sorry asimovc I took a nap, I'm not joking
there's no need for pulseaudio itself
there's pipewire-pulse, which you should already have access to, that allows pulseaudio-enabled programs to interact with pipewire
so that you don't need to port old applications over (supposing it's even possible, think proprietary games)
regarding requiring more changes no, package wise. I'd recommend applying the setting I documented in my notes linked above in a pipewire configuration file if all you see in an audio mixer is "Dummy Output"
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regarding screensharing, all I use is dbus, pipewire, xdg-desktop-portal and xdg-desktop-portal-wlr (although this last one will depend on the compositor you're using)
riteo: i'm using dwl
let's see
all i get when exec xdg-portal and xdg-portal-wlr is this
it's wlroots based so xdg-portal-wlr should do
i just enter in meet and init a new meeting and try to sharing the screen
it only works for tabs
No such interface “org.freedesktop.portal.FileChooser” is because xdg-desktop-portal-wlr only exposes screen casting
you'll need another daemon like xdg-desktop-portal-gtk for everything else
flatpak need it?
well yes for the file chooser
you don't need the gtk one if you dislike it
there are other daemons implementing a file chooser
no problems
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i just need to screensharing
if you're asking why it's a bit like android's way where the application does not have access to the whole filesystem but only to a specific file you select manually as an user
all right
`PulseAudio: Unable to connect: Connection refused` is because chromium is looking for pulseaudio but can't find it. If you run `pipewire-pulse` it should work
can i work my way without it?
I'm not sure why you're so stubborn about this; that's not real pulseaudio, just a shim
if you really insist you can look for pipewire support in chromium if it exists
yeah but i don't remember to use pipewire-pulse in gentoo for this same problem
perhaps it's just a config flag away or it automatically switched to pipewire for this
just pipewire-alsa
oh then it probably chose that instead
because I can see an alsa print
oh well let's see what else's left...
but if i just build the pipewire in community
with alsa only
i get the same error
well yeah because it's probably trying to connect with pulseaudio first
that's how programs usually deal with multiple apis
there's this "PipeWire stream state error: error output enum formats: No such file or directory"
uuuhh wait
you started pipewire in the user session?
because if you restart the compositor for some reason it gets confused because the dbus user connection is lost
i started in user session
is in my .profile
yeah but without restarting or something
like there's only one fresh process ever since you started dwl
all right
it just init pipewire when i loggin in
I'm trying to check my mental checklist
asimvoc what's your XDG_RUNTIME_DIR?
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that's really weird
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so to recap you have a dbus user session, pipewire, xdg-desktop-portal-* all started in this order
I think it's not finding the pipewire socket for some reason?
wait does pwvucontrol output any useful data
instead of like Dummy Output
also check if in the runtime dir there's a pipewire socket
you could also double-check with firefox, that's what I use
I mean if there's a pipewire socket in the default runtime dir and pwvucontrol works then I'm not sure what the file not found in the log refers to :(
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i will try now
it have a pipewire-0 in this dir
and also pwvucontrol just detect my mic of laptop
I see
if firefox does not work either I'm not really sure
could try with obs or something else to see if the issue is chromium or flatpak
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asimovc sorry for thee delay
logs say nothing and I'm kinda out of ideas here, I'm sorry
if you need something by monday do not stress yourself, pick a just works distro and you can play with this stuff at another time, this is supposed to be fun and not a chore
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riteo: hi
i installed alpine
and seems to work well without xdg-portal-gtk
maybe is the build of the packages
or something related to mdev?
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also even without pipewire-pulse it still screenshare
just don't get audio
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Was there a patch for firefox to allow it to compile with latest rust?
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Cant build rust with lower version because there are LLVM errors.
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phinxy: at least i don't know any patch
is just broken
but i think in some place it have been patched
is working in alpine
so someone have builded it fine
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Its weird how Alpine doesnt have any recent patches .
What needs patching if not firefox, rust?