mid pipewire was actually born for video, I'm pretty sure
I think the audio part came later
one of the original ideas was named "pulsevideo". I did zero research on this so TIWAGOS but I think it was supposed to unify all video handling stuff, a la gstreamer but as a daemon?
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they fucking did it aa
canada is fucked
absolutely 100% fucked
the amount of hatred i have for america is fucking unreal
you can't keep your fingers out of anyone's slice of the global pie, and you can't even not backstab your pick-me
* midfavila
i'll never fucking buy american again. fuck this shit
whats going on
the USA just imposed a flat 25% tariff on canada as well as an additional 25% on steel and aluminium products
considering after nafta america remoulded canada into its fucking open pit quarry that's most of our fucking economy
the other .ajor constitutent is speculation on the housing market which inherently assumes people can fuckin afford to service their debt
if this goes on for long, millions of canadians will lose their jobs and mass bankruptcies followed by a depression will ensue
bc wages have been suppressed by american companies to keep the cost of materials low
in order to use canada as a buoy for their own economy
and all of this is either a) over the phantoms in trump's mind or b) barely-veiled imperialism
(it's b)
my bet is on b considering the history of the american- yeah.
i don't really know what to say about that, i didn't think that one would happen
the best fuckin part of it is that the UK just fucking threw us under the vus on international television
starmer had a direct chance to push back at the americans on behalf of the commonwealth realm and he fucking doubled down with the americans
absolute piece of human detritus
you could have taken the chance to strengthen the commonwealth at larfe and close rank
which was what brexit was FOR
but NO
* midfavila
* midfavila
malds, even
ive just hit the point where i feel like i need to apologize for being american
despite having not voted for this
like i'm not sure how it seems externally but the majority of us feel shame
it's only the fault of those who are allowing this shit to continue
unfortunately that implicates the DNC too because theyre fucking useless
the entire system needs to fucking burn
it's fundamentally flawed and the contradictions it creates are too sharp to ignore at this point
i'm curious to see what will happen in the coming years
if you talk to your average person here we're all expecting a civil war within the next ~5 years
everyone's just waiting for it to start
the reason for this being that trump is highly anti american and highly anti our values as a society
one party controlling the entire government is reason enough
but of course if you go into the bumfuck nowhere in the south there's always going to be just some racist moron who is in favor of this, hence civil war
transphobia was unironically a MASSIVE driving force behind this happening
but regardless i'm just trying to limit my dependence on centralized services incase things start getting blocked
(and all of my servers are in germany and finland, definitely not on US soil)
on a similar note though europe is also starting to scare me given sweden and france are both now apparently attempting to do away with e2ee, following the UKs example
and a shockingly few amount of countries in the EU are opposed to the chat control bill
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but to be completely honest, i don't think trump is anti american at all
trump is the truest reflection of america
i don't know that i agree with that
it's america without the bells and the whistles and the bullshit pretenses of freedom and democracy
america still has legal fucking slavery for christ's sake
i think it all just depends on your interpretation of the intentions the founding fathers of our country had
who knows what their intentions truly were
they were a bunch of fucking frat boys
albeit a lot of that shit is just used to gaslight people into thinking america is free and democratic
the revolution started because of taxes
not fucking
which it hasn't ever really been a democracy
"muh representation"
nobody in the average citizenry gives a shit about that
at the time anyway
it was like, can i afford food, and water, and a place to sleep
if the system works for you in that way, you haven't got a reason to care
what do you know, we're getting back to that point now!
re: food, water, sleep
yeah, which is why we're gonna see more luigis
it's nuts to me that i find people on a regular basis who think luigi did something wrong
my concern is whether or not the tension people are experiencing will be recuperated
i just fail to understand how his actions could be interpreted any differently from that of a hero
that's your brain on liberalism
in the actual sense of the word
not the stupid NA sense of the word
this idea that we can all just fucking
id be lying if i said i knew what the actual definition of liberal is
sort out our differences through reasoned debate and free trade
i'm labeled a "socialist libertarian" but i feel like labels are goofy
liberalism as in like, the ideology that emerged at the end of the enlightenment period
well, you should know that my history classes when i was in school consisted of my teachers talking about how the south should have won the civil war and that we will rise again
when people say "neoliberalism" it literally just means "new liberalism"
i got no actual information out of them so i don't know about a lot of that shit
tbf public education in western countries is dogshit in general
well my home state was the capital of the confederacy
and a lot of that mentality still exists there
so that's the mentality we were fed as students
not much other information was given
i'll research everything independently eventually
it's only there as subsidised childcare and a convenient way to indoctrinate people so they don't pull a super mario
man my internet is awful today
my internet is always awful but i feel bad complaining about it because i do have crazy speeds
i need to build a router shortly, my jitter is so consistently unpredictable
ISP default equipment atm, it's ass
but yeah the textbook definition is basically just like, supporting free trade, muh individualism, etc
which sounds great in theory, but in practice, when you combine that with market capitalism, you get the shit we're dealing with now
i feel like anyone who is truly pro capitalism has no desire other than just exploiting people
markets will by their very nature produce winners and losers, and once you have a winner, that winner is going to leverage all of their resources to maintain their position
yes basically
cant believe anyone ever thought that was a good idea
that's why liberalism is fucking worthless
there's zero value in "debating" the winners of the system into changing the system
they won't change shit because they're the ones on top
they own all of the shit
why would they give it up?
almost like it's about time for us to seize the means of production and take this shit over
you have to *force* them
yeah good luck
class consciousness is dead and buried in america
the issue there is that it can only happen if you get people thoroughly emotional enough
canada is no better
no, emotion isn't sufficient
i feel like it is
there needs to be a sustained, measured effort to educate people on what the system is, how it works, how it doesn't work for them, and how to systematically dismantle it
emotion on its own is easy to recuperate
that's how you get stupid shit like #Resist democrats
when the democrats are literally the same party with some minor tweaks to social policies
canada has the same situation with the tories and the liberals
and unfortunately the NDP is being basically absorbed by the liberals
i'm not sure if education will help in the grand scheme of things, i feel like it's irrational to assume good will from people even post education
it's not about good will
it's about being able to afford a place to ive
not caring if other people have a place to live is a question of good will
like that's the thing. socialism, communism, whatever, they're not about "vibes" or "good will"
it's self-interest, just the same
i want to have a place to live because if i don't i die. i want my neighbour to have a place to live because if he doesn't he's going to die or cause issues for society at large etc.
if people are motivated by greed, it's still not hard to argue for it
it's cheaper and better to actually solve the underlying problem, at the grand scale, than whatever the hell it is we're doing right now
honestly, shrug
at the end of the day all we can do at the moment is sit back and watch
until we collectively decide it's time to change, which is where i feel emotion comes into this
okay but again emotion without focus is going to be recuperated
it's going to be directed into "buy X thing instead of Y thing"
i'm not suggesting we just get people riled up
midfavil1 how do you feel about these rust rewrites of gnu utilities
they're an example of rust entryism
that's all i care to say on tech anything right now
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