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<Ermine> Well, 500 tunables is a lot and it's overwhelming
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<Ermine> Also reminds me of how modern hardware has calibration registers which you need to fill properly to make the most of device's capabilities
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<cloudowind> poor registers of this little lenovo helix 2 , core m 5y71 been abused since lastnight , 3th time today 2 times lasnight had to compile the whole kernel with 2 cores keep stable around 60-65ish degrees
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<cloudowind> it feels weird that these cpus doesnt equipped with cooler fans
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<mpetch> Kudos to those who tried to help ThatOSDeveloper . I had helped him in the past when his project was called something else. I think since he was in here yesterday that he's taken a step backward: https://github.com/SlugOS/SlugOS/blob/bdda831d37692176e0caf16badb6d789934d47c6/kernel/kernel/init/interrupt/isr.s . He no longer pushes anything in his
<mpetch> exception handlers. I believe with exceptions/interrupts he may have hit a limit to his understanding of C/Assembly and may not have an understanding the x86 architecture and how interrupts work.
<bslsk05> ​github.com: SlugOS/kernel/kernel/init/interrupt/isr.s at bdda831d37692176e0caf16badb6d789934d47c6 · SlugOS/SlugOS · GitHub
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<geist> mpetch: yeah, agreed
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<cloudowind> ive got very well working partioning , installing and bootloader installing programscript written with bash , works on both uefiefi and bios/mbr , it saves me a lot of time while developing and testing stuff on real hardware
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<cloudowind> soon i will move on to a package manager , the installer script is 993 lines , i will do the package manager with python
<cloudowind> probably nothing compared to what you so far achieved , buts its a nice step for me , goodays to you all good night to me :D
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<sortie> cloudowind, that's awesome :)
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<heat> Ermine, fwiw 500 tunables was hyperbole
<heat> but there are damn good bunch of tunables and the system has a lot of moving parts
<heat> particularly when it comes to stuff like buffer size autotuning which is absolutely essential for non-crap performance in many cases
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<Ermine> heat: in any case, I haven't comprehended network tuning guides which were sent to me in #kernelnewbies yet
<heat> yeah networking is hard
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<Ermine> though moving to a dual core vps seems like better option
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<cloudowind> thank you sortie , youre awesome :/ goodays people
<pog> hi
<cloudowind> heya pog how are you doing
<pog> sleepy
<pog> much coding today
<pog> body hurt from lift heavy thing
<bslsk05> ​i.imgur.com <no title>
<zid> lift more heavy thing
<pog> dang i need that fit
<pog> thigh high lether stiletto boots
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<cloudowind> dont lift too heavy which has developed hemmeroids on me , careful
<pog> owie
<heat> if hemorrhoids are required to BE FUCKING RIPPED BRAH then owie it is
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<cloudowind> pog are you gog?
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<ring0_starr> excuse me he's my little pogchamp
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* Ermine gives pog a piece of cheese
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* pog is fascinated
<pog> cloudowind: yes i am gog
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<zid> pog: I just learned about recency bias, it'smy favourite thing ever
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<pog> zid: you mean memoization?
<pog> that's an optimization technique
<heat> memeization
<zid> pog: Are you trying to jaslight me
<pog> yes
<the_oz_> poggers
<heat> jazzlight you mean?
<zid> no it's always been jaslight
<ring0_starr> what's that, inventing a new term to describe something else, and then use it profusely?
<heat> are you sure zid? i feel like you're jazzlighting me
<zid> heat_irl
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<heat> amen
<pog> i'm osdevving
<pog> i don't feel like webdevving
<ring0_starr> yeah it's really good that we have the term memoization to mean caching
<ring0_starr> never would've been able to work if we had just one term for something
<pog> in webdev they're sort of distinct concepts
<pog> memoization is more local than cache
<pog> cache usually refers to a distributed cache of some sort like redis
<pog> unless you mean browser sdie
<ring0_starr> oh, so it comes from web dev
<pog> i think so?
