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cant fuckin sleep :(
have you tried
thinking about footballers
thinking about football will only get me upset m8
you never said the goal was to go to bed not-angry
i watched historia civilis for a while
rewatched his saga on alexander the great
fuck macedon RIP thebes
I wanted to see if there was a reddit thread about the newest folding ideas video, which has 1.1 million views on youtube. 22 comments on reddit. I knew reddit had been eternal septembered but.. wow.
crazy demographic mismatch these days, that would have been nearer 1:1 a bunch of years back
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oh TIL new folding idea vid
folding ideas is ok
you know who's not okay?
the only good youtubers are LINDSAY ELLIS and BOBBY FINGERS
ori lahav
that's low
that's cruel
heat: in ur dreams
bobby fingers' latest vid seemed to be wanking off to joe rogan exposure a bit too hard for me
which is a shame, cus his actual art is amazing
if ori lahav is broke then guess what c++11 is
and yet, heat timed out and i'm still here
so who's the real winner?
(...heat, tbh)
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really involved programmers always look like life has broken them
yeah :(
proglangdesign there was a guy joking about what will get people interested is the drama............lisp and fortran had a child...or did they? who is the real father?
so i guess that is a thing now :D
what do you think, how would an implementation of ACPI table parsing look in haskell?
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no hair theorem
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dont you love that feeling when you get a bit of code perfect on the first try
i do
No, it makes me suspicious :|
i mean also that
it's a very mixed emotion
it's harder to be suspicious if it's graphical code
depends :D
ack i spoke too soon, forgot an abs() somewhere along the line
I was about to say, it's pretty easy to write graphical code that has problems in edgecases
although it does make for gratifyingly direct feedback with graphical stuff when you change something
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puck, bslsk05 ded
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right, yeah
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Still, seems like the most of portoguese cuisine is seafood
a lot of it yes
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we are *looks at the map* close to the sea
I should visit again someday hm
*but not too often
I've just picked a lucky sequence of cuisines to check out
Finnish: fish + meat, but that's Swedish influence
Japanese: seafood
Portuguese: seafood
lisbon is less and less walkable by the day because of tourism
very sad
fuckin cramped
Barcelonians have the same concern
also more expensive
Are you in Lisbon heat
not exactly but very close by
normal people can't actually afford lisbon
Ermine, re: hosts file
I've never eaten seafood in my life heat and I live on a fuckin island
(not entirely true but meh)
portugal just can't grow crops
in england if you stare at the ground, potatoes pop out
have i told you about the time i added an anti-ad hosts file (pretty huge file with lots of entries) to my windows install and it shot up my csgo ping to like 140
sounds reasonable
i guess everything parses it on each query
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i love the fact pyton is like from c family but this indentation thingie is killing me
I.. don't think people tend to consider python to be terribly related to C
very rich , you can find a library for almost everything anything
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from __future__ import braces
wow it's still there 20 years later
probably still will be there after we turn into soil :/
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wow so i was testing against onyx with a windows computar
1) the windows networking stack SUX
2) wifi packet loss haha
3) mysterious ded
windows seems to take the tcp rfc delayed acks thing really fucking seriously, which sucks, everything i get back from windows is like 200ms out of date