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<heat_> nikolar, war of the spanish succession, napoleonic wars
<nikolar> Neat
<heat_> trump isn't annexing the azores without sinking the british carriers first
<zid> We're going to sell him the azores, call them "big and fabulousland for supremely great businessmen worth a lot of money"
<zid> I recommend a trillion dollars
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<kof673> i learned you can write bourne shell without using functions, just use eval and set variables first and have the code in a var. this doesn't provide any namespacing but......budget "functions"
<kof673> *doesn't provide any scoping
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<osdev199> Hi, I new to ext2 fs and fs in general and I'm creating my mkfs_ext2 program. How to calculate the total_blocks_per_block_group?
<osdev199> I'm assuming it is block_size_in_bytes * 8 even though the last group may have fewer blocks.
<osdev199> How can I find s_inodes_count?
<osdev199> calculate I mean
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<Mutabah> Total inode count is something that you pick based on heuristics afaik, it doesn't have a fixed value.
<Mutabah> Blocks per group is similar - you pick a group size depending on the volume size and number of groups desired
<osdev199> In ext2 revision 0, block bitmap should fit in one block. So I think block_size_in_bytes * 8 is correct for blocks per group.
<Mutabah> Makes sense
<Mutabah> 128MB per block seems quite reasonable
<osdev199> s_inodes_count: chatgpt gave me this formula - total_blocks * (inode_ratio/block_size_in_bytes)
<osdev199> inode ratio is something I'm not getting correctly.
<osdev199> It says typical inode ratio is 16,384 bytes per inode (16 KiB per inode) and it specifies the no. of bytes of data that one inode is responsible for.
<Mutabah> The inode count isn't fixed by the volume size, you just pick a count based on expected usage
<osdev199> even in mke2fs, we have -i bytes-per-inode option.
<osdev199> I think it is the same inode ratio that chatgpt is talking about.
<Mutabah> Yes.
<osdev199> but what is it? and how do we calculate it?
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<osdev199> I'm trying to make myself more familiar with the spec though.
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<heat_> good morning linux users
<ms21> sup
<zid> nooo don't do that, use onyx
<ms21> onyx?
<heat_> zid may or may not be a paid actor
<zid> heat_: That'll be one azore please.
<heat_> you're lucky we have 9
<ms21> azore? i'm such a noob
<heat_> we're just bantering ms21
<heat_> but onyx is my hobby operating system
<zid> onyx is an operating system, the azores are islands
<heat_> and linux is a kernel, not an operating system onto itself
<ms21> thank god i knew about that before lmao
<ms21> god, my internet is fucked rn, dude
<heat_> if the internet was running onyx it'd probably be permanently fucked
<heat_> reject internet, go back to touching grass
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<ms21> >heat_: is this you?
<bslsk05> ​heatd/Onyx - UNIX-like operating system written in C and C++ (11 forks/86 stargazers/NOASSERTION)
<heat_> yes
<zid> phenomonal guess
<zid> that heatd/onyx might be heat's onyx
<heat_> well thats not me, that's my project, im a sentient human being i think
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<nikolar> heat_: what's a grass
<pog> i'm onyx
<pog> i'm web-ready
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<pog> heat can onyx run .net
<heat_> no not yet sorry
<pog> :<
<pog> tfw you can't make onyx kubernetes microservice containers
<heat_> but you could contribute comrade
<zid> Youd on't need to keep selling me on onyx heat, it's already fine
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<zenmov> have you guys heard about gnu poke?
<zenmov> uhm, it's a nice little tool i kinda discovered like a week ago
<heat_> yeah i remember hearing about it
<nikolar> Looks neat
<nikolar> Too bad I have no clue how to use it
<zid> I prefer qbasic POKE
<nikolar> What about PEEK
<zid> you dsigust me
<zid> what a pervert
<nikolar> :(
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<nikolar> oi zid did they let you back into ##asm
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<zid> I was never not allowed, I left
<zenmov> would you ever change your mind, zid?
