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<synima> Do you guys setup a kiss build file for suckless based applications?
<synima> That have the config files in the build directory
<synima> Just curious on the best way to have em configured
<L29Ah> yeah, in gentoo we have /etc/portage/savedconfig for that
<ilt> you usually put config.h into the files directory of a package. see sinit for example. if you need to modify config.h, fork package and modify it.
<synima> Thank you friend
<synima> Will never use gentoo, nasty
<synima> A large repo is bloat
<synima> Many available packages are bloat even if not installed on my system
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<sad_plan> hi
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<sewn> hi sad_plan
<sewn> where havve u been
<sad_plan> at home. playing video games
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<sewn> sad_plan: wahat r u playing
<sad_plan> ancestors: legacy. a viking rts game
<sewn> aweosme
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<sad_plan> yeah, I like it.
<sad_plan> I think its available on pc. if you wanna try it I mean. Im playing it on ps4 though
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<kmf> did kisslinux give anybody else an existential crisis?
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<sewn> kmf: elaborate
<sewn> how would it give you an existential crisis? in the sense that it gives you too much control, bringing you to think about a higher deity?
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