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<sdomi> heat: extremely serenityos-brained, i like it
<nikolar> heat: i am @ing you
<nikolar> suck it
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<heat> dont @ me never works
<heat> :((
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<nikolar> heat: rip
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<pog> hi
<heat> pog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
<childlikempress> @heat gog
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<monkeyPlus> hey. I disabled my one key, and now i want to enable it, but the keycode is one_zero
<monkeyPlus> how do i enable it
<monkeyPlus> ten that is
<Mutabah> disabled how?
<monkeyPlus> xmodmap
<Mutabah> That sounds like a linux problem
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<Mutabah> Although, here's an idea - make a shell script, and use vim's `Ctrl-A` key combo to increment the number
<nikolar> Or ssh into the machine and fix it
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<cloudowind> xmodmap again?or just leave x , because xmodset it not setting permanent as far as i know
<cloudowind> i finnaly sorted my init , now doesnt matter if real hardware or qemu , it does boot perfectly yay
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<bslsk05> ​learn.microsoft.com: ioringapi - Win32 apps | Microsoft Learn
<heat_> as i said multiple times, operating systems development is a big homework copying exercise
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<nikolar> heat_: just admit that microsoft sucks
<nikolar> they literally made a builtin linux vm just to stop people from even trying linux
<heat_> people using wsl2 were not going to try linux
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<nikolar> i don't agree
<heat_> wsl2 is probably a replacement for VM users
<zid> They went into linux because they were getting eaten in datacenters, and wanted to lock people into "Linux+"
<zid> which was linux but also DX12
<heat_> _a lot_ of people have linux on a VM and dont want to use linux full-time
<heat_> like zid here
<zid> so that they could get big gpu farms running windows underneath
<zid> I have done, heat, for years
<zid> I'm just older than your socks
<heat_> my socks aren't super old
<nikolar> that's what zid said, heat, pay attention
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<heat_> if you have old socks that's pretty worrying
<heat_> or you found a *great* pair of socks
<heat_> like all time top 10 socks
<heat_> in any case i dont really think wsl2 is for the datacenter anyway
<heat_> if you have to pick between linux or linux in a vm, the choice is pretty obvious
<nikolar> linux, duh
<zid> They were trying to go for "linux in a vm is BETTEr actually, because you get dx12 via our balloon driver"
<zid> "You can use dx12 on EVERY platform then! Portability!"
<heat_> pretty sure you don't get dx12
<nikolar> every platform being windows and linux running on windows via vm
<heat_> you get opengl or vulkan over dx12
<bslsk05> ​www.phoronix.com: Microsoft Announces Direct3D 12 For Linux / WSL2 - Phoronix
<zid> "This is the real and full D3D12 API, no imitations, pretender or reimplementation here… this is the real deal. libd3d12.so is compiled from the same source code as d3d12.dll on Windows but for a Linux target."
<zid> they even dropped the balloon on lkml
<zid> and got told to fuck off
<nikolar> so you can use DWORD even in linux
<nikolar> nice
<nikolar> also, zid, that's an approriate response kek
<heat_> ew
<heat_> oh cool thing btw: ntsync ended up being merged
<nikolar> heat_: which part is ew
<heat_> both D3D12 and DWORD
<nikolar> nice
<zid> "That never happened" *20 seconds later* "Actually it was merged"
<nikolar> lol
<heat_> hm? ntsync is a totally different thing
<heat_> for wine acceleration
<zid> ah is that WaitForMultipleObjectsEx but linux?
<heat_> yeah
<Ermine> when linux will copy its homework on desktop stuff from windows
<zid> it's called systemd
<Ermine> not that part
<heat_> systemd is macos
<Ermine> ^
<Ermine> idk actually how to write services in windows
<bslsk05> ​www.microsoft.com: Microsoft Loves Linux - Microsoft Windows Server Blog
<kof673> that is a quote, not me
<kof673> the bsd joke was bsd people like unix, linux hates ms, so of course they would fall in love :D
<heat_> windows desktop on linux would never work
<heat_> because it's not a crummy xorg setup nor a hacked up i3
<heat_> when the desktop people take away your tcp-socket-based desktop remote over the interwebz built on 40 year old software, it's fascism
<nikolar> no, windows desktop on linux would never work windows desktop sucks :P
<kof673> there was lindows a long time ago, and even a (superficial appearance only) icewm "skin" and such... :D
<heat_> "windows desktop sucks" -- guy that needs to restart pulseaudio from time to time because it randomly crashes
<kof673> http://web.archive.org/web/20010522070359/http://www.mslinux.org/ this looks like an ancient joke page :D
<bslsk05> ​web.archive.org: Microsoft Linux - the premier linux distro
<Ermine> heat_: there's some progress, i don't need to restart pipewire now! just manually reconnect bluetooth headset from time to time
<nikolar> heat_: i haven't restarted pulseaudio basically ever
<nikolar> unless i've specifically messed with it
* Ermine ticks yotld off his osdev bingo card
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<nikolar> Ermine: i don't think this counts
<isabella> /j #lobsters
<isabella> ugh
<isabella> sorry
<Ermine> heat_: what's hacked up about i3 actually
<nikolar> the fact that it's not kde, if you ask heat
<Ermine> i ask heat, not you
<heat_> it fucking sucks
<nikolar> told you
<Ermine> why
<heat_> typical minimalist garbage
<Ermine> let's put it like this: are you talking about the concept of tiling wm
<Ermine> or implementation
<heat_> 40% of the whole project is written in perl
<heat_> that's how you know it's minimal and traditional and good shit
<Ermine> not minimalist in my book
<nikolar> heat_: would you prefer dwm hten
<nikolar> *then
<Ermine> also i think perl stuff isn't the part of the window manager itself
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<heat_> >dwm is a minimalist dynamic window manager for the X Window System developed by Suckless
<nikolar> yes
<Ermine> well, i'm happy though that you don't oppose the concept
<nikolar> no perl in sight
<bslsk05> ​www.youtube.com: - YouTube
<Ermine> sway has no perl
<heat_> i think tiling wms are largely unusable for normal people
<Ermine> indeed
<nikolar> who here is a normal person though
<Ermine> though i took the effort of learning how to use it
<Ermine> Nerdy? Yes. Reasonable? Also yes.