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<kof673> i remember seeing gnu poke and reading through the docs but have not used it
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<heat_> i was wondering how riscv shutdown worked and ofc, the answer is SBI
<heat_> all praise the SBI
<bslsk05> ​github.com: mini-rv32ima/mini-rv32ima/mini-rv32ima.c at master · cnlohr/mini-rv32ima · GitHub
<clever> heat_: mini-rv32ima doesnt support SBI, and it will shutdown when the step function returns 0x5555
<heat_> yes you can also do that
<heat_> the qemu virt dtb has a syscon thing for poweroff too
<clever> but i see no place where that can actually occur
<clever> it can return 1 if in WFI and no irq's are pending
<clever> 1 upon the initial execution of WFI
<clever> and 0 upon executing a set number of opcodes
<clever> aha, MINIRV32_HANDLE_MEM_STORE_CONTROL on line 35 can cause it to return other things
<bslsk05> ​github.com: mini-rv32ima/mini-rv32ima/mini-rv32ima.c at master · cnlohr/mini-rv32ima · GitHub
<clever> heat_: bingo, if you write to the syscon port at 0x11100000, then the step function just returns with whatever value you wrote
<heat_> yes
<clever> and i assume the sbi would just wrap that magic handshake up in a better api
<heat_> you can invoke this manually too but linux does not bother if it has SBI
<heat_> *i think*, this particular bit of linux is a little confusing
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<geist> all hail SBI
<geist> if you’re in machine mode though you still have to use the magic register that powers it off
<geist> i think i have both paths in LK qemu-riscv
<clever> i was looking at adding mmu to the above emulator a week ago
<clever> ran into a few surprises in linux, just enabling the mmu would auto-enable compressed opcodes
<clever> because efi requires mmu, and having the mmu on, allowed efi to default to true
<clever> and efi demands compressed opcodes
<clever> a complex chain reaction!
<heat_> efi also demands 4K page size
<heat_> fuck efi
<clever> then i discovered, linux in mmu, assumes s-mode
<clever> so i have to first add s-mode to the emulator!
<ring0_starr> compressed... opcodes...?
<heat_> yes
<clever> ring0_starr: under normal conditions, all risc-v opcodes are 32bits, compressed opcodes is a set of 16bit opcodes, with limited range for certain operands
<ring0_starr> oh
<clever> unlike arm thunb, you can freely mix 16bit and 32bit opcodes
<clever> thumb*
<ring0_starr> so it's like risc-v thumb mode. i thought it was using like zlib compression or something
<ring0_starr> err
<ring0_starr> mixing opcodes
<geist> the ‘c’ extension if you ever see it called out in a list of extensions (ie, rv32imac)
<clever> yep
<ring0_starr> i don't really like that, now you have variable length opcodes
<clever> without c, the PC must be 32bit aligned
<ring0_starr> err instructions
<heat_> lol
<geist> a lot of cpu implementers dont like it either
<clever> with c, the PC needs to be 16bit aligned, and you have a new set of opcodes to decode
<geist> there’s a bit of a battle going on in the RV community there
<clever> so you can wind up with a 32bit opcode that is mis-aligned to 16bit
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<ring0_starr> so at some point the risc-v people who made this shit are gonna be like "we actually want cisc after all"
<heat_> we love design by committee woooo
<ring0_starr> "let's recreate x86 in the most roundabout manner"
<geist> at least it’s trivial to determine the size, so the cost from the decoder to find the boundary is very straightforward
<geist> well, i thinkthey’reall growing to the same space
<geist> and it seems that thumb2/rv compressed is a pretty good compromise
<geist> even x86 is picking up more risc style stuffwith the new extensions that will give it 32 regs, and three address instructions
<geist> moving to the same basic place
<heat_> geist did you see that thing in #riscv where you can't express Zicsr and others in the dt
<heat_> you have to assume they're available lol
<ring0_starr> the enshittification knows no bounds
<ring0_starr> im sick of this
<clever> that reminds me, #riscv got a bit offended, last time i asked about issues with the PL011 uart, lol
<geist> that’s probably not entirely unreasonable. since the only impls that dont have Zicsr are basically deeply embedded things that dont have a DT
<geist> that’sreally the only reason Zicsr got broken out into its own extension, IIRC
<clever> linux only allows you to enable the PL011 driver on risc-v, if you also enable support for a random virtual machine
<heat_> i find it horrifying how they retroactively removed features from i
<heat_> like whyyyyyy
<geist> <shrug> life moves on mang.
