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<zid> merry christmas
<sbalmos> Happy Honda Days!
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<kof673> taking a nap bbl karest mummy was autumn, it got moved for various reasons, corvus still knows where the bodies are buried :D > "Magical Mountain of the Moon" The crystallization of the solar and lunar rays in water (dew) produces the virgin earth
<heat_> happy new year mofers
<nikolar> Oi heat_ you're late
<zid> what's a mophe
<heat_> mophedeeznuts
<Ermine> happy new year heat_
<nikolar> Happy new year to you too Ermine
<Ermine> nikolar: thank you
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<heat_> i wish everyone in this channel plenty of kernals and very little to no pessimal crappers mon
<fedaykin> happy new years you wussies =) (love)
<heat_> you know i was enjoying NYE but i have to rant here for a bit
<heat_> i just spent like 3 hours of my time watching the world blitz championship
<heat_> tight fucking games, plenty of draws in the final at the end
<heat_> they decided to fucking SHARE THE CHAMPIONSHIP
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<heat_> WTF??
<heat_> waste of time i tell you
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<nikolar> Kek
<nikolar> Sucks to suck
<zid> They should tie their lives
<zid> just walk into the sea together
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<heat_> i'm 2-0 100% win rate on bullet chess this year
<heat_> if i keep this up i'll be co-world-champion by the end of the year
<heat_> actually this is a better stat: 2 games up 14 elo points. if i play the same amount of games as last year (~1000), i'll be rated around 22000
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<heat_> (tonight's shitpost was stat-based predictions)
<zid> works for me
<zid> The question is, how do we find that many people to throw games for you, finding 2 was hard enough
<karenw> heat_: Just remember not to wear jeans to the world championship
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<the_oz> DECORUM.
<the_oz> pinkies out
<the_oz> time to start a pantsless chess league
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* kof673 stares > Corvus OS is a custom Android ROM based on LineageOS and focused on providing a clean bloat-free experience with useful features and ...
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<Cindy> hi
<Cindy> can i multiply a 16.16 fixed-point integer with a 8.8 by shifting the divisor left by 8?
<childlikempress> you can do anything if you put your midn to it sweatheart
<childlikempress> sorry im drunkkk and my situationshp is being a stupid bpd retarded bitch and its new years idk why ppl are doing this crap yes you can do that assuming by divisor you mean multiplicand or by multiply you mean divide
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<childlikempress> umyou can also do it differentlys
<childlikempress> rroy
<Cindy> childlikempress: i think i shouldn't be talking about this, insteead
<Cindy> you should try to drink more :3
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<ring0_starr> all i really do these days is get drunk and high and then write assembly for obsolete architectures
<ring0_starr> should i reevaluate my life?
<Cindy> ring0_starr: i think you can never have enough indulgence
<childlikempress> i used to make concurrent algorithms when i was drunk
<childlikempress> lol
<childlikempress> rahhh i should rly finish that paper some time
<ring0_starr> does anybody ever feel like there's a lot of shit underneath rust's shiny exterior
<Cindy> childlikempress: also i meant multiply
<Cindy> i said divisor because i was retarded
<ring0_starr> all that non-practitioners like myself ever see are the spotless evangelist blogs talking about how much faster/safer/leeter their code is
<ring0_starr> and i know from experience that the second you start actually trying to make something with it all the problems hit you at once
<childlikempress> Cindy: i think you can multiply as is
<childlikempress> and then shift the result right 8 places
<childlikempress> instead of the 16 you normally would when multiplying two 16.16 fixedpoint with each other
<childlikempress> or leave it as is w/e like 24.24 fixed point or sth?
<childlikempress> idkkk
<Cindy> 24.24 is way above the data type's size
<childlikempress> so yea you have to squish round it however you want i think thats what you get though; you dont have to shift before multiplying just change how you around afer
<Cindy> nice
<Cindy> can i PM you, childlikempress?
<childlikempress> go ahead
<childlikempress> i will not be good for much tonight though lol
<zid> 5.4 * 2.1 = 2*5 + 2*4(/10) + 4*1(/100)
<zid> reformat it to fit your radix, gg
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<geist> yay drinking + assembly == sad
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<FireFly> happy new year, y'all osdevers
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<sortie> happy happy happy FireFly
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<bslsk05> ​www.youtube.com: - YouTube
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<heat> cannot wait for pakistani bootleg onyx
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