even with they kernel config it wont run in my kiss build
maybe they build something different but what i can see is not
not really familiar with pipewire nor screencasting, so im of no help :p
still using alsa here C:
yeah lol
i need this shit for working
remote work need screensharing all time
I see
cant you boot up something like chimera untill then?
as a backup atleast :p
gosh no
i tried gentoo for this
but errors again
with glib build
it only builds without introspection on gentoo musl
but firefox need it as a see
have you gotten it to work at all? with something besides kiss
like on arch.. w/e
i dont like this anymore
the problem is too much bloated
arch is systemd
chimera has initramfs
what is something i dont need anymore
well, sure, the idea was if you can get it working *somewhere*, you might be able to figure out a difference
initram just slow the boot up
chimera was suprisingly fast actually. artix however is slow
atleast for me
you mean screencasting?
i managed to work on gentoo musl
not problems at all
even on alpine i managed to get it working
yes, as oposed to keep banging your head against the wall with kiss/gentoo, and not figuring it out
gentoo working great
there you go, use alpine as a reference, and see if you can replicate
the problem now is just build stuff on musl
i cant in alpine
only gentoo?
different ambients
in alpine i used udev
and pipewire for alpine dont rely in libudev-zero
gentoo the same
i just dont know why some folks here get it easily working on but not me lololo
well, that happens from time to time. I have different expiernces from laptop to desktop aswell
but why work in alpine and not in kiss?
like gentoo
same kernel options
because you done goofed someplace.
just the udev thing
then it must be some other config, or buildoption on some pacakge
or riteo and sewn are building other packagesss stuff and just dont tell me what iss
or is making no sense at all
I wouldnt know, but im sure you can find some forumpost someplace, or a wikipage which would help you
sadly no
i searched everywhere
kiss is kinda unique
mdev only
moun in the future
thats what i love in kiss but is that what i hate sometimes lol
cause is getting too much issues
and no good wiki for it
thats the pain of minimalism and niche software
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i would argue that it's not a pain point of kiss but the pain of everything else being complete crap
something something no measure of health something something
midfavila: not gonna argue with that. after using kiss for a long time, i was going to use artix on my old desktop, and was like wtf is this shit
wait until you use plan 9, sad_plan
honestly i kind of hate kiss because it gave me a taste of computers that almost don't suck
lol, ive been wanting to try it for some time, but I just cant wrap my head around what I would use it for. afaik, it lacks a lot of what I would consider essential
now i can't use anything else
I get that
like i'll go to debian
they don't include ed
but they include fucking VIM
* midfavila
clutches their pearls
vim is simply more popular. so I get why they do it
okay but ed is literally part of posix
vim is not
include vi
debian is morally bankrupt at this point anyway
I suppose, if you made a system for a business, where 1/2000 used ed, it might not be reason enough to include ed
ed is also like .00000000000002kb
but yes, ed is part of posix, however not eveyone care for posix
and useful in scenarios where e.g. your terminal is fucked up
ed is infact 88.0K on my system
sbase ed
this is why i fucking hate "open source"
it's always business business business
everything has to be 100% business 100% of the time
you can't just make something that doesn't suck ass
thats where the money is though
i don't fucking care about money
i care about not going grey in my twenties
money is why nobody in my country can afford to eat right now
money is why hundreds of thousands of people around the world constantly have their personal details vacuumed up
and money is why so-called "open source" is complicit in that shit
money is also always the issue, or reason for w/e situation is upon us
wether its war of bankruptcy, or famine
money is the issue because of the economic system we live under prioritising return on investment over literally everything else
i know
and the end result is that everything sucks because nothing is done for simply having a nice thing
you can't just
have a thing
the thing has to make money
even if that makes The Thing demonstrably worse
we have a hospital nearby, which is funded by the goverment, you know, free healthcare and all, for the low low price of taxed to death, and at the end of the year, they have a lot of money left from the budget. I cant help but feel like someone here did not get the full treatment which they might wanted/needed
people overestimate the amount they get taxed
it's a huge issue here
everyone bitches about it and it's such a fucking non-issue
taxation is theft
taxation is the price of living in a society
go live in a hut and do literally everything on your own
perhaps, but it doesnt invalidate the fact that its theft. simply by the fact that its involuntary
even if i agree with that you're presupposing all theft is immoral
could probably argue that > go live in the woods
i disagree
theft is moral in many cases
but shit, its taxes or other fees there too
im only arguing wether tax is theft or not. not wether or not its immoral
morality is kind of the thing that matters
whether it's theft or not is irrelevant
i don't consent to people filling the air with pollution
it shortens my lifespan and makes me miserable
its only theft, by the simple fact that its involuntary. the goverment will threaten you with jail if you dont submit.
