> "V-tuber" persona i'm not that old, but it makes me think of: > Hi, I'm your video DJ! / I always talk like I'm wigged out on quaaludes / I wear a satin baseball jacket everywhere I go
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it did a while back i was not here yet, it set off a chain reaction :D
*someone did
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i got to spend 80 on ebay just to get mame working for decmate2. i got so much invested in this floppy drive duplication project. i may have various theories about what to hook my rx02 drive to, yet that isn't the point of duplicating the drive itself.
in other news i still haven't spotted my solder roll
or of course MMI-6301-1, and would need to be dumped from one of "DECMate II, Pro380 FDC, Rainbow 100" boards.
the chip is marked : (Signetics) 88339 DM74S287N N82S129N / L8420 640A2 ; board markings include: 5415482 5015481C1P1 Side 1/2 L1-L4 (must be four layers) PC100 RX50 controller.
and no those are dec style ports not intelligent drive electronics.
the decmate ii had a n intersil 6100 cpu with a z80 daughterboard, and the rainbow had a z80 with an 8088 daughterboard. if you're into 8088 you might like https://www.homebrew8088.com
what is daughterboard? i know what motherboard never heard the daughter one:)
there is some vax / decmate (pdp8) emulation with simh, yet that isn't about reproducing any circuits, so it's unlikely to be of benefit to someone working with an rx02 or similar equipment.
my rx02 enclosure actually has a couple of interface boards which control two drives. i'd also seen similar boards sold on ebay, yeah, i already have that. the most appropriate thing would be a controller board, yet I seem to see all the roms dumped from one of those at oldpc.
meanwhile various schematics pop up at bitsavers and internet archive
yeah i've been kinda keeping an eye out for one for my pdp11
but i also need the interface card
well I may buy it tomorrow as the offer for watching the item goes thru tomorrow
meanwhile I'm working on fixing my car
I have a mechanic friend who had the car towed to his place
you should mix the two
mix rx50 with rx02 circuits?
mix rx02 with a rx-7
wankel that floppy
the day of the wreck I had just bought a new battery
the battery is intact, thankfully
duralast platinum
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was reading about an analog gearless transmission not terribly long ago
makes sense why they didnt called boyboard to those being added to the motherboard as extension but daughterboard... socketing the sonboard into the mother could have cause some tabu issue haha , cant believe ive never heard daughterboard
yeah a daughterboard, like a slot 1 pentium
gone are the days when you could backplane
well I've been working on my breadboard too
I have dip switches and led's on a sram chip with two avaialble locations and a serial output on a shift register which loads the data in parallel from the sram.
so, 1 1/2 full size duplex breadboard
might be able to manage to dump a rom myself if I trusted my logic enough and could solder a little
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the wankel engine is a rotary relic from pre-2012 which still exists in hype just you might be thinking solenoids over pistons
such as is the rx02, sadly
Just salty that your apex seals are leaking
meanwhile the intent of the project is make a representation of the rx02 drive that anyone could duplicate via treatstock and thingiverse
and yeah I would like it to work with some kind of logic attached to a computer
hence the interest in mame specifically
and cpm1975
complete with ddt.cmd
* cloudowind
was -6 in 1975
:/ > Q. What is the age of a Philosopher ? A. From the moment of his researches to that of his discoveries, the Philosopher does not age.
i dont think talking about philosophy is a good idea while geist is around :) if its not something os philosophy
tonight I cooked lentils and served with sriracha mayo
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if the idea is to make the rod turn fast, you can imagine how a few solenoids might help, i suppose.
in this case the rod is actualy a clip, which fastens from both sides of the platter.
i dont have an answer for the question because its all about definitions and how you approach but what i can say about age and philosopher is that i remember reading aristotle saying that the most benificous age of a man is his 50ishes but the irony is when he says that he was in his 50shes:)
and lenthils sounds yum , i will be having soup form of it , with carrots and some potatoes boiled with added water and blended.. i am gone sorry for the mess
basically, some platforms might only support void main(void) ...so using defines, i define local vars instead of arguments, int argc, char * * argv; then call a function to retrieve them from whatever....then return just free()s the argv if needed. but it could output the return value or whatnot ....
then, because they are local vars named the same as what i use for main(int argc, char * * argv) then the other code is the same :D just some define trickery...
