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<bslsk05> ​jprx.io: SUSCTL: CVE-2024-54507
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<the_oz_> kernel you sussy baka uwu
<zid> That's what they get for having weird args
<cloudowind> you guys are crazy :/
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<the_oz> cloudowind, uwu kernel upskirt nosebleed
<the_oz> etc etc
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<heat> cant fuckin sleep :(
<zid> have you tried
<zid> thinking about footballers
<heat> thinking about football will only get me upset m8
<zid> you never said the goal was to go to bed not-angry
<heat> i watched historia civilis for a while
<heat> rewatched his saga on alexander the great
<heat> fuck macedon RIP thebes
<zid> I wanted to see if there was a reddit thread about the newest folding ideas video, which has 1.1 million views on youtube. 22 comments on reddit. I knew reddit had been eternal septembered but.. wow.
<zid> crazy demographic mismatch these days, that would have been nearer 1:1 a bunch of years back
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<heat> oh TIL new folding idea vid
<childlikempress> folding ideas is ok
<heat> you know who's not okay?
<childlikempress> the only good youtubers are LINDSAY ELLIS and BOBBY FINGERS
<heat> ori lahav
<childlikempress> wow
<childlikempress> wow
<childlikempress> that's low
<childlikempress> that's cruel
<childlikempress> heat: in ur dreams
<zid> bobby fingers' latest vid seemed to be wanking off to joe rogan exposure a bit too hard for me
<zid> which is a shame, cus his actual art is amazing
<childlikempress> if ori lahav is broke then guess what c++11 is
<childlikempress> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7VZtwIvZ6qE ori lahav DESTROYS c++11 with FACTS and LOGIC
<childlikempress> paulmck is STUNNED
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<heat> dont care didnt ask ratio L L take ligmaballs here's paulmck talking about a bpf memory model for some reason https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QG-cLG9PekI
<heat> also uhhhh bslsk05 ded huh
<childlikempress> lmaoo
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<childlikempress> and yet, heat timed out and i'm still here
<childlikempress> so who's the real winner?
<childlikempress> (...heat, tbh)
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<the_oz_> really involved programmers always look like life has broken them
<ring0_starr> yeah :(
<kof673> proglangdesign there was a guy joking about what will get people interested is the drama............lisp and fortran had a child...or did they? who is the real father?
<kof673> so i guess that is a thing now :D
<ring0_starr> what do you think, how would an implementation of ACPI table parsing look in haskell?
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<geist> no.
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<cloudowind> no hair theorem
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<ring0_starr> muwahahahaha
<ring0_starr> dont you love that feeling when you get a bit of code perfect on the first try
<pog> i do
<GeDaMo> No, it makes me suspicious :|
<pog> i mean also that
<pog> it's a very mixed emotion
<ring0_starr> it's harder to be suspicious if it's graphical code
<FireFly> depends :D
<ring0_starr> ack i spoke too soon, forgot an abs() somewhere along the line
<FireFly> I was about to say, it's pretty easy to write graphical code that has problems in edgecases
<FireFly> although it does make for gratifyingly direct feedback with graphical stuff when you change something
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<heat> morning
<heat> puck, bslsk05 ded
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<puck> right, yeah
<heat> thanks
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<zid> do you think god stays in heaven because he too, lives in fire of what heat is doing
* kof673 points at bslsk05
<zid> fire? fear
<zid> fuck
<heat> yes, im slowly dethroning His operating system, TempleOS
<zid> heat what do I do for dinner
<heat> whatever you feel like
<zid> no I need you to pick
<heat> do the most portuguese dish you can atm
<zid> shellfish in water on a plte?
<heat> fish sucks
<zid> what else does portugal eat, except seafood on variously sized plates
<zid> and little tarts
<zid> yep that's about what I expected
<zid> seafood mess on plate
<heat> clams are optional
<zid> can I sub the clams for chips
<heat> yes
<zid> can I sub the porco for chimken
<zid> nooget
<heat> no
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<Ermine> Still, seems like the most of portoguese cuisine is seafood
<heat> a lot of it yes
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<heat> we are *looks at the map* close to the sea
<FireFly> I should visit again someday hm
<Ermine> yes
<heat> *but not too often
<Ermine> I've just picked a lucky sequence of cuisines to check out
<FireFly> oh?
<Ermine> Finnish: fish + meat, but that's Swedish influence
<Ermine> Japanese: seafood
<Ermine> Portuguese: seafood
<heat> lisbon is less and less walkable by the day because of tourism
<heat> very sad
<heat> fuckin cramped
<Ermine> Barcelonians have the same concern
<heat> also more expensive
<Ermine> overtourism
<nikolar> Are you in Lisbon heat
<heat> not exactly but very close by
<nikolar> Cool
<heat> normal people can't actually afford lisbon
<heat> Ermine, re: hosts file
<zid> I've never eaten seafood in my life heat and I live on a fuckin island
<zid> (not entirely true but meh)
<zid> portugal just can't grow crops
<zid> in england if you stare at the ground, potatoes pop out
<heat> have i told you about the time i added an anti-ad hosts file (pretty huge file with lots of entries) to my windows install and it shot up my csgo ping to like 140
<zid> sounds reasonable
<Ermine> woah
<Ermine> i guess everything parses it on each query
<zid> gotta eat fishes from the lake if this is what the soil looks like
<heat> Ermine, yeah i dont know why it shot up my latency
<heat> but i can only assume whatever did it is absolutely terrible
<zid> you can put things called 'seeds' into the floor
<nikolar> Windows is terrible??
