(uhhhhhh IANAL yes that will do I think)
dunno but im starting to get why people have bot farms for counterstrike
i'm up... a fair amount just dumping shit skins ive been dropped
counterstrike mentioned?
* kris_
is a sweaty tryhard
whats your comp rank
i dont wanna talk about it
your rank or cs
i've dropped from 22k premier to currently 15k
NA is flooded with cheaters
woah waht is
since when did numbers have ranks
i mean ranks have numbers
they don't in competitive but competitive is the new casual
premier is the serious mode
isnt premier just like
a mode where the teams vote a map
fwiw on cs:go i was supreme when the game got shut down
so close to global i could taste it and then the game went byebye
and yeah it is, that's the standard actually competitive mode now
every 5,000 rating is a rank, you lose/gain usually like 300 per match
all i remember is iwas a silver :3
but i play it like every millennia or so
this game is kinda like my thing that i take irrationally seriously
i wanted void but all of the combinations of that are taken
4k hours on cs woah
closer to 10k on all of my accounts
i only have 10% of that..
ok maybe i shouldnt add you youre too skilled
i mean i don't take all gamemodes seriously
competitive is my casual mode
still beyond my league!!
you can add if you want, idm playing competitive
not right this second but yeah
im doing so right this second
lol your comments
just all calling you a cheater
yeah that happens sometimes
it's an ego boost though so i leave them lmao
i didnt expect to meet someone like you in a linux community let alone KISS
it is my honor
slight overreaction
tbh i didnt expect to meet any gamers at all in here
I consoom
on kiss
I'm not joking that's why I love flatpaks
* kris_
loves flatpaks in general
sandboxing is peak
I can have steam on my dumb crazy OS, I think we all game here
even dylan played minecraft
i could go for some modded mc rn
it's been a while
I kinda gave up on that game
could write an essay on it
i would play mc if the people here did lol
i pretty much only play cs and dayz these days
lately I'm trying luanti with some weird games on it and it gave me that spark I didn't have in years
i'm way past my peak on cs so i'm kinda slowing down with that
i pretty much never play
dayz is hard to find people to play with
(said spark might also be influenced by the fact that I'm playing nodecore which is designed to be weird and new)
is it a zombie game
whats so good about it
no idea I don't play it ask kris
but I can see the appeal
it's straight up survival
pvp is the main thing for some but for me it's the survival aspect
oh my it is expensive
like you're *going* to starve to death until you learn where to check for food and otherwise
yea sewn but I'm quite sure that game is going to last forever if you like it
definitely looks like that kind of game
you're *going* to die from getting sick and not finding antibiotics until you remember to wash your hands after beating a zombie to death with your fists lol
and when you do die you start over 100% from scratch
loot, fight people, survive, die and do it again
it's what inspired unturned but unturned is a lot easier
ill just stick with cs
its too much thinking
oh that's interesting
I tried unturned for a very brief while
yea sewn that's fair
also gotta remember not to slide down ladders with no gloves or you'll cut your hands up :p
yeah it's a game that is admittedly too much
but ive never seen another game make me feel like i'm legitimately just trying to survive, it's incredibly immersive
have you guys heard of ready or not
its the only game i ever spent more than 20 dollars of my own money on
is that the funny kick door down game
isnt that rainbow six siege
if not then yes
i like it but i havent played too much yet
i need to get back into playing games qwq
if only r6s didn't require windows
kris when are you fre
also riteo do you have a steam
yes I do
no idea if it's private though
ill be free in probably like 3 hours
im curious how the ping is going to be for one of us depending on where you are in the world
if you're wanting to play cs
ive played with americans before
lets just say one of us had to live with 300ms
Have difficulties building pavucontrol, is there an alternative for pipewire?
I use wpctl and amixer, I avoid using GUI
ncpamixer is a nice pulseaudio tui mixer
EliSoli: so mpv is indeed using pipewire
you could try setting the audio backend for mpv
see if that works
or --ao=alsa
[ao] Audio output pulse not found!
[ao] Failed to initialize audio driver 'pulse'
Could not open/initialize audio device -> no sound.
--ao=also gives the same output
welp then that's the thing
if you run pipewire-pulse what does it say
there's also the -v option
let me restart my ui
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pipewire-pulse doesn't output anything
even with verbose
it should print something with that
Which program can enable an output sink in pipewire? Sound defaults to speakers/headphones but I'd like sound in my connected bluetooth speakers.
I removed it from my start script and I'm starting both pipewire and pipewire-pulse in my terminal. pipewire-pulse doesn't output anything relevant when pipewire is already running, otherwise error ofc. With verbose it shows this: https://0x0.st/8jHw.txt
phinxy have you tried wpctl?
ah, wpctl set-default?
Ill try.
riteo I tried plugging my speakers here instead of trying with the TV's hdmi, and it works just as the same. no firefox audio
your hardware doesnt matter if other programs output audio fine
good to know
I'm tired. I spent the whole day on this. I'll be back by tomorrow. Maybe we can find something in my other HDD which was working
bye everybody. Good night to y'all
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wpctl has bluetooth speakers as default sink but cmus and firefox plays audio on built-in audio. Am I supposed to write wireplumber config files?