Ohh, glazier kinda works like plan9. I had fun installing and testing 9front on bare metal. It feels like the proper way to use mouse in a wm
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today I woke up at 2:30 AM
my circadian sleep cycle is completely nuts
on the flip side though, today I have an energy out of this world
I have done way more than I have done in the past week I think and I hope this energy lasts
wait it's already thursday... let's say the _last_ week instead, as in, the seven days preceding today. I always mix that part of english up
L0wigh: yeah kinda. I like its simpleness really. I also like that you can teleport windows. or redraw them maybe is the correct wording. I havent seen this much in other wms
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ok I probably almost (or did) broke my install. I tried to install the clangd lsp server from alpine. Well not a good idea x)
I kinda need it for my neovim setup. Kinda hard to find a way to avoid that
I also have a strange behaviour. I'm using st as my terminal and for some reason, my .profile file isn't sourced. any reason ?
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L0Wigh: your .profile gets sourced upon logging in(so its a one time thing). it does not get sourced every time you open your terminal
is there a config file that is sourced by ash everytime it start ?
there should be but i dont use ash so i dont know
i use yash which is very good as an interactive shell
it has ~/.yashrc for this purpose
you know what, let me test to do a .ashrc
well not working sadly
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L0Wigh: cant you build neovim from community instead? I dont belive it needs that clang bs. atleast not last time I checked :p
and as xdream8 said, .profile gets sources only when login in. so if you need persistant stuff across all shells, you need to re login
it seems that it is possible to have a config file using ENV=~/.ashrc
neovim is built. but it doesn't have any language servers by default. I use a plugin called Mason that will download zips to install lsp server and bind them to neovim. I have the same issue as alpine users since I use musl. The only response to the problem is "install clangd in another way"
try adding 'export ENV=~/.ashrc' to .profile
yep that worked !
but my OS is clearly borked
I guess I'll just save my progress, and redo a full install. It was planned anyways
gm computer kissers
hi mid!
both webkit2gtk and palemoon fails to build for me
i got them both from kiss-xorg repo. i did not modify palemoon package but modified webkit2gtk for wayland
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I had a working webkit2gtk build using kyx0r repo
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full reinstall with -mtune=native and -O3. how much time until it's finished ? x)
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L0Wigh: the differences between -O2 and -O3 is marginal at best. its also recommended to use -O2 instead, or even -Os instead. using -O3 can in some instances create bigger and slower binaries
regarding time, I wouldnt know. 8 hours?
enabling things like profiling and lto however will increase buildtime, but at the very least, you should get faster binaries out of it. buildtimes can even double with the correct flags.
-O3 slower ? how is thatb ppossible ?
and what -Os means
ok so, it seems like there is so much other optimization options that can help, like : -fomit-frame-pointer, -Ofast, ... I probably will need to investigate all this. I'll finish the xorg compilation with -O3 and probably switch to -Ofast for the rest
-Ofast is last time I chedk very experimental. not sure how much you really gain from it. I belive its more benefitial to look into lto and profiling if you want faster binaries
also -Os is like -O2, but without those flags which increase size
so you prefer to use -Os ?
I'll go for this after my inital setup. I'll rebuild everything when I could let the pc runs in a corner of my room without having to use it
if you wanna look into lto and profiling. arch's anlp or something like that is arch but with lto and -O3. theres also a kiss-lto repo, but its dead now because of some changes in kiss some time ago. theres also a gentoo lto or something repo on github. im sure you can find them all if you have a look
alhp was the arch thingy
not anlp
you might also, later down the line, wanna check out switching to llvm, or atleast building the full llvm suite. which will allow you to build the kernel with lto aswell
sad_plan, I would love to have at least the whole clang suite (clang + clang-tools-extra) so I'll probably need to fully build llvm for this. does the kernel with lto optimizations works better ?
llvms linker is also faster than binutils's ld and gold iirc, so theres that aswell. Ive not really tested it myself, but it should work. i cant speak for the actuall results though
but im keen to find out. maybe ill just rebuild my kernel on chimera, which uses llvm. maybe I can see the ram differences for one atleast
that would be a nice test. I'm pretty sure that it would not change that much from using binutils, but every performance gain might be worth the compilation time xD
the math is quite simple; compile something once, now everything compiles faster everytime. so yes, I would say its worth it
what tool do you use to set the date and time with internet. mine is 1h late currently
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you can TZ variable to the closest one, oor date YYYYDDMM should also work. it works on the server anyway