<zid> and food comes out
<nikolar> No way
<Ermine> I think pi-hole would be faster
<nikolar> Certainly
<heat> you see that yellow thing?
<Ermine> nikolar: on linux /etc/hosts works the same way as on windows
<heat> it's called S A N D
<zid> spay painted some moss onto some rocks?
<zid> then dusted it all with sand?
<zid> great country
<Ermine> nikolar: so it doesn't say anything about windows
<nikolar> I was making a joke
<heat> this "sand" thing if in enough quantity gets you a "beach"
<zid> we have beeach
<zid> Look at the beautiful grey sky
<zid> and heavily colour graded sea
<Ermine> black sea beaches don't have sand tho
<heat> ROCKS
<zid> I have rocks on tap
<zid> if you put tap water onto a work surface in the kitchen and leave it for 5 mins, there's a nice white carpet left over
<zid> I should list is as an ingredient every time I make pasta or something
<zid> Ingredients: Pasta, Rock, Water
<nikolar> Crunchy pasta
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<nikolar> KERNAL
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<zid> ah, back
<zid> let's blame bgp
<nikolar> Kek
<zid> bgp is always the problem
<nikolar> Turns out, networks suck
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<Ermine> LANREK
<the_oz_> hard water, zid?
<heat> it's usually dns
<heat> but when it's not dns, it's bgp
<zid> bgp causes half the dns issues
<zid> so it's 80% bgp's fault
<zid> 20% dns issues unrelated to bgp
<nikolar> BGP BGP BGP
<heat> bgp might actually be the stupidest protocol ever
<heat> so it's not surprising that nikolar is a fan
<nikolar> When did I say I was a fan
<zid> BGP is for balkanizing the internet
<heat> you just chanted bgp
<zid> ofc nikoar loves it
<zid> if he becomes the master of bgp, he can make kosovo part of serbia
<heat> if he ever becomes an AS he can just redirect all of kosovo's internet traffic to him
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<nikolar> Easy peasy
<the_oz_> so many color revolutions
<zid> You're supposed to reply "kosovo is already part of serbia"
<zid> he's breaking
<nikolar> It's easy peasy because Kosovo is already part of Serbia
<nikolar> Keep up zid
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<nikolar> heat: year of the onyx router when?
<heat> great question
<heat> im not sure how many changes i need to the network stack in order to get it to forward packets
<Ermine> bgp is a userspace daemon anyway
<heat> i already have a pseudo routing table
* Ermine wonders if they did add something besides RIP and BGP in Windows
<nikolar> Neat
<heat> which does some sort of routing, but probably not as complete or as fast as it should be for a router
<heat> then yeah bgpd and all that shit would do the deal
<zid> problem with software stack routers
<zid> is that people want EVERYTHING
<zid> not just basic ass routing
<heat> i would totally be up for adding this if i had a testing setup
<zid> they want virtual interfaces and fake bridges and stuff
<nikolar> heat can't you just set up a virtual network
<nikolar> With a few vms or something
<zid> setting that up
<zid> is harder than writing the routing code :P
<nikolar> Lol
<alifib> joe biden here, just came to say i love bgp
<Ermine> multi-threaded bgpd took several years for mikrotik, despite being linux
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<Matt|home> hi.
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<Ermine> hello there
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<pog> hi
* Ermine gives gog a piece of cheese
<Ermine> s/gog/pog/
<bslsk05> ​* Ermine* gives pog a piece of cheese
* gog takes the cheese and is fascinated
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<cloudowind> oo i needed that sleep , good good days osdev people , goodays pog
<pog> hi
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<FireFly> 'evening
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<cloudowind> i love the fact pyton is like from c family but this indentation thingie is killing me
<FireFly> I.. don't think people tend to consider python to be terribly related to C
<cloudowind> very rich , you can find a library for almost everything anything
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<gog> from __future__ import braces
<gog> wow it's still there 20 years later
<cloudowind> probably still will be there after we turn into soil :/
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<heat> wow so i was testing against onyx with a windows computar
<heat> 1) the windows networking stack SUX
<heat> 2) wifi packet loss haha
<heat> 3) mysterious ded
<heat> windows seems to take the tcp rfc delayed acks thing really fucking seriously, which sucks, everything i get back from windows is like 200ms out of date
<heat> also they use a really teeny tiny window