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<midfavila> synima would you not use memset
<midfavila> like in the shell itself
<midfavila> you could modify it to forcibly zero the memory occupied by the variable before unbinding it or w/e
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<synima> Is it even possible to have two partitions in the tinyramfs config?
<synima> Can I just add multiple luks_root and luks_name ?
<synima> I'll go ahead and try it, hopefully it initializes them in the same order as in the configuration file, I'll make the home part decrypt with a key file somewhere in the root filesystem
<ilt> you can't
<ilt> to decrypt home you need init hook
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<synima> Is there any documentation on setting up tinyramfs? ilt , fairly confused with all this lol
<ilt> there are man pages
<ilt> but I afraid they won't help you much if you don't have extensive *nix knowledge
<sewn> hi noocsharp
<testuser[m]> hi
<sewn> hi testuser[m]
<icebarf> hi sewn
<sewn> hi icy
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<sewn> how does kiss replace coreutils if its actively executing coreutil commands?
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<ilt> as usual, using mv/cp
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<sewn> ilt: looking at kiss, it copies the files (if present), then copies again
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<synima> yeah ilt, the man pages weren't the greatest lol
<synima> So I just modify these two files?
<synima> I'll just use crypttab for the second part, but what is the luks header?
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<synima> Dont need it it seems
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<sewn> swag
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<synima> Hello<3 currently stuck on "Loading Linux 6.1.71" and I'm making a sorta educated guess and saying its because I saw that the tinyramfs.IMG file I made wasnt referenced in the grub config at all
<synima> Actually, would the kernel send output before the initramfs?
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<sad_plan> hi
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