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<farkuhar> midfavila: no need to switch to mastodon if you want to vent, there are plenty of IRC channels where off-topic rants will find a more receptive audience. #crux-social, for example.
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<riteo> heyheyhey!
<riteo> i'm back!
<riteo> how is it going dear kissers
<sad_plan> riteo: very good. recently tossed pkgconf in the gargbage, and switched it out with u-config. rughly half the size :D
<sad_plan> hbu
<riteo> u-what!?
<riteo> I'm intrigued
<riteo> regarding me news: I just started university!
<riteo> I'm a big kid now :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDd
<sad_plan> u-config :D
<sad_plan> awesome :D
<riteo> this sounds very cool!
<riteo> > support existing pkg-config based builds, not make more of them
<riteo> why though, is there even an alternative to pkgconf?
<sad_plan> pkgconf is a smaller alternative to pkg-config. pkg-config seems to be the standard format afaik. u-config is just a simpler implementation, with less of the features
<sad_plan> s/simpler/even simpler/
<sad_plan> u-config is just shy of 3500k loc, whereas pkgconf is just shy of 44k
<sad_plan> id say this is in the idea of 80% of functionality, with 20% of code
<sad_plan> much like cproc as an example
<riteo> I'm wondering if the author is just a source-based-distro user or if they're like against pkg-config as a concept
<riteo> thinking about it are there even alternatives?
<fultilt> sad_plan: I assume you meant 3.5kloc for u-config?
<sad_plan> fultilt: correct. my bad
<sad_plan> riteo: some packages has an alternative way of finding headers/libraries. i know some xlibs do this with custom variables
<sad_plan> I did made an attempt of purging pkgconf altogether, but iirc, I ran in to more issues building things than I initially wanted. so I reverted.
<sad_plan> riteo: he seems to be a windows user, or favor windows or something. but he also seems to value portablity above all. all of his projects lists highly portabe in his describtion
<riteo> that's interesting
<riteo> portability is a nice concern
<sad_plan> > My preferred operating system is Debian
<sad_plan> I stand corrected
<sad_plan> but yes, portability is a nice goal
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