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<midfavila> aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa jesus fucking christ on a crucifix im going to hunt down whoever keeps changing interfaces and slap the shit out of them
<midfavila> every two fucking years someone has to come along and change the userspace utilities in the linux world because REASONS
<midfavila> trying to adjust this old iptables tutorial on NAT'ing together two local interfaces so i can set up my uconsole to have a hotspot mode
<midfavila> since i got 4g running earlier today
<midfavila> idea being i nat together wwan and wlan and then set wlan into ap mode using hostapd
<midfavila> hostapd works fine, super easy, short key-value config file
<midfavila> setting up the modem, also super easy
<midfavila> i've done that before and it's really just a matter of poking it with hayes commands until it's been initialized
<midfavila> found this article from like maybe six years ago on nating interfaces with iptables, go through, and it spits out that it's incapable of like, literally anything
<midfavila> so i poke at it some more and decide to try out nftables and now it wants this bigass fucking configuration file or almost twice as many commands as iptables did, each command being twice as fucking long, and completely opaque unless you've memorized the fifty thousand page manual from red hat
<midfavila> fuck maybe i'm just getting filtered but my god
<midfavila> coming from kiss for 2+ years to trying to use debian/ubuntu is making me want to tear my spinal cord out
<midfavila> kiss is like, i tell compooper to do thing, compooper does thing. does it the same way every time. but debian? noooooooo debian is so fucking special it needs to have five different ways of doing things, two of which are deprecated, two of which aren't recommended for enduser applications, and the remaining one is only documented in some obscure rando's mailing list post
<midfavila> i wanna update kiss? sure thing boss, wait a few while i compile it. beep boop done. debian can't even manage an in-place mfing update
<midfavila> and deblets actually *defend* this horseshit
<midfavila> fuck man i give up im going to put kiss-reform on pause and figure out how to port kiss to the uconsole
<midfavila> main challenge is figuring out how tf the arm boot process and uboot and stuff works...
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<riteo> oof I feel you
<riteo> had the network go down and I wanted to use my phone as another route but in the end I just gave up and changed dhcpcd to do the heavy work for me
<midfavila> rip
<riteo> I'm actually a bit unsure on why it refused to work with the same commands I use on kiss
<riteo> like, it's still ip address and ip route
<midfavila> ngl i have no idea
<riteo> but it just pooped itself over some syntax I couldn't understand
<midfavila> ive almost never used ip
<riteo> is ip standard
<midfavila> i mean none of the network interfaces are standard because it's not posix
<midfavila> but ip is the norm in modern linux
<midfavila> idk about bsd
<midfavila> i prefer ifconfig
<riteo> might've been just me being hasty
<riteo> oh well
<midfavila> it doesn't swamp you with info and options and net-tools/inetutils break things out into discrete tools instead of having one or two super-tools
<riteo> it's still way more painful to do anything on a complex modern distro than on kiss, I experienced that too in other instances
<riteo> I'll take note of ifconfig
<riteo> isn't it like obsolete though
<midfavila> yeah but so is sysvinit according to poopian and shit hat
<midfavila> and like fuck those guys
<riteo> I see
<midfavila> sysvinit is way fuckin faster and easier to work with in my experience
<riteo> well yeah because it does just a few things
<midfavila> lots of so-called obsolete things have plenty of value left in them
<riteo> systemd has a shitload of extremely complicated features
<midfavila> yes and that's why it'll never be on my systems willingly
<midfavila> it takes like
<midfavila> no joke
<midfavila> a minute and a half for my uconsole to poweroff
