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<sewn> hi
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<rohan_k> hi guys
<rohan_k> how is kiss doing?
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<ERROR_404_NULL> Hi, I copied the linux kernel and initramfs images from my desktop to my laptop (because compiling the kernel manually wasn't even spitting text onto the screen), and it booted (after a grub-mkconfig), but my keyboard isn't detected (and neither is any USB keyboard I've tried), anyone have any suggestions
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<ERROR_404_NULL> Is there a specific package that I have to install to enable the keyboard or something?
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<sewn> ERROR_404_NULL: your issue is quite common but the issue relies in your kernel configuratiohn
<sewn> you can search the IRC archives for many people who have faced your issue:
<sewn> rohan: fine
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<ERROR_404_NULL> sewn: I wouldn't think that it would be a configuration issue, as it's just the default Arch kernel (6.4.10)
<sewn> configure your own kernel or something, you need an initramfs for an arch kernel
<sewn> as everything in a distribution kernel is most likely modules
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<ERROR_404_NULL> I uh
<ERROR_404_NULL> Copied the initramfs as well
<ERROR_404_NULL> I think I'm just gonna copy the Arch config and search for the keyboard and mouse configs
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<ERROR_404_NULL> If it's related, the boot messages include "Killing device manager to make way for service"
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<ERROR_404_NULL> Is there a default minimal kernel config that I could use?
<ERROR_404_NULL> (That will at least load everything functionally on common hardware)
<illiliti> you can steal config from some well-known distro. as you already mentioned arch is a good option
<illiliti> but it wouldn't be minimal because those configs are too generic and include all shit.
<ERROR_404_NULL> Yea
<illiliti> plus they require initramfs to load all that shit
<ERROR_404_NULL> Yea, I copied the initramfs along with the kernel, and it still failed to detect any input devices
<illiliti> usually initramfs don't need input devices in order to boot system
<illiliti> it needs only fs drivers to mount root and boot into it
<illiliti> then it's up to host system to mess with input devices
<ERROR_404_NULL> Wdym by 'host system'
<illiliti> system that you are booting into
<ERROR_404_NULL> So the software
<ERROR_404_NULL> Ok, what in there could be messed up to not allow a standard (old) ThinkPad keyboard to not get detected
<illiliti> no idea
<illiliti> if kernel and initramfs configured correctly you should be able to boot even without input devices
<illiliti> so something wrong with kernel/initramfs
<ERROR_404_NULL> illiliti: It boots just fine, the issue is that it won't detect device input
<ERROR_404_NULL> (Rebooting to apply kernel updates, brb)
<illiliti> is there anything in /dev/input? is mdev running?
<ERROR_404_NULL> I have no clue because, as previously stated, ***no input devices have any effect***
<ERROR_404_NULL> The TTY just doesn't respond
<illiliti> ah then modules weren't loaded
<ERROR_404_NULL> So I just `$(lsmod) > /mnt/etc/modules` from a live env?
<ERROR_404_NULL> (Minus the $() that I added for some reason)
<illiliti> no it won't work
<illiliti> modules are second-class citizens in kiss
<illiliti> what's your mdev.conf? default?
<ERROR_404_NULL> I just linked it from /etc/sv to /var/service with no conf
<ERROR_404_NULL> (Side note, it would be really nice if KISS had package descs)
<illiliti> $MODALIAS=.* root:root 660 @modprobe -q "$MODALIAS"
<illiliti> add this to your mdev.conf
<illiliti> then reboot
<illiliti> /lib/modules/<kernel> is present right?
<ERROR_404_NULL> Yea
<ERROR_404_NULL> Wait, not for the right kernel
<ERROR_404_NULL> That explains a lot
<illiliti> perhaps
<illiliti> check also /lib/firmware if you need it
<ERROR_404_NULL> That should only be required for wireless, for my devices
<ERROR_404_NULL> s/devices/device
<illiliti> ack