"lnfmacv" this is an OS/400 command
normally it is just is defined as: #define LNSST_MAIN_RETURN(x) return(x); # or whatever it is
that's only from within main() though, otherwise i woud normally not do return();
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so, it is just because it is a macro
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well other things i have defines for function names, so if they "need" to fit in 7 or 8 chars, the code will still have a "long" name, i just didn't bother to do that here...
i actually hate such short names, but attempting to support c89 and even k&r c maybe for some things :) we'll see....
some old ancient stuff doesn't even have void...it is a question of how annoying it is...k&r prototypes, easy.
i get it, you're trying to show me how absurd it'd be to write in K&R C
nah, just find me a one complement and sign and magnitude compiler & system to test on......beggars can't be choosers...
c89 is my real limit of pain....but other "non-standard" stuff, just a q how annoying it is...
and "small" "not-quite-standard" "compilers" might be "almost C" but missing structs or similar.
as long as it doesn't cripple other code too much...
if it can be #ifdeffed away so does not affect other code...
what are you targeting, anything in particular?
lol anything c89 is game :D
is there a compiler, preferably cross-compiler, an emulator? that's all that matters... :D
what do you think about "OS building blocks"
you do a thing and you do it really really well, and it's got a generic or standardized interface that helps matters but certainly doesn't make it bound to anything in particular
a new platform comes out and you make an OS for it with the building blocks as a base, add support for your devices, and work on it to make it complete and polished for that particular target
and you /don't/ merge your changes back to upstream, it's a fork
it's a building block, not Loonicks
think about all the security issues that don't really have anything to do with your target platform, or your feature set, or your hardware, or use case
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and each component is easily testable because it has a well defined interface, like you could run the scheduler or the allocator etc. in userspace as a standalone program
and in practice it'd be used as a microservice
if you don't want the microkernel architecture then just get rid of that interface and substitute your own while keeping the meat of the functionality
i think a lot of the pain that exists in the world of computing is self-inflicted by a lack of coherency.
I mean we kinda have something like this in the form of NDIS, but..
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idling for the cause
<reads> i dunno, there was oskit...and the "portable driver" various things....
i was going to say...sort ie said something like the only way to test your tcp code is to put it on the internet....the only way to test various compilers, old or new...is to start building with them regularly IMO
versus, write code, test 1 year later, and then try to fix all the annoying things...
netbsd has the rump stuff...
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ls som
#$@$@#$@ cat on keyboard error
http://wiki.osdev.org/OSKit there is probably others, just do they ever go anywhere, does anyone maintain them...
wiki.osdev.org: OSKit - OSDev Wiki
the OSKit homepage has not been updated since June 27, 2002
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looks like it's all x86 stuff
possibly, it is like gcc 2.95 ish IIRC :D
just saying...those things have existed....as university research projects...
it let you use linux and freebsd drivers IIRC
bsd started out as a university research project
i'm not knocking, i'm just saying who maintains them :D
isn't this a good thing though?
it's just a tiny repository of simple yet elegant pieces that you would start off with as a basis
well you see, the commercial world standardized on .net, java, openstep, ............................ everyone wants the portability grail, there is a tree of corpses :D
when it's done and perfected, why does it need to be maintained
and if it is all browser now, that was maybe a prior similar thought, vaguely...have some "portable" library or language to write native applications in
portability isn't really the explicit goal for what i mentioned
it's generality
just from earlier talk i mean...everything in the browser...
i kinda did this with my allocator and such, some pieces of my os
it's just a user mode program with some tests as main()
do people actually use OSkit?
