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<sewn> hi
<synima> Hello sewn
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<slash> Is there an updated installation video of kisslinux?
<synima> There isn't, shouldn't change much
<synima> Remember to use the community website along with the official website
<synima> Read it all through
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<sewn> too bad
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<synima> Damn, kiss-find is insecure asf lol, gotta check each source before you add them it seems
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<sewn> synima: why?
<synima> You can just add kiss-repo tag to a repository with infected packages
<synima> Or is it different now
<sewn> how do you make infected packages
<synima> Just add a patch in the build config I'd guess, and wait for someone to build it
<synima> Real question though, how to I tell grub to use an initramfs
<synima> And is this enough values in the config
<synima> I fixed compressed lol
<sewn> use efibootmgr man
<sewn> also initramfs isnt automatic
<synima> I didn't assume so
<synima> And alright
<sewn> why you using initramfs anyway?
<sewn> for luks?
<synima> Yeah
<sewn> cool cool
<sewn> afaik all you have to do is do initrd=<path to initramfs in boot part>
<sewn> in kernel param
<synima> The perimeters I sent should be good right? I dont need the luks header location?
<sewn> i dont use luks so i dont know
<sewn> looks fine
<synima> Alright, I appreciate the help!!
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<phoebos> synima: kiss-find is for search by package name only; if you use it to discover and then use repos you should still check that the package is and does what you want, just like any new repo
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<sewn> hi phoebos
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<Doomking> hi yall
<Doomking> it's been a while
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