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<cloudowind> #grub is ghost town , i dont know why they dont make a small script that does what os-prober does but they rely on os-prober and yet they dont trust it and by def they leave it disabled
<Ermine> good question, let's write os-prober but smol
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<cloudowind> debian devs made one everyone else using that i guess
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<Ermine> debians devs made a thing, SUDDENLY it's useful sp everyone is using it
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<heat> Ermine, os-prober but MINIMAL
<Ermine> heat: thought about it actually, but it's a pile of heuristics so it can't just be minimal. At least without some convention on how distros provide information about their kernels/initrds
<heat> ugh dont you hate it when you want a MINIMAL system with MINIMAL software but someone chimes in and BLOATS your problem
<Ermine> MINIMALISTS don't dual boot
<Ermine> system is BLOAT already, and you don't want BLOAT to double
<clever> that reminds me, a few weeks back, i wanted to boot the crusty old win7 on my desktop
<clever> its dual-boot, but i havent booted windows in years
<Ermine> Also one can boot the kernel directly and sidestep grub entirely
<clever> after some fussing with grub, i got it up and ..... discovered win7 lacks XHCI drivers
<clever> all my usb is XHCI, i have no ps2.....
<heat> lol
<clever> the ethernet drivers are also missing
<heat> Ermine, MINIMAL systemd-boot or something idk
<clever> # qemu-system-x86_64 -device qemu-xhci -enable-kvm -m 4096 -smp 8 -hda /dev/sda -netdev user,id=main -device e1000,netdev=main
<clever> but i did find, this can boot the win7 within qemu
<Ermine> heat: not even systemd-boot
<heat> i wonder if you could backport xhci without literally fucking dying in the process
<clever> the goal at the time, was to trick windows into installing xhci drivers from a guest when it has working input
<heat> like, the driver API is pretty stable
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<cloudowind> is someone being naughty
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<sortie> housemate: You may want to get an IRC bouncer to avoid all of the reconnection issues you're having :)
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<cloudowind> does those fingers ctpcs whoises still work ?wondered what kind of client causing him getting disconnected i thought he was spamming somewhere:/
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<sortie> Max SendQ exceeded means the client didn't receive answers fast enough. It's likely they're just on a mobile device with an unreliable connection and it's automatically reconnecting and timing out
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<zid> they're one of the schizos so it may be that they've added like 400 channels to their autojoin list
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<zid> if the ircd gets a recv() bigger than a few kB it just disconnects you for spamming
<cloudowind> :)
<heat> KERNAL
<sortie> This error code would rather be that the server sends the list of users in those 800 channels and then disconnects you when you can't read the list fast enough
<sortie> It's the inverse case of Excess flood
<cloudowind> thanks for the explanation sortie
<zid> sendq means he spammed
<zid> recvq means he hung
<sortie> Nope, you got it the wrong way, zid
<bslsk05> ​www.quakenet.org: QuakeNet IRC Network - Help
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<cloudowind> yea thats what i thought thought sendq is the one zid talking about
<zid> hmm yea
<zid> still, same cause
<zid> big ajoin
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<cloudowind> he gave up
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<sortie> https://xkcd.com/1579/ ← anyone else have this problem?
<bslsk05> ​xkcd - Tech Loops
<heat> yeah it's called bootstrappin
<zid> It's called "people don't give a shit about deps"
<zid> like, 99% of windows binaries are linked for w11 crt, despite not using a single call from it over the XP one
<zid> etc
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<heat> that's a windows problem called "having 300 redistributables with slightly different names"
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<heat> linux has a similar problem but at least libc.so.6 doesnt switch names
<zid> It's just that vscode or whatever defaults to it
<zid> and then there's the fact everything is written in python and javascript and shit
<zid> and that shit breaks just without you doing anything at all
<zid> constant updates are mandatory
<heat> visual studio
<zid> what about it
<heat> it's visual studio that defaults to it
<heat> the IDE
<zid> vscode comes with like, default templates for invoking vs
<heat> i mean if you want old crts dont you need to use linux visual studio express 2010
<zid> like bloodshed dev-c++'s makefiles
<heat> s/linux//
<bslsk05> ​<heat*> i mean if you want old crts dont you need to use visual studio express 2010
<zid> You have to go into project options and change a dropdown
<zid> and nobody's ever ever going to do it
<heat> ah the ucrt thing fixed it
<heat> now the name and ABI are stable
<zid> when I was using w7 past eol I had to hex edit a bunch of binaries
<zid> to make them run
<zid> just renaming the dlls in the import table lol
<zid> worked fine, because the only difference between w11 and w10 dll is like, a isHighDpiAware() function or whatever
<zid> w11 and w7*
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<Ermine> win s x s
<Ermine> But i guess you're busted anyway if it says you're missing a functiob
<zid> yea winsxs won't save you from being a w7 host against a futurely-invented w11-api
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