phoebos changed the topic of #kisslinux to: Unnofficial KISS Linux community channel | | post logs or else | song of the day
<asimovsh> I don't think so
<asimovsh> My profile is just normal
<asimovsh> If anyone sees a problem in my .profile that is related to that issue
<illiliti> what's inside ashrc?
<illiliti> Guest59: post log
<Guest59> which logs?
<illiliti> you say it's spamming. you want to know what
<illiliti> I want*
<asimovsh> illiliti: nothing
<Guest59> yeah i can boot up and i can see the text (thanks for the advice) but it like spams wpa_supplicant as soon as it boots up. i can ctrl+c it, but it keeps spamming to the point to where its too fast to log in. honestly the first thing i was going to do was stop the service and go from there
<asimovsh> Its normal in kiss
<asimovsh> you can just log normally
<asimovsh> the problem is that it override the text in prompt
<asimovsh> But not the prompt
<Guest59> oh ok
<asimovsh> just enter u user and will appear the password prompt
<Guest59> ok thank you just let me disable the service so maybe i could stop the spamming but if i can just log in normally then its fine
<asimovsh> yeah is fine
<asimovsh> is a "problem" in kiss since a update
<Guest59> oh that makes a bit more sense
<asimovsh> all services have this log
<asimovsh> illiliti: have any solution for this problem too?
<illiliti> i'm still curious what exacly it prints to you since just wpa_supplicant is too vague
<ukky> asimovsh: I had similar issue with 'double enter' in terminal. But I am not using sway, nor foot, nor kiss.
<asimovsh> illiliti: i think he is telling about the logs
<asimovsh> ukky: u solved this?
<Guest59> i solved the wpa_supplicant problem. i just disabled the service for now but i now have a kiss system!
<ukky> yes. But I am using Xterm, with regular X server.
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<ukky> asimovsh: It seems foot does not have such option as Xterm, 'Enable Auto Linefeed'
<ukky> the issue with any runit service being respawn is either service goes into background, or terminates.
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<midfavila> fucking hell
<midfavila> i thought that shift would never end
<midfavila> i hope none of you ever have to work retail
* midfavila dies
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<asimovsh> Bro
<asimovsh> are u people building firefox okay?
<asimovsh> I can't
<sad_plan> midfavila: I also hope I never have to work in retail
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<asimovsh> hey someone have a guide or a .config for activing touchspad in kernel?
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<asimovsh> Yo
<asimovsh> I having a problem with alsa
<asimovsh> can someone help me?
<asimovsh> i can't acess the cards without root
<asimovsh> forget
<asimovsh> i just forgot to add user do audiou group lol
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<sewn> hi
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<asimovsh> hi sewn
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<sad_plan> hi
<asimovsh> sad_plan: hi
<sad_plan> asimovsh: try to enable CONFIG_MOUSE_PS2_SYNAPTICS for your trackpad. its what I use
<sad_plan> aswell as CONFIG_MOUSE_PS2_SYNAPTIC_SMBUS
<sad_plan> s/SYNAPTICS/SYNAPTIC/ on the first one
<sad_plan> wait, not it was an s on the end
<sad_plan> s/not/no/
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