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<angle> thanks for the kind words sewn. I don't have an irc bouncer yet, but I saw your compliment for my site in the logs for this chat.
<angle> I'm planning on setting up kiss again on my actual computer. And preferred methods for figuring out drivers and modules needed for a system to actually boot.
<angle> I saw this video, and this guy made it seem like a massive jenga game of dependencies to bake everything in.
<angle> Is that really the most efficient process? (for someone that doesn't know what they're doing)
<sad_plan> because we dont use a initramfs, we have to build everything in. thats basically the whole reason. there are obviously usecases where loading modules instead of building them into the kernel is benefitial
<sad_plan> I used that one myself when I started with kiss to. the kernel can be daunting the first few times
<sad_plan> but yes, just using an already existing kernel config like he shows in the video, is way faster than trying to figure out whats needed and not by just shuffling through the menuconfig tbh
<angle> dang ok.
<angle> I'll try that out my first time right here, but I'm curious if anyone here actually knows how to set up the tinyramfs for their kiss instance.
<angle> cause I'm assuming you're gonna need something bigger than the kernel to encrypt your system.
<sad_plan> questions about tinyramfs has been asked here alot lately, so should probably be able to figure out by searching the log
<angle> cool, cool. I can do that.
<sad_plan> i have no clue. I dont have an encrypted install. but using zfs i.e. seems to be somewhat favorable for many reasons
<sad_plan> yes, else just read the available docs, or ask ilt. hes the creator
<angle> I hear a lot about zfs. Is it really that much cooler than ext4 or btrfs?
<angle> My default setup for arch is vfat"/boot"+luks(btrfs"/")
<sad_plan> wether its *cooler* or not, I have no clue. never used it. I only have one disk on my laptop, so I cant really use alot of its features. atleast those I know of. ilt might have a better answer, or just read the archwiki. from what ive read, btrfs is terrible. or people like to say its terrible anyway. slow among other things.
<sad_plan> im sure luks is fine, by iirc, someone complained about its encryption being weak or something
<sad_plan> or slow
<angle> interesting.
<angle> I'll need to learn more about fs than I know.
<sad_plan> theres a comparison on arch wiki, aswell as speed comparisons on youtube and such. should be rather trivial to figure what you wanna know about the fs's youre reasearching
<sad_plan> lots of people have numerous questions regarding fs's. Im not overly convinced a regular user actually notices any difference though
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<sewn> HI
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<raph_ael> phoebos: sewn : i've used gentoo from 2000 to 2004, used crux also, and many other distro, i'm used to things not going easy
<raph_ael> i'm far from 1337 but not a noob discovering linux too
<sewn> you're old wth
<sewn> you were using gentoo while I was still in the balld
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