<heat_> im not quite normal but i do use normal software
<Ermine> though qemu feels better in floating wms/des
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<Ermine> (though there's a guy in phoronix who hates tiling stuff, and i have no explanation except they were bullied by tiling wm users in their childhood)
<heat_> tiling wm users and bullies is mutually exclusive
<Ermine> as i said, there's no other explanation
<heat_> the only tiling wm i stan is xmonad
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<nikolar> ah, haskell, very minimal
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<heat_> haskell is not minimal but peak mancave at mom's house
<heat_> OR math phd
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<GeDaMo> How do you feel about the ratpoison WM? :P
<Ermine> heat_: start with category theory
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<kof673> i never bothered to try tiling ,it seemed like dvorak or esperanto, if i learned it, would be a pain in other env.
<kof673> i am not against that, but in that case...why not go all out and not even worry about compatability at all :D
<kof673> if there was a distro that specifically used programs that were designed for keyboard use, maybe i would bother
<kof673> does this mean with ai there will be a resurge in voice command interfaces? that was a thing in the 90s, not sure how popular...
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<Ermine> i had some problems with plasma after using sway first, but now I adapt fine
<Ermine> on other topics, now I believe that windows is the only os that supports (or supported) acpi on armv7
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<kof673> i almost forgot to tell heat, there is proof of bsd ""Escape Clause" is episode six of the American television anthology series The Twilight Zone." the devil character stamps the paperwork with a nice trident :D looks like a triple sagittarius, would make a nice logo :D
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<heat_> Ermine, why wouldn't linux?
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<Ermine> heat_: it doesn't seem to support, probably due to the lack of interest
<heat_> what armv7 acpi is there?
<Ermine> lumias
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<heat> Ermine, heh, interesting
<heat> if i were to guess, you might be able to get a device tree for those ezpz
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<nikolar> Port onyx
<Ermine> no, phones are way too weird for the first port
<nikolar> Lol fair enough
<heat> first port?
<Ermine> heat: armv7, it's 32-bit, and you have aarch64 only
<heat> i had arm64 code fwiw, never got merged (not stable or perfect enough) and things changed a lot since then
<heat> yeah
<heat> onyx is not 32-bit ready
<Ermine> and phones are not the best devices for debugging
<heat> i suspect it wouldn't be super hard to onyx32 if you forget the highmem stuff
<heat> the big problem to tackle would be ABI and off_t
<Ermine> the screen is small, no keyboard, no ethernet
<heat> i've thought about giving 32-bit x86 a shot just cuz
<heat> an exercise in portability
<heat> like, onyx uses off_t and size_t pretty interchangeably, which is problematic for filesystem/IO
<heat> ideally i'd use loff_t which would be Just Big Enough for all IO purposes
<heat> file sizes would also need to be loff_t, not size_t
<heat> then you'd need to deal with syscall ABI, the whole read vs read64 crazyness, oh and time32 vs time64
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<Ermine> is it how it goes in linux?
