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<riteo> My gaming journey continues
<riteo> this time, I made an actually presentable patch to joycond:
<riteo> now, even nintendon't is at the mercy of KISS Linux
<riteo> I'm not sure if upstream they're gonna like it or not. I suppose I might try sending it and see what they think
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<sad_plan> emulate switch and show it off to the world, to give a middle finger to nintendont
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<vouivre> I still can't boot with my new installation
<vouivre> at boot I still get a black screen
<vouivre> can the content of dmesg be saved somewhere and I access it after with a chroot ?
<vouivre> it would help to get some informations of a log file
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<sad_plan> vouivre: not that I know of, but lots of things have debug options. you can also increase the printk stuff, so that it should print more messages. are you sure your graphical drivers are all set aswell?
<sad_plan> however, nothing will be printed if graphics and framebuffer stuff is properly set up. and framebuffer should be all set, iirc
<vouivre> sad_plan: I'm not sure about my graphical drivers. Not at all.
<vouivre> I don't know how I can know which driver to load.
<vouivre> I installed kiss from an archlinux installer. I saw some firwares were loaded from the arch installer.
<vouivre> So I add those firmwares in the kernel
<vouivre> I saw from the arch installer that two drivers are loaded for the graphics.
<vouivre> I'm pretty sure they are in my kernel, but I can be wrong.
<vouivre> Maybe one problem: one driver can only be compiled as a module. It's CONFIG_DRM_XE if I remember right.
<vouivre> I had to enable "Kunit - Enable support for unit tests" in order to build CONFIG_DRM_XE in the kernel, and not only as a module
<vouivre> My processors is: Intel Core Ultra 5 Processor 125H
<vouivre> GPU: Intel Arc graphics. But I'm not sure which driver are needed.
<vouivre> sad_plan: do you know if it's always possible to boot without initramfs ?
<vouivre> the archlinux installer boot with initramfs, I don't know if for recent hardware it's sometimes necessary.
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<sad_plan> using a usb to figure it out is somewhat easy. you can copy the config, and do make localyesconfig, which should mark all loaded configs to yes, and ignore those not loaded. its the easier way to get a working system. check the wiki for some kiss specific configs to enable/disable
<sad_plan> booting without initramfs should always be possible, taking into account that the correct drivers are included in the kernel
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<vouivre> sad_plan: thank you. I have something new to try.
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