<pog> idk
<ring0_starr> see web devs are so divorced from the rest of the field, they invented their own version of computer science and acted like they're new pioneers discovering things
<pog> yeahhhh
<ring0_starr> they dont need no data types
<ring0_starr> they dont need no performance
<ring0_starr> all they know is (a + b)^2 == a^2 + b^2
<pog> well i'm a c# programmer primarily so i absolutely care about data types and performance
<pog> a^2 + b^2 + 2ab
<ring0_starr> ah who cares computers will get faster in a couple years
<ring0_starr> theyll be doing our algebra for us
<pog> i tried this jetbrains ide thing because somebody recommended it to me and it gave me these stupid, conflicting suggestions to "improve" my code
<pog> AI
<pog> i immediately stopped using that shit
<ring0_starr> github wants me to try out codepilot to "code 50% faster"
<ring0_starr> copilot whatever
<ring0_starr> GOTTA GO FAST
<heat> caching is so generic that it sucks as a term
<ring0_starr> zoomzoomzoomzoom
<heat> memoization is a specific type of caching
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<pog> i don't want to code faster i want to code better
<heat> more applied to pure functions and in specific algorithms
<heat> not "haha i cached your io!!!"
<ring0_starr> it's a very catche phrase tho
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<heat> >The term memoization was coined by Donald Michie in 1968
<heat> totes webdev
<ring0_starr> i've literally only heard of it starting a few months ago.
<ring0_starr> almost feels as though somebody were making shit up to confuse people
<the_oz_> lisp/haskell guys almost have it for free
<froggey> ring0_starr: isn't that recency bias?
<ring0_starr> you can take any aspect of life that happens and label it as some kind of "bias"
<the_oz_> but only recently
<ring0_starr> also what's funny is that, if you had some sort of game, you could feasibly rig it and then label the biases you introduce as the observer's biases
<zid> heat: gummi worms have more bones in than a normal worm.
<heat> damn thats deep
<the_oz_> you have introduced bias into the science by defining observer as an agent as opposed to the real definition that is anything which collapses the quantum effects. I call it the mistaken bias
* pog hands a piece of cheese to froggey
* froggey is fascinated
<pog> i forgot what i was doing in this osdevving but i'm resisting very hard starting from scratch
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<ring0_starr> hmmm
<ring0_starr> but doesn't the entire concept of object permanence "collapse quantum effects"?
<the_oz_> uh, no, that's the point of the experiment
<ring0_starr> not sure i understand
<ring0_starr> if something leaves your field of view, it's possible that it could have exited the world by going into some kind of inter-dimensional wormhole, is it not?
<the_oz_> light passes through a pinhole and into your eye bouncing off a reflective surface
<ring0_starr> and it's also possible that it's just in a different room
<ring0_starr> and it's also possible that it never existed in the first place
<ring0_starr> just a figment of imagination
<ring0_starr> we must preserve entropy AT ALL COSTS
<ring0_starr> "living"? what's that
<the_oz_> that you can see the wave behavior despite "permanence" is why the experiment even is
<ring0_starr> you never actually saw the wave behavior. it was just a halluciation. all in your head. that never happened.
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<nikolar> what did i miss
<kof673> i$ d$ $ing that is more of an abbreviation though
<kof673> and then no$psx you see, was a statement about the lack of cache on that particular mips cpu
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<kof673> so, for ~2101 strings -> integer lookup i was doing a few weeks back, i have 5 versions now :D option 1, 108k test program, 2101 strcmp() statements option 2, 116k, gperf option 3, same as option 2, but "encoded" strings, but about same size with extra code needed option 4: insert into critical bit tree at run-time, 329k binary...serialized form could pre-generate and cut this down surely option 5: 72k, one giant conti
<kof673> guous 'binary string' and then just search that with memmem(), a smarter "encoding" could probably reduce 10k or more.
<kof673> anyways, i can't imagine beating gperf on speed, but i did beat it on size with option 5...no idea if it is too slow or not...
<ring0_starr> you gotta prefetchnta it into the $$$$$$$$$
<heat> nikolar, quantum physics apparently
<kof673> option 4 has 'startup overhead' too, but i have not measured any of these, just verify they all work
<kof673> i just have scripts generate all these, of course
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<kof673> they all seem to be "instant" so perhaps does not matter, i just did not like the size needed :/
<nikolar> heat, that's a lot
<zid> ofc he missed it, he knew exactly how fast it was going