man7.org: adjtimex(2) - Linux manual page
How many months of those are we going to get
300 of those
we're doing a countdown top 300 syscalls of all time
seriously though time makes me feel stupid
as if i needed any help!
Yeah time sucks
and i'll need to tackle it soon now that i realized i have a huge time drift at boot
average 1.5s drift from an ntp server
Oh that's a lot
yeah i mean, the RTC sucks so there you have like [-1; 1] possible drift just from sampling it once
Yeah fair enough
i'm basically a clock_settime away from having ntp/sntp fixing this, but if i revisit this problem i might as well do it properly
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sortie, yesterday you mentioned you struggled with preemption using one kernel stack per CPU. Could you elaborate on that? What were things you ran into?
Blocking system calls and preemption in particular
To block, I would need to manually save the state somewhere and let the system call resume later
heat: something of note, i believe the syscalls your dealing with, adjust the rate the clock counts at, so you can fine-tune for things like the PIT being fast/slow
And also arrange for a wakeup
ive setup graphs of that rate adjustment before, and have a measured change in the rate, when the furnace died
clever, yes they adjust things smoothly
Meanwhile preemption was basically impossible and had to be done at well known blocking points, which is where I had these issues
instead of dropping or skipping a second or two
So my kernel system calls were more like coroutines
but it will also finish on a rate that isnt 1, because your crystal isnt perfect
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I see
The concept never got far before I realizes how bad this whole approach was
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note that kernel stacks are usually really small compared to userspace
It _was_ possible but it wasn't a good approach and very hard
negligible overhead except if you're google
My big realization was that the saved state of a thread was just its stack
So I might as well embrace that and have a small kernel stack and go 1:1 threading
I did it and it was wunderbar
how small are your stacks sortie?
My kernel stacks are 8 KiB at the moment
No data for how much they actually use in practice
ah yes that's nice
i do 16KB because i might as well
I might be able to get away with 4 KiB instead if I check for some big stack allocations here and there
4K is really tricky and linux moved away from it a decade or so ago
good warning for you (and everyone else): -Wframe-larger-than=<bytes>
warns if a function's stack frame is larger
It's tech like that I would like to use
sometimes i use too much stack if i think the callstack will never be deep at that point
it's definitely a problem onyx has, particularly on nameidata which is a pretty big struct
there is also the stack-usage flags
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the way I'm currently thinking of, as I'm just doing a basic printf syscall and exit(1) to get the basics sorted out, is to have syscalls be atomic. They'll be interruptible by hardware interrupts, but otherwise run from start to end in one go
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if you compile with -fstack-usage then gcc will generate .su files for each .o
that reports the stack frame size for every function
you could then automatically dig up the call-chains (but beware of function ptrs in structs), and add frames together
and alert if a chain exeeds some defined limit
Halofreak1990, obviously that doesn't work for most non-trivial syscalls
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goodays osdev , goodays gog
* Ermine
gives gog a piece of cheese
heat: are you on big endian machine
gog is
i am not
i have ryzen
* gog
is fascinated
whats up
it's kernel up it's the worst show on television
neither big nor little
that's not real pick an endiannesss
byte order 2 3 1 4
every multibyte symbol should have a Byte Order Marker byte
upside down-ian
everyone picks little on such archs
heat: based
this joke is doing psychic damage to me i'm tappin gout
If the next bit is 0, the next 64 bits are little. If it's 1, then big. 65-bit arch.
sorry gog
it's ok i started it
gog: As long as we're not causing Emotional Damage(tm)
i have so much of that it's hard to tell sometimes
wow a youtube video about 3d printing just being a way to sell more plastic
an opinion i already had
well not just but it is a bonus
do you have a 3d printer
i don't have a use for one
i don't even have a 2d printer i just print things at work
2d printers suck
wake me up when there's a 4d printer
but 3d printers might be kinda cool
2d printers suck indeed
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I believe cups is not great either
i prefer mugs
3D printers still kind of suck still
They're a lot better than they were
but they still make horrible things with a bad finish that aren't very strong
can't really get good long polymers when you're just melting a thing and hoping it sticks together
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resin UV printing
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mmm resin yumm
please don't eat the resin
it does but didnt wanna wake up about which resin i am talking about :/ nice of him that he has warned me :)
they are printing weapons with those 3d printers here , governemnt looking ways to prevent it , dont know how they gonna do it
I accidentally ported ruby
Took an afternoon :)
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sounds like a good thing sortie well done
Thank you :)
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you need a time printer for 4d printer dont you , how cool it would be , by the way sortie giving me great motivation to complete stuff , time to shut up and do some work , later beauties
uh what
three dimensions plus the t axis
space-time would be a 4D thing wouldn't it
I have to fill my printer with tea too now? fucking hell
You know they'll DRM the tea cartridges and make them unrefillable
or if you're into string theory you'd have like 400 dimensions or whatever it is they do
string theory is (was) funny as hell
"What if we just... kept adding terms until the math worked out!?"
i too enjoy making shit up
"Is any of it, you know, realistic?" "Not in the least"
It's thankfully, now, largely out of fashion
and people still into it are basically just kooks
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was mainly a way for physistics to make money lol, doing book tours
without having to go full michiao kaku, just make shit up constantly about everything, even if you know nothing about it
imagine getting funding for being literally insane and making shit up with no basis in reality
that would be so fucking cool
academia grift
They didn't get *much* funding, but it got them some jobs as faculty at universities for a few years
and then they wrote crappy books
they grifted, but it was mainly random plebs they grifted, not academia
you know, i found some nice interesting open physics books i've been planning to go through Eventually
after i figure out IR^2 calculus, which i never did
not sure if i even really need it or if regular IR calculus just kind of works
eee i'm beauty
* gog
but after having physics half assed to me for so many years i'd like to finally understand it
like, properly
what's an IR^2 calculus
there, here's some unicode
what's a unicode
so multivariable calculus?
just say that then
it's not necessarily multivariable though
f(x) = (x, x*x) is not multivariable but still ℝ^2
AIUI, that is
as implied, udder inability
you just get two independent components, i don't see what's special about it
"I've never done recursion before" "You just write a function that calls itself, I don't see what's special"
zid`: you can just treat this like two separate functions
unless i am misunderstanding something
missing my point :P
Yes it's simple, if you know the rules, and have been explained it
but if you haven't, it isn't
multivariables? wut?
hello Ermine
this is a math channel now
and physics
I'm fine with it, but I never heard of it on math major...
do you mean the term
of multibariables*
it's an adjective
or in soviet russia calculus is just done in ℝ
multibariable calculus
Ah, this one
we call that just calculus
well you've got calculus with f(x) and then f(x, y)
and the second one gets a lot more complicated
so it makes sense to name it
not enough
when you get arbitrary manifolds, it becomes fun enough to have its own name (differential geometry)
still y
or when you add probabilities, and you get stochastic calculus
f(x) where x is f(x, y, z)
endless stairs
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