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<fluntpwn> happens on the official 6.6.8 too
<sewn> how are you building it? and is this related to kiss i cant tell
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<fluntpwn> sewn: just make -j12. im building it on kiss linux so
<sewn> i built linux on 6.6.8 and i dont have your problem
<sewn> what on earth is postfactum kernel though?
<sewn> looks intersting, i do want a performance oriented kernel
<fluntpwn> sewn: it's because of some modules probably, idk, if i build with just defconfig it builds fine, but it doesn't work.i just looked on that archwiki page that was linked by kiss in it's install guide: first i wanted to use linux-tkg but i couldn't get it to build(it's script requires some busybox incompatible utils), and then i've seen the pf-kernel and it looked like what i wanted.
<sewn> fluntpwn: you dont usually need modules in kiss
<sewn> you build everything builtin
<fluntpwn> probably won't change anything, it still won't compile, but now it won't compile builtin :)
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<fluntpwn> sorry i had to go, gonna try compiling again now with a different config
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<fluntpwn> ok, tried to compile both pf-kernel and official release again, getting this now
<fluntpwn> already applied the sed '/<stdlib.h>/a #include <linux/stddef.h>' \ patch
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