and companies will jack up prices and monopolise markets so you're forced to buy from them
that might as well be theft too
except in that case the threat is often
you know
by starvation or exposure
I suppose shorting your life because of profit could be viewed as theft aswell
the whole tax is theft narrative literally only benefits the ruling class
even if you pay 50% of your income in tax, as long as services are provided well using that money and everyone's needs are met, there's nothing wrong with that.
ideally income tax on wages wouldn't exist, though
land-value and corporate tax are more than sufficient
not to mention profit from nationalised industries
but god forbid we do anything in the public sector, that's heckin' commienisms
so yeah in conclusion even if tax is theft, good. based. sick. one might even say tight and/or government-pilled.
tax me harder daddy.
i need a fucking coffee
how does taxation is theft narative benefit the rich exacly?
because they didn't get rich by paying taxes
oh ffs. I just tested speaker-test, to doublecheck if I specified the correct card/device. I did not. got the test working. switched back to oakiss, -- no damn sound
if they can convince a bunch of libertarians that the Government:tm: is the bad guy and tax is bad then they'll go out and lobby the government to, ofc, cut taxes
I get that, but if they still dont have to pay taxes, how would that make a difference?
because what we should be doing is lobbying for tax reform to close loopholes and prevent the rich from becoming as such in the first place
nobody earns tens of millions of dollars off of merit
that's complete bunkum
evening the odds basically. the riches is so terribly scewed atm
it's all chaff, is what i'm saying
yeah income inequality is obscene right now.
some people have so much that they cant even spend it. while the rest cant even put food on the table
even if you pull the 'umm ackchooully sweaty their wealth is in illiquid assets' card that's still bullshit
because they either a) get returns or b) can liquidate it
and those returns they get are just the excess value produced by the employees of a given firm
so you wanna talk about theft, profit is theft mores othan tax
investors don't earn shit
not gonna argue about that. theres theft in several forms in our society. tax is just one of them
okay but stating facts in a vacuum is a waste of time
nobody actually cares about whether tax is theft on an abstract level
the question is one of morality
probably not, but I still find joy in pointing it out to people, because some people are somewhat baffled by the whole deal, or just straight up denies it
well unless you're going to have an actual conversation about it you probably shouldn't
because you're just wasting people's time
sorry not sorry
im having fun, so profit for me in any case
god i hope the UAW general strike in 2028 happens
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is there anyone here how just build kiss from repo and community?
without any changes
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yes me
can you test if kiss-dbus get screensharing in flatpak firefox or ungoogled chromium?
i wanna see if is just me or am i crazy
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* dth0x
noob still compiling xorg-server since yesterday
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I swear asimov screensharing is the best plot arch of #kisslinux rn
I really wanna see them win just for their sheer dedication
asimov you can do it, I believe in you
riteo: he's refusing to report his actual problem
his pipewire is broken
with logs
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sewn: i actually make a issue in their gitlab
know i thinking if acpid can the a problem in this
i dont even run it
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don't forget the irc
which brings attention
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sewn: yeah i sended in the irc too but no answers
its truly over
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i just need someone who has builded kiss in the same exact way i did
and test it
if works thats a problem with my computer
if not works then something is missing
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dth0x: are you online?
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finally a reasonable usecase for a server. transfering a new album from phone to laptop. because I cant rsync to laptop from phone when tethering
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asimov: please be patient; many people are enjoying their holidays
asoijasdfhadsfoasdhfasdoifhasfoiih they quit this exact moment