> 2002 dead people j/k
it seems like everybody takes the approach of porting Linux
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when they want a new platform
why do you need to port linux. if you want access to lots of existing applications you need the abi, not the kernel
besides, linux needs gcc to compile...
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github.com: toolchains/gcc-14.2.0.patch at master · heatd/toolchains · GitHub
also see the rest of the patch (those config onyx.h headers are particularly important for messing around with the spec file)
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* cloudowind
have no idea why the eudev he has compiled and built is not being triggered by a kernel event
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I think I finally got the syntax for specifying the startfiles and endfiles, time to recompile gcc
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I finally managed to compile libjpeg-turbo as a dynamic library
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Hi, people etc.
Oops, I usually say that in another channel. Anyway, hi.
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vdamewood: n ice to finally get the proof that we're not worth it
* vdamewood
gives zig a carrot
zid` *
wow now you're calling him a horse
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Naw, zig is the name of the fighter units from Zero Wing
Take off every Zig!
and they're horses, apparently?
Move zig, for great justice
Well, real life beckons.
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vdamewood is weak
Throw your life away for 2000s flash videos
No, I'm not strong enough.
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So I'm at the point where I want to implement system calls and multi-threading. However, I cannot wrap my head around saving the current state, which partly resides on the one kernel stack per CPU (ss, esp, flags, cs, eip) and in the general-purpose registers, into the current thread's state structure, accessed through the gs segment
x86 has a cheaty xsave instruction, but all you need to do is write out some movs through gs otherwise
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Halofreak1990, generally you save the thread state onto the stack
for various reasons
i'll save my state on your stack
i only do several states
you know what fuck it
* gog
dumps your core
please dont take a dump all over the disk again, thanks
Sometimes you need to pack away your toys and go home
heat, but how do you then save that to the thread structure, in case you end up switching threads? With one kernel stack per thread, you can just push it onto the stack, yes, but that doesn't apply when you only have one kernel stack per CPU, right?
Halofreak1990, you don't, you keep the state on the stack and track that
>but that doesn't apply when you only have one kernel stack per CPU
correct but that's not what you do for various reasons
you kind of need a kernel stack per thread for most intents and purposes
if your threads are to be schedulable by the kernel
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shouldn't I be fine with either kind of kernel stack setup as long as I set up the required stack frame before dropping to user space?
I don't see how scheduling would be affected as long as it happens after the syscall, but before restoring the thread state onto the kernel stack
if a system call calls for rescheduling, just set a flag on the thread and handle that once the C/C++ part of the syscall has ran
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not having a kernel stack per thread makes it impossible to e.g save stack variables on a shared global thing, or simply sleep on the stack, etc
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I very much recommend a per-thread kernel stack. 1:1 scheduling. It's much, much easier and works very well.
I tried saving the state here with a shared kernel stack in old versions of Sortix, but it became very, very hard to do blocking system calls and being properly preemptive.
Saving the state is what a stack does anyway, so that's why a per-thread kernel stack makes sense. In Sortix, it's the same thread, whether it's in user-space or the kernel
having an single (or per-cpu) kernel stack is certainly possible, but requires a bit of an odd programming style. kind of like programming with futures & continuations whereever you want to block in kernel space
My advice is to not have threads.
processes is pushing it
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plan9 threading model >>
what's a thread if a process that shares a lot of shit with other processes
my syscall codegen generates me the "save syscall state so you can try again later" code, it's actually kinda nice - and then the kernel ends up being kinda like a coroutine runtime (plus preemption), with threads being its coroutines
very c++20pilled
now implement the networking proposal at the syscall layer thanks
welllll, I did at first kinda try to literally use coroutines, lol
too bad we continue (hehe) to not have a way to set a bound on the coroutine frame size, since my kernel doesn't do memory allocation of arbitrary sizes