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<zid> portugoose breakfast, it has piri piri chillis in it
<kof673> > The Goose in hissing cried “Su.” one of the self-namers they are not only words but things, and the things are named by the words. Such words are a part of the primary sound-stuff out of which our later words were coined
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<kof673> assembly language, 10000 BC
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<zid> heat is also back
<zid> heat: What do with rest of peri peri?
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<the_oz> ·
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<kof673> > The hypnotic power of the serpent over its victims was recognized as magical. This is shown in the Ritual when the speaker says to the serpent that “goeth on his belly” (ch. 149), “I am the man who puts a veil (of darkness) on thy head.”
* kof673 covers up two serpent eyes, these are the two serpents...
<the_oz> taste the dirt!
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<bslsk05> ​www.phoronix.com: SystemV Filesystem Being Removed From The Linux Kernel - Phoronix
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<Ermine> i didn't even know it existed
<Ermine> rip
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<zid> did heat_ freeze again or something
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