<geist> it gets called out in the RVA, RVM, etc specs, which try to help build collections of extensions
<heat_> indeed
<geist> helps immensely
<geist> ends up being roughly equivalent to armvN.M
<ring0_starr> as the world of computing gets more complex, and knowledge becomes ever more specialized, we lose the ability to reason about things going on outside our purview and we have to just trust that whatever is happening is for the best
<ring0_starr> but past history has shown repeatedly this is not the case
<heat_> not this discussion again
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<ring0_starr> im not getting into the thick of it but jesus christ dude look at riscv bullshit and tell me i'm not right
<heat_> you're not right
<ring0_starr> w/e go drown in complexity
<Ermine> heat_: wanted to write this
<heat_> riscv is a bit of a clusterfuck because it's the opengl of ISAs
<ring0_starr> it WASN'T supposed to be like thiss
<heat_> yeah then it grew users
<ring0_starr> there is no clean, open implementation of risc
<heat_> it stopped being a UC berkeley side project
<ring0_starr> im going back to sparc
<nortti> is there a clean, open implementation of sparc?
<Ermine> heat_: not sure what's wrong with opengl in this regard
<ring0_starr> no, but at least it won't die by committee like riscv
<nortti> I think that's mainly because it's already dead, tbh
<heat_> Ermine, a lot of extensions and design by committee make it hard to use
<nortti> aiui sparc was managed by a committee back when anyone cared about it
<clever> heat_: i find it anoying that there isnt just one list of every opcode from every extension
<heat_> you could say x86 has that same problem (thru cpuid extensions), but there tends to be some progression, and features are kind of consistent
<Ermine> heat_: doesn't vulkan have the same problem?
<heat_> probably
<ring0_starr> so here's a question for yall, is there any example of something that was designed by committee that was actually good, or are they all just compromises
<heat_> usb
<heat_> PCI
<ring0_starr> because what usually happens with compromises is that it falls short of what it promised to do because somebody cut its legs off
<ring0_starr> and/or we get 53 bit packets
<ring0_starr> (referring to ATM)
<Ermine> i'm skeptic of usb
<heat_> what
<heat_> also linux is designed by committee
<heat_> and most open source projects, in fact
<zid> I think usb exists, sadly
<CompanionCube> nortti: not sure if it's clean but opensparc was released as gplv2?
<kof673> it is yin and yang somewhat http://dict.org/bin/Dict?Form=Dict2&Database=devil&Query=lexicographer A pestilent fellow who, under the pretense of recording some particular stage in the development of a language, does what he can to arrest its growth, stiffen its flexibility and mechanize its methods.
<bslsk05> ​dict.org: dict.org- lexicographer
<nortti> CompanionCube: I'm willing to bet that no production CPU core can ever be "clean"
<zid> It can be if it's boring as fuck
<zid> and never changes
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<kof673> "fell words that made their own meaning and carried it in their very sound" the lion still says "HA" or "HEH" > whose zoötype is the Lion as a fitting figure of this panting Power of the Air. > Thus the Lion speaks for itself, in the language of Ideographic Signs.
<kof673> it is a long ways back... :D
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<kof673> that is only in the unabridged i believe: > HELL, n. The residence of the late Dr. Noah Webster, dictionary maker
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<Ermine> heat: but there are MINIMAL projects which are designed by "no, i wouldn't do that, it's you who are doing it wrong"
<heat> BLOATED democratic projects vs MINIMAL STREAMLINED fascist projects
<pog> linux isn't exactly democratic
<zid> benevolent dictator <3
<pog> democratic centralism with a strong executive committee
<pog> union of soviet socialist repositories
<zid> I prefer a central planning authority, minithink.
<heat> linux is very democratic
<heat> it's a presidential republic where the president doesn't really enact laws but has veto power
<zid> It's a 1 party system though
<zid> everybody votes, and they all vote for linus, DEMOCRACY
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<Ermine> Linux. Freedom! Liberty! Justice! Managed Democracy!
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<isabella> name one real world country that you would say is run better than linux
<Ermine> windows
<pog> i have NIH i'm an egoist anarchist
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* kof673 .oO( something like the "obey" andre the giant sticker, unicode character/ligature for "don't blame me, i voted for kodos" https://0x0.st/s/viVQXnwb0PZ-KeaVUV7ZdA/Hd-h.jpg )
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* cloudowind wishes good restful and productive day to all osdevers
<sortie> POST cloudowind
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<cloudowind> goodays gentleman
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<ring0_starr> im not so sure i like riscv anymore
<ring0_starr> need to work with it more to be sure
<ring0_starr> the issue is that after spending sufficient amounts of time to determine if i should stick with it or not, i've gotten brain damage
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