<riteo> I can't speak on how many of those weird features are actually useful on regular desktops
<riteo> maybe on servers they have a purpose
<midfavila> the r01 is weak asf, to be sure - like, pentium 2 tier - but that's still wildly fast for what i do
<midfavila> there's no reason it should stall during shutdown
<riteo> oof yeah that's for sure
<riteo> I was talking about super duper badass servers
<riteo> you know, red hat doing red hat business
<riteo> (servers and shit)
<midfavila> idk i think it's just a pain in the ass all around
<riteo> fair
<midfavila> if you need an insanely complex scaffolding to get something relatively simple to work maybe your methods are flawed
<midfavila> that's how i view it
<riteo> Yeah I understand
<midfavila> fundamentally i don't think the way people have used computers has seriously changed since the mid 90s multimedia and internet revolutions
<riteo> just trying to see things in good faith
<midfavila> yeah yeah for sure
<midfavila> idk im tired
<midfavila> xwx
<riteo> yeah nw
<midfavila> long day
<riteo> I've been awake all night too
<midfavila> cycled like 20-25km in 30c+ heat
<riteo> oh lol not that kind of exercise
<midfavila> then carried a bunch of crap up two flights of stairs and im just
<midfavila> brain't
<riteo> this is my last "free person" summer, this year I finished high school
<midfavila> :OOOO
<midfavila> they grow up so fast
<riteo> I'll go to uni from now on so I've went completely apeshit this whole summer
<riteo> x3
<midfavila> our little ravioli is all grown up into lasagna now
<riteo> I'm a big kid now
<midfavila> into the wage cage you go
<riteo> yup
<midfavila> prepare to have your soul systematically extracted from your body
<riteo> *chef kiss*
<riteo> mamma mia, I like a good extraction, just like with tomato sauce
<midfavila> idk not a fan of tomato sauce
<midfavila> kinda gross
<riteo> yeah nw
<riteo> it's because you smash tomatoes and like boil them
<riteo> "passata" it's called here
<midfavila> fascinating :o
<riteo> maybe espresso was a better joke
<midfavila> oh oh oh i know that word!!!!
<riteo> hehe
<midfavila> you need to use simple words riteo i'm a north american
<riteo> yeah I know
<midfavila> i can't know more than like two things about other parts of the world
<midfavila> :p
<riteo> nw nw
<riteo> friendly reminder that fettucine alfredo aren't even remotely a thing in italy
<riteo> like I have no idea where they came from
<midfavila> still looking at europe tho if things keep going downhill here
<midfavila> fwiw i dont eat much pasta
<midfavila> i eat lots of ramen though ig
<riteo> yummy
<midfavila> i got like 10kg of noods for maybe 20 bucks a while ago
<midfavila> of wheat noodles
<riteo> gotta make a good broth though if you're preparing them yourself
<midfavila> yeah
<riteo> asian food is super yummy
<midfavila> i need to pick up ingredients for miso as a base but it's hard to find exotic ingredients here
<riteo> tried online?
<midfavila> i can't afford that gosh
<riteo> oof
<midfavila> who do you think i am the king?
<midfavila> :p
<riteo> well I thought it wouldn't make much difference, taking the shipment out of the equation
<midfavila> my food budget is like 200 a month, that's just enough for me to afford a little meat with my potatoes
<riteo> ouch that sucks
<midfavila> still better than new brunswick though :D
<riteo> can't wait to feel the small food budget experience :')
<midfavila> like 12$ for one chicken breast there
<midfavila> yeah youre gonna starve
<riteo> supposing I get my ass kicked I suppose
<midfavila> pizza six times a week instead of seven, oh nooooooooo
<riteo> also, isn't like IT stuff well payed?
<midfavila> lmao no
<midfavila> not if youre a grunt
<midfavila> i make 36k a year before tax
<riteo> how do non IT people live
* riteo sweats
<midfavila> they dont
<midfavila> :D
<midfavila> they either cram into an apartment with ten other people or they die
<midfavila> canada moment
<riteo> pain
<midfavila> the NA experience ngl
<riteo> livin the dream
<midfavila> grass is always greener and all that but europe seems way nicer
<midfavila> you can like
<midfavila> e x i s t
<riteo> lmao
<midfavila> seriously!