<Ermine> read32 and read64
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<nikolar> There's a bunch of macro shenanigans for compatibility in Linux
<nikolar> Especially for time related stuff
<heat> yes that macro part is horrible and confusing
<nikolar> But it's kind of necessary
<heat> but linux even has SYS_read and SYS_read64 and that shit
<nikolar> Because we don't break user space
<heat> (actually might not have read64, but pread64 and llseek and all that it definitely does)
<heat> then with time64 they added even more syscalls
<nikolar> I assume you'd have just read64
<nikolar> And work around it
<nikolar> On 32 bit
<heat> possibly
<heat> it's a problem i barely thought of
<nikolar> I'm sure we won't need read128 :P
<heat> you'd be wrong
<heat> there have been real discussions on making linux 128-bit ready
<heat> (actually yeah read64 does not exist, size_t is always native-word sized, and it doesn't have a seek)
<sortie> Sortix is actually fairly 128-bit ready though not quite entirely, I'm sure I made some assumptions here and there that needs adjustment
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<nikolar> heat: what for
<Ermine> so it all boils down to off_t and time_t
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<heat> nikolar, 128-bit hardware is not that far away
<heat> 128-bit file sizes even less so
<nikolar> I highly doubt that it's not that far away
<heat> you'd be wrong
<Ermine> we're past second half of 2020s actually
<heat> commodity 64-bit hardware is like 30 or 35 years old
<heat> enterprise usually wants it a good bit sooner, and you want to get things ready even sooner than that
<Ermine> now, what about 256 bit hardware
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<heat> Ermine, pretty much, though onyx rarely uses time_t
<nikolar> Is there a single system that requires more than 1<<64 bytes of ram
<heat> not yet
<nikolar> Because there's basically no other benefit to moving to 128 bit
<nikolar> And there are A LOT of downsides
<heat> what downsides?
<bslsk05> ​lwn.net: The road to Zettalinux [LWN.net]
<Ermine> when you get a system requiring more than 1<<64 bytes of ram, you want a 128-bit cpu available
<heat> we talked this through on IRC with willy and yeah 128 bit hardware may not be that far away
<heat> there's a huge problem with regards to C types but it is what it is
<mcrod> hi
<nikolar> Oi
<mcrod> I am going through TAOCP
<mcrod> and I have to tell you
<mcrod> my brain is absolutely fried beyond recognition
<mcrod> wtf did that send twice?
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<nikolar> What's a TAOCP
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<Ermine> C's non-fixed size types seems to be the thing which is consensually a mistake so everyone has those sizes fixed now
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<sortie> Who else is literally fighting an army of spambots attacking their OS? :D:
<Ermine> does stress-ng count?
<Ermine> or will-it-scale
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<sortie> My self-hosted IRC network is actually holding back the spam using DNS blocklists
<Ermine> also, welcome to the world where you need your network stack secure
<sortie> This isn't even new :)
<sortie> But it's definitely a lesson worth sharing with everyone, to be extra safe and careful when implementing networking
<sortie> Anything remote facing
<sortie> And plan for people sending actively abusive shit because they will
<Ermine> now get ready to massive ddos attacks like those handled by cloudflare
<sortie> I have gigabit connectivity
<sortie> One billion spambots served
<sortie> (at one bit per second? they're gonna have a bad time)
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<cloudowind> if we didnt have to hide anything from anyone and if everything can be visible to everyone we wouldnt need to hide or protect anything , its only human , bears or camels do not try to hack
* cloudowind says cloudowind and dissappers
<sortie> what the hell was that blowing through the clouds and wind
<sortie> did anyone else experience that
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<pog> no, you're crazy
* pog whispers "gatekeep gaslight girlboss"
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<mcrod> pog may i gog you
<pog> that's inappropriate sir
<pog> do it
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* mcrod gogs pog
* pog gogs
<mcrod> hot
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<childlikempress> mew
<pog> mew
<nikolar> pew
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<szatku> Hi. I'm writting second stage x86 bootloader for FAT12. I have some problem with jumping after going to unreal mode (I do some experiments). https://gist.github.com/SzateX/eba949e7480a40b80009bd4232c8d27a#file-second_stage-asm-L606. When the bootloader reach the jmp load_kernel, there is a crash of QEMU with: \qemu-system-i386.exe: Trying to
<szatku> execute code outside RAM or ROM at 0x3167f016. I tried some things like disabling some code and put only jumping to unreal mode. And the weridness is, because this code is rewritten code of the same bootloader (but written in C and ASM stub - compiled w Clang - and there it works, but here don't).
<bslsk05> ​gist.github.com: second_stage.asm · GitHub
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<pog> how are you compiling it
<ring0_starr> if you're able to crash qemu, that should be the locus of your attention.
<ring0_starr> never mind the bootloader.
<pog> 3167f016 is an interesting value for an address
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<ring0_starr> ascii string fragment with some array indexing math applied to it
<ring0_starr> it's not worth speculating on, just debugging.
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<szatku> pog I use nasm with command: nasm -f bin seconds_stage.asm -o secondst.bin
<szatku> And its weird. I cannot blame first stage, that it loads something incorrectly because bigger bootloader (written i C - the size is a reason why i rewrite it to asm) is loaded properly
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<szatku> this a state of registers when it crashed: https://gist.github.com/SzateX/03c8cf38a8d020de283b126a921525ed
<bslsk05> ​gist.github.com: gist:03c8cf38a8d020de283b126a921525ed · GitHub
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<szatku> I'm not sure the CS is correct. I places hlt before problematic jump, and the value is the same.
<szatku> Ah ok CS looks the same in working bootloader - but diffrence is in GDT
<szatku> ah nvm
<szatku> it points to address
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<szatku> It looks GDT Register points to correct place, and the values are ok. No idea what is wrong
