lwn.net: Suspend IRQs during application busy periods [LWN.net]
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I'm assuming a kernel thread is doing the polling could it still be interrupted by context switching interrupts?
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cloudowind: Thanks for your kind words. You're more than welcome to hang in #sortix if you'd like, it's not a team-only channel, but for the community. Although the real channel is over on the irc.sortix.org network instead of libera :)
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github.com: linux/net/core/dev.c at aa22f4da2a46b484a257d167c67a2adc1b7aaf68 · torvalds/linux · GitHub
what does this thing do?
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Looks like that's the function which disables interrupts for the particular network device
sure, but how
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Well, it's more that the interrupts are already disabled and this function checks if a timeout has been exceeded
I see it acquire a lock, then lookup the napi object by instance id, then if it can't find it, it just silently aborts instead of logging an error, but otherwise it reads the timeout member from said object and then sets a timer
yeah that's what I figured too, otherwise it wouldn't make any sense. but it already doesn't make sense if you go by the name, and btw there is no documentation on it
The function that gets called by the timeout timer is napi_watchdog
wiki.osdev.org: What Order Should I Make Things In? - OSDev Wiki
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osdev199: https://wiki.osdev.org/Creating_an_Operating_System is also my very high level tutorial on stuff. bash will require a whole bunch of stuff to get running. But you can get your own quick and dirty shell running with much less
wiki.osdev.org: Creating an Operating System - OSDev Wiki
agent314 has joined #osdev
so answer is basically 1) write an os; 2) port bash
heat has joined #osdev
Ermine, yep that's accurate
the gang writes tty job control
bash isn't actually That Hard if you know what you're doing
Ermine: Yes, which is why I explained what 1) means :)
Indeed. heat is right. bash is not the hardest port. You can even get far with some poorly mocked system calls.
all of those shells kinda depend on the same thing, but bash's readline and stuff requires select() and a better terminal emulator+tty layer
osdev199: So if you tell us how much you have coded so far, we can guide you on what might make sense next
dash is basically open + read + write + fork + exec + dup + pipes + memory allocation + wait + tty job control semantics
bash is dash with select
heat: bash on onyx when
I would go for dash as a first port but bash can be doable too
Ermine, bash is available on onyx
and actually my main shell
dash is so garbage once you get used to bash
i'm bash user from the day 1
did i tell you that my first command on any freshly installed alpine is apk add bash bash-completion?
i'm intending for the standard setup on onyx would be dash providing /bin/sh and bash being installed alongside, for humanz
debian gnu/onyx
it's kind of what i have on my rpms
porting bash was the moment I realised I was just making a linux distro and got me to move on to more interesting things
btw there's something cooking with /bin/sh in alpine
oh are they acting on the mumblings to move away from busybox ash?
aka dash-binsh, bash-binsh, etc as providers of /bin/sh
but i wasn't looking too much so i may be wrong
froggey, that's fair but writing linux is also fun :)
nortti: people are generally unhappy with busybox there
it's not only ash
froggey: Any system that succeeds well enough is doomed to become a distro :)
my OS isn't and never was a research OS, i'm happy with just fucking about and learning things and having it work
Ermine: aye, just not seen talk of replacing any other parts in the base install, yet
You are very much right that one should think about whether wants to become a distro
as always, things are slow and good alternatives are wanted
Ermine, moving from busybox to coreutils might just be #musl 9/11
trillions of lines of code just vanished?
that would be so funny, god, if you exist, please make it happen
heat: it's not good for image sizes. But coreutils are there in the repos if you want them
but, anyway
I began implementing the syscalls one by one. I began with "open" as it is the most basic and deals with filesystem.
Wrote the nvme driver, simple flat filesystem driver, and now implementing the process management.
But sometimes "just" writing the syscalls become tiresome as I can't see the big picture (running dash or bash).
Ermine, busybox is the least bad option wrt utils\{coreutils}
toybox sucks compared to busybox
then there are other MINIMAL utils which are even worse
and the rust coreutils project seems clueless and probably BLOATED
sortie: it was the linux part that bothered me, extremely well travelled ground, and to me quite uninteresting. that's why I went on to make a common lisp distro instead
there's a huge gap between bb and coreutils
the linux part also bothered sortie, that's why he wrote a BSD instead
nah, sortix is still a linux
hm, what does chimera linux use for its utils?
what a take
nortti, bsd utils
nortti: they ported bsd utils
froggey, sortix is most definitely not a linux
wonder how those would compare for alpine
I disagree
bsd is also a linux
BSD is a UNIX, linux (or better, GNU+Linux, unironically) is a UNIX
same thing, they're all linuxes
is GNU hurd also a linux then?
it's a weird linux, but largely linux compatible
is windows a linux
Ermine: no! unless you install linux for windows
but even then you only have a linux installed on your windows. I don't think it makes windows inherently linuxy
define "linuxy"
your definition of linux seems to be very loose
heat: yes
to me BSD is quite distinct from linux
in that BSD sucks for humans and sucks for actual prod
hey google, why do commands not have a fucking --help you IDIOTS
linux ate all the other unixs and now there's linux and everything else is a rounding error
is netflix prod a joke for you
froggey, yes that is true
what do you think about implementing the syscalls one by one to eventually run a shell like dash or bash?