<midfavila> i can't go five fucking feet without having a near death experience here
<midfavila> it's insane
<riteo> feels bad folk
* riteo hugs
<midfavila> you can't walk or cycle anywhere without facing down death and public transit is almost non existent and everything costs a million dollars and aa
<midfavila> and then i hear from like
<midfavila> my bulgarian friend
<midfavila> and he makes like 3000euro a month working remotely in germany
<riteo> oh still YMMV
<midfavila> but his CoL for a super swanky setup in sofia, their capitol, is maybe 500euro
<riteo> like in italy it's all a mess too, perhaps not in the libertarian american way
<midfavila> yeah ive seen videos
<midfavila> :P
<riteo> great xD
<riteo> but yeah the cool european states look hyper comfy
<midfavila> the hundreds of people totally just doing a roman salute to commmorate someone or something
<midfavila> totally normal italian behaviour
<riteo> except the super comfy *and* pricy kind
<midfavila> i assume its part of your culture
<midfavila> :p
<riteo> ohhhh yeah those are the people in charge right now, as you can see totally not fascist or something :D
<midfavila> idk everything is fucked
<midfavila> shit's fucked fuck's shit
<riteo> unironically we got the most rightwight people in charge right now
<riteo> multiple allegations of fascism
<midfavila> 1989 1075430 dead cops im the trash man we live in a society etc
<riteo> things will get better for sure
<midfavila> not in canada lmao
<midfavila> our next prime marketer wants to turn canada into cryptoland and revoke our charter of rights for the express purpose of punishing criminals
<midfavila> which im sure wont lead to anything
<riteo> you can still change country then ;)
<midfavila> oh but our current prime marketer did a great antoinette impression the other day
<riteo> might take some work but might be less than bearing the new canada
<midfavila> "let them eat cake" vs "we got the donuts"
<riteo> OOF
<riteo> that's... very american, if I may
<midfavila> truly a stellar thing to say to a person mentioning how they cant afford healthcare to you, j u s t i n
<midfavila> great job, j u s t i n
<midfavila> also he bragged about free trade which results in most blue collar manufacturing jobs getting sent overseas... to a guy working at a steel refinery
<midfavila> which, great job there, too
<midfavila> this is all within thirty seconds
<riteo> that's embarassing
<midfavila> also happened on the heels of breaking a massive simultaneous rail strike on the *eve* of our labour day
<midfavila> but i cant say i expect anything else from our pm
<riteo> sounds lovely
<midfavila> same guy who declared a climate emergency and then approved an LNG pipeline the next day
<riteo> /s
<riteo> sorry took me 10 tries to send the sarcasm thing
<midfavila> also said that aboriginal reconciliation was a priority and then took a vacation on the first reconciliation day
<riteo> "this message looks like a command" I KNOW LET ME SEND IT
<riteo> lmaooo
<midfavila> filtered :3
<riteo> I know I shouldn't find this funny but it's really embarassing
<midfavila> it is
<riteo> like it sounds like some sort of parody
<midfavila> his approval rating is like 20-25%
<riteo> can't make this stuff up
<midfavila> and dropping
<midfavila> they might lose official status at this rate
<riteo> wait did he like get in charge recently?
<riteo> how did he get in charge in the first place?
<midfavila> weed
<riteo> legalization?
<midfavila> and electoral reform promises
<midfavila> yes
<riteo> smh my head
<riteo> couldn't they just do a petition or something
<midfavila> we got the weed but not th reform
<midfavila> lmao we've tried
<midfavila> multiple times
<riteo> lmao
<riteo> got too busy after legalizing weed and got bored of doing the reform
<midfavila> citizens have tried, the opposition has tried, the supporting party has strongly rebuked them and threatened withdrawing support
<midfavila> no
<midfavila> he just feared "fringe beliefs" being represented
<midfavila> which
<midfavila> what happened to diversity being our strength,
<midfavila> J U S T I N
<riteo> the joke was that they smoked the weed
<riteo> got it
<midfavila> yeah ik
<riteo> anyways, really, in one way or another you'll find you happy place and get comfy for sure
<riteo> the road is still long ahead, don't give up so soon
<riteo> stay safe mid <3
<midfavila> themk
<midfavila> i do hafta sleep soon
<midfavila> hopefully stuff works out for you too
<riteo> thank you
<riteo> have a good night :D
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<midfavila> apparently the source code you need to build linux for the allwinner d1 cpu is locked behind an NDA in violtaion of the GPL
<midfavila> :|
<midfavila> violation even
<midfavila> although someone put it up on github it looks like
<riteo> I'm quite sure that the NDA is garbage then :D
<riteo> 1. if they put it up on github it's their issue, NDA-wise
<riteo> 2. I think that the NDA is void anyways since they made a derivative of a gnu product
<riteo> *gpl