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sortie, noice!
nortie, soice?
are you going for anything in particular or are you just hangin around
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i'm pretty annoyed at how fractured the arch linux packages have become
i pacman -Syu after maybe a week of no updates and i have 205 package updates
including all sorts of qemu micropackages and python pypi modules
qemu is actually 134 packages now, wtf
wait, no, i misread it
qemu is like 67 small packages
is that with or without like, capstone and bluetooth and shit
idk, it should be the full thing
they package every arch separately, which is acceptable i guess, but then you have shit like qemu-audio-alsa and qemu-audio-pipewire and qemu-audio-jack and more
and 7 packages for individual emulated GPUs, for some reasn
i'm sure you could've added some granularity to this without fragmenting this into 70 little packages for minimalism fans that want to install just the audio backend for their system because 100KB for all audio backends is just too much
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heat: here's a better question
does it matter that qemu is a bunch of packages
to me it doesn't but it annoyed me
it's also a logistical mess i'd guess, but i'm not packaging arch stuff anyway
don't think it's a mess exactly
pretty sure it's still a single PKGBUILD
except that they now have a for loop or whatever
yes it's a PKGBUILD but what if you need to depend on qemu? what package are you depending on?
do you know what the difference between qemu-base, qemu-full and qemu-desktop is? i sure as hell dont
you can look up
and there's a metapackage for everything if you don't care
i can look it up but it's a hell of a lot easier to just depend on qemu or qemu-user and that's that
or install
That's literally what I just said lol
the "qemu" package does not exist
you cannot Just Install qemu without researching what the diff between base and full and desktop is
You can install qemu-full
Pretty obvious what it is, no?
what's the difference between qemu-full and qemu-desktop? which one do you actually need?
or even qemu-emulators-full
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my point is that granularity can be nice but simplicity and ease of choice is usually better
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Just install qemu-full and you'll be fine
if we break down qemu we might as well break down every other package
maybe gcc-libs shouldn't include libgcc, libstdc++, libasan, libobjc all in one package
and this one would result in substancially more disk space savings than breaking down all qemu audio backends into specific little packages
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<dfc> What Have We Learned from the PDP-11?This post is a slightly edited version of my November presentation to the San Francisco chapter of Papers We Love.C. G. Bell, W. D. Strecker, “Computer What Have We Learned from the PDP-11,” The 3rd Annual Symposium on Computer Architecture Conference Proceedings, pp. l-14, 1976.The paper I have chosen tonight is a retrospective on a computer design. It is one of a series of papers by Gordo[…] https:
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where's nikolapdp when we need him
heat, i'm tired of people
i really hate them you know
the new thing is to overcomplicate a trivial matter so that there are new things to nitpick at with a particular subject, and then get down my fucking throat over what amounts to a false premise
to answer the question of what we've learned from the pdp11? middle endianness was a mistake
byte order 2 3 4 1
no that's too linear
2 4 3 1
x86 avoided middle endianness by making the segment in saved far pointers be the next two bytes
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heat who knows
I think simh shat itself
pog: that's good, you can't just mess with the pointer to cast between different sized ints
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goodays & happy weekends osdev
question, do we watch farmcraft deal with his track adjusters, or curtis deal with his hydraulic press
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i put a detection and loading script in my insstaller , what it does at the end of installation it does an lspci , detecs all driver in use and modules(these 2 gives the same module name) i do grep the module names with awk , modprobe them into the kernel , create a config file , write all module names there and in the next reboot load them by order within my rcS , which is quite easy very easies than i
so far lspci , lsusb , awk sed parted fdisk lsblsk , these has been my swiss knives , anyway i am late , lots of love xx
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