but linux also largely ate all the other operating systems
would love to know the ratio of windows server installs/linux server installs
and how many of those windows server installs are related to active directory
windows fans would say that this ratio is not as small as you would except
or expect
that could be true, but we'll never know
english is hard when these two words are involved
apple doesn't run macOS for server prod btw
support.apple.com: About macOS Server 5.7.1 and later - Apple Support
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they run windows??
they run linux
in fact they not only run linux on their servers, they also prototype and do platform bringup for new stuff on linux, and then never upstream the code
apple support asahi plox!!!
nortti: oh, will know
mobivme has joined #osdev
okay looks like it was essentially just internal-network-user-management tool after 2018
which is still longer than I'd've expected, given that they'd stopped manufacturing the xserve in 2011
hipster active directory
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* Ermine
gives pog a piece of cheese
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* pog
is fascinated
<heat> hey google, why do commands not have a fucking --help you IDIOTS
I actually began removing --help from my utils because it was bothersome to maintain, made the binaries larger, and I already do man pages
chatgpt, what is reading the manual and why is it stupid
if option == "--help" { system("man {argv[0]}"); }
I feel like that'd be a pretty good way of going about it. you want some help? have *all* the help
i like a --usage option
there are ways to automate something like that and make it less annoying to maintain
just so i can quickly get the command line options or order the command expects
i'm a big --help stan
usually way faster than reading a full manpage
also i'm a big long options stan, which BSD also hates
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smh woke instructions
pronouns in stack
you have a whole STACK of pronouns now? fuckin greedy
leave some for the rest of we
me don't wanna be left with only the shitty ones
i hate context switching code it always hurts my brain
have to think about things backwards
yea but there's a neo turf masters tournament atm
so the universe isn't all bad
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ok so if i have a noreturn function that sets up a stack frame to go to user mode, if i save the rsp before calling the exit routine, all of the state that the compiler will spill to the stack is forgotten anyway so it doesn't matter
and the register state at that point is irrelevant anyway
it's actually all irrelevant before calling the function that sets up the stack frame
so it's like a disposable frame i guess
my brain hurts
i should draw a diagram
oof they're in sudden death and someone just hit the pin
i have PRIOR ART on doing this sort of stuff
yeah i was experimenting with this stuff prior to my hiatus because i still couldn't really wrap my head around the transition from one context to another
actually i might be able to get rid of return_from_execve
i dont exactly remember why i added it
but the normal syscall return path might just work
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heat that code was riddled with errors why didn't you tell me
you're supposed to be my friend
well yeah obviously it had a bunch of warnings
cant convert from char * to u64 * like that
no i mean syntax errors, i can't write c
C# brainrot
to be fair most of the decs are missing
so we can't really see them
is the -= thing invalid there? maybe?
and I said to remove the -sizeofs, which would fix most of them
i've never seen that before
public class Ohio { string Sigma { gyatt; } }
should work?
also maybe it's invaloid
can you do u64 val = (boot_image_stack_head -= sizeof(uint64_t)) is my question
like, idk what the result of a -= expression is
it compiled
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gog: x86 is full stack, meaning rsp points to data not to an empty slot
or empty? fuck
I never remember
right, but this is a stack frame i'm populating
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oh these are pushes
I'd just make a fake stack and use a PUSH macro :P
i will eventually, provided any of this works
is it xx:47 yet
if it doesn't work i'm going to go back to webdev
I need to pull a pizza out at that point
9 minutes
pizza time zid
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shit, forgotto find a yotube vod
i forgor
pizza is goed
take cheap supermarket pizza, spray olive oil, sprinkle salt, handfuls of smoked dried jalapeno flakes
oh and wet its bum so it doesn't overcook
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qemu sigquits when i lretq :(
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she lretq on my stack frame until i sigquit
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oh it's misaligned for one
but also i think my assignment after -= doesn'tw ork right
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god cries every time you misalign the stack
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> the result of a -= expression i think that is fine, akin to: a = (b = c) so the result is the left hand side surely.....it is not post- or pre-increment/decrement-like
yeah i found my stack misalignment
my alignof() expression is on a packed struct :|
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it works yay
at least this hafl
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i guess i should clean this up now
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* cloudowind
wishes goodays to osdevers and joins the silence
i am sorta feeling like a ghost in the shell themed third person shooter
slash platformer
but the assets would be the major limiting factor, bleh
and then when i get bored with that it's back to osdev
i am never going to finish a single project ever
ooo team is here:) goodays
I was already listening to it though
should I double it up, or restart it
silence, or depeche mode?
i never knew there was a video for enjoy the silence
enjoy the silence by depeche mode
lmao for real
near enough, I was listening to youtube play random 80s stuff
it likes this one and the one in the library
random 80's stuff is a very common youtube mix i get
the algorithm seems to think i like new wave
(it's right)
ive written the most complicated ever service manager last night that is ; for service in /etc/rc.d/rc$1.d/S*; do [-x "$service"] && "$service" start done echo "runlevel $1 completed"
*struggles to remember which random 80s track is set in a library*
ah tears for fears - head over heels
tears for fears, head over heels
enjoy the silence is early 90s though
the donnie darko theme
it has a very 80's sound tho
to me anyway
I miss you know, vocalists
gated reverb drums are back in apparently?
maybe i'll put on some talking heads
i think the 80's revival peaked already, with after laughter by paramore
(one of my favorite albums of the last decade)
i already found myself, just need life to stop being shitty