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<ehawkvu> l0wigh: webkit2gtk is in a strange spot atm
<ehawkvu> I haven't had a successful build in a while - however some people have had success w/ building, namely kyx0r & hovercats
<ehawkvu> there is an open issue on kiss-xorg about it
<ehawkvu> but for a browser that isn't firefox or chromium, palemoon does still work, although you'll need to get python2 to build it
<riteo> $ cat /sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/cycle_count
<riteo> 69
<riteo> hehe
<riteo> I think I'm doing a better job with the battery for now, let's see how long it stays healthy
<ehawkvu> riteo: for me its 578
<ehawkvu> although I've had this laptop for ~5 years now
<riteo> ehawkvu: well you treated it right
<riteo> I had like 1000+ on my 3 years old battery
<riteo> I really hammered it hard
<riteo> had to change it a few months ago
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<sad_plan> L0Wigh: havent seen that error before, but you can bump to latest realese (2.46.5). have a look at for some detaitls. the pr hasnt been made yet
<sad_plan> and see if the issue persists
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<asimov> hi guys
<asimov> anyone here is using dbin?
<asimov> sounds nice
<asimov> is like a flatpak for static linked?
<sad_plan> asimov: not that im aware of. but seeing as its all statically linked, im curious.
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<l0wigh> Is there any way to find prebuilt binaries for surf or firefox ? I feel like I'll never be able to build them properly x)
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<sad_plan> firefox, you could probably use alpines. with some adjuestments I assume. surf? maybe not, but again, alpine has webkit prebuilt, so you could use that instead, and build surf yourself
<sad_plan> were you able to build webkit?
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<l0wigh> not with xorg repo
<l0wigh> I guess I should try the alpines one. I would prefer testing surf and then go for firefox or palemoon if something isn't right. I guess I could go for this
<sad_plan> did you check out the issue I linked and attempt at a later build?
<sad_plan> maybe youll be able to build webkit with that. ive had issues with webkit before, and not been able to build several versions, and all of a sudden, it works again.
<sad_plan> in any case, to use webkit from alpine, youll likely end up with some undefined references. so youll to figure out how to fix those aswell.
<l0wigh> can you link it again, I probably missed that message ?
<l0wigh> seems like a pain to fix the undefined ref....
<l0wigh> also, how do I extract an apk file from the alpine repos ? x)
<l0wigh> ohhh... tar seems to work
<l0wigh> ok victory ! firefox started.... I have to add the installation process to my custom kiss repo
<sad_plan> heres the issue i mentioned
<sad_plan> apk files is just gziped files, so gzip -dc *.apk | tar -xf - will work. which you already figured out :p
<sad_plan> youd have to manually extract the apk file inside the buildscript btw
<sad_plan> you also have to add %noextract or something in source file. lemme doublecheck
<sad_plan> no, its ?no-extract
<sad_plan> soo; in sources
<sad_plan> this way, kiss will not try to extract it for you. because it wont work anyway
<sad_plan> wait. do we not have to do that anymore? seeing as it wasnt used in xkeyboard-config before after all? phoebos
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<l0wigh> I just did an update in my custom repo, everything works fine without ?no-extract
<l0wigh> also, I did try to install webkit2gtk through alpine package method and yes, it fails to build surf because of undefined references...
<sad_plan> nice. figured as much. webkit has lots of deps..
<l0wigh> strangely it requires which... should be installed right ?
<l0wigh> oh my bad... libc.musl
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<l0wigh> Ok let's recap everything. Expect for some specific stuff that can be a mess to build. My KISS Linux config seems to come close to an end. When everything is setup and I did my personnal guide/repos. I'll do a final clean install. I love KISS Linux and also you guys. You are always there to help, that's awesome.
<l0wigh> Still needs to figure out a way to install surf dependancies (aka webkit2gtk... seems like kyx0r repo might be the answer to this) and I'll be good to go. (Or I might even go for palemoon, still needs to figure out how to find python2 source... xD)
<sad_plan> musl doesnt provide a libmusl. libc and others is provided. libmusl isnt anything to my knowledge
<sad_plan> I have a build of surf in my repo aswell. but surf is terribly simple to build. why does it fail? whats the cause? maybe you can provide a log?
<sad_plan> its probably something as simple as a sed to fix it
<sad_plan> im guessing you have webkit 4.1. surf will have wekbit 4.0 by default. doing a simple `sed '4.0/4.1/g' > _; mv -f _`
<sad_plan> should fix the issue
<sad_plan> alpine provides webkit-4.1, so this is likely the issue. unless something else is off here
<l0wigh> I did fixed the webkit 4.0 -> 4.1. It's webkit that gives error when referencing other lib that aren't on the system. Let me give a log
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<l0wigh> here is the log
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<sad_plan> youre missing several libraries. theyre listed on top
<sad_plan> use to find what alpine package is missing. easier this way
<sad_plan> list look up the name, and itll give you the package name
<l0wigh> yeah that's what I saw. I'll give it a shoot later so that I can add everything in my repo. thanks !
<sad_plan> no problem
<l0wigh> Honestly, one of the frienliest linux community I saw. Thanks to everyone for this project
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<sad_plan> what use is all of this if we're hostile? linux is about learning. we wont learn if we're all hostile against each other
<sad_plan> atleast, thats my opinion
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<l0wigh> you are definitly right. but sometimes people forget that we might miss something and ends up asking *dumb* questions...
<l0wigh> that kind of why I don't really like the hyprland dev. it seems like his ego got out of hands sometimes.
<l0wigh> he is one of the reason why I currently run my own WM
<sad_plan> helping lesses knowledgable users can be tedious. and it goes around and around and around forever, with moslty the same questions. so I do get why people grow tired of newbie comming in and asking all these stupid questions. but newbies will remain newbies for longer of people are reluctant to give them a hand
<sad_plan> do you have a link to said wm?
<l0wigh> and well, oh no, adding the missing libs, created a whole new missing libs chain x)
<l0wigh> I guess I'll forget about surf for now. I'll try to compile it from kyx0r while I'm sleeping
<l0wigh> oh my bad, surf isn't present in kyx0r
<l0wigh> so I guess it's dead for now
<l0wigh> oh it's the webkit2gtk that can be installed from kyx0r
<sad_plan> nice. ill have a look.
<sad_plan> kyx0rs surf is in his klec repo. not his kiss repo
<sad_plan> and yes, he also has webkit, same as me. i thing he adjusted it to match mine
<sad_plan> s/thing/think/
<l0wigh> It feels like it compiles way slower than the one in echawk repo (might be an illusion)
<l0wigh> screenshot of the current setup (completely inspired by DWM default style) :
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<sad_plan> hm. dunno about that. maybe it does. software has a tendency to grow larger over time.
<sad_plan> nice and clean
<l0wigh> sad_plan: what wm/compositor are you using right now ?