heat reads logs or similar, so you can badmouth him while he's "gone" and he will be fine with it, you are not talking behind his back
fsf stuff i never had a problem with, but it is all assuming their are courts and "law" in place, that they are followed, that the normal person has access to them, etc.
and AFAIK because they let an organization/company/corporation/group be an "individual" ....they are presumably just following "the law"....one can argue for or against that, but i am unaware of any license that does not allow that
so an "individual" can "share" amongst itself and this is not "distribution" -- is this the intended behavior, or just a quirk of "the law" allowing various group entities to be "individuals" ? "you are individuals!" -- <chanting> we are all individuals! </chanting> </monty python>
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yes , even our names are pointers they point to us:)
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geist probably pssed of with our offtopic chat:) i need to finish this installer script anyway , wishing you the best one today
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nah i'm not an angry person
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volunteers are more oppressed by gnu/fsf than supported; and big corporate employees obviously don't need support from fsf
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* nur
wants to travel soon after 5 years of not leaving the country, or even my house. I wonder if there any osdev meetups
twitter: <AviSchiffmann> Microsoft has never made a good product. Windows is absolutely dogshit - its only use case is to play video games but even then just get a playstation.   Github is kinda cool but they didn't make that. HoloLens sucked. At one point, Microsoft did sponsor me and sent me their best [https://twitter.com/luishxyz/status/1876590985385554400 <luishxyz> @AviSchiffmann
Only B2B company is Microsoft. Nvidia has too little focus on sales and too much product edge. Not typical for B2B ]
and don't get me started on bill gates and what he has become with his vax mandates, get a jab or get fired =) those who got the jab later got fired anyway, because "economy was weak" and interest rates, and now, nothing really changed but "economy is strong" all of a suden, and they are hiring, clown world
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did somebody say Vax???
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* geist
is summoned
but also lets not gripe about companies and whatnot
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Being an anti-VAXxer is RISCy business.
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* Ermine
preemptively ticks yotld off today's #osdev bingo card
Thought of installing linux on my granddad's laptop and found out there's no suitable DE or WM for that
How are you defining "suitable"?
for starters, it should run smoothly (conditions are rather spartan there) and properly support hi-dpi
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and be at least somewhat accessible to non-nerds
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geist: it's well known that you are a dictator with an iron fist around these parts :P
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Ermine: why wouldn't DEs run smoothly on your granddad's laptop
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can't say i've seen them run particularly non-smoothly even on shittiest hardware
Ermine: does gnome not fit the bill? I was under the impreasion that, any personal gripes aside, they do prioritize non-nerd use case and should support hidpi
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nortti: the last time i've tried it, their hidpi support is poor (the fractional one)
and, even if we cast aside the fact that gnome's ui is an insult to ergonomics, i also want ui to be windows-y to simplify moving from windows (we're talking about old man after all)
nikolar: plasma somewhat is lagging on my gemini lake laptop, and it's more powerful than my granddad's laptop
To be fair, it's been a while since I've ran plasma
(ftgj it's absolute cheapass potato laptop and I wouldn't approve bying that)
I'm inclined towards IceWM (which I can configure to suit granddad's needs and adjust as needed), but hi-dpi in x11 world works fine only on plasma
and maybe gnome, but that's not an option anyway
there was an article about getting hidpi going on openbox + x11 recently on lobsters, lemme see if I can find it
I think it involves setting Xft.dpi, then going to gtk config, then something else
Oh gosh, that's a lot
thank you nortti !
The thing I like about wayland is that all of this is now a single line in a compositor configuration
It took several years and one Kenny Levinsen to make a protocol for that, but now it's done
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cloudowind, sure, but the point is that even shit like coreutils is ran by *volunteers*
afaik the fsf money doesn't hit the people actually running the projects, just the fsf infra
which, imo, could _easily_ be replaced by any other git service out there
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for big stuff like e.g glibc or gcc the GNU people (@gnu.org) only pop up when it comes to removing abortion jokes or being purposefully incompatible with LLVM and LLD
abortion jokes????
it's not a joke i'm pro-life ok
savannah at least has bugtracker *giggles*
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Though, with such minimalist infra, why do they need $400k on it???
to pay me
we can pay you directly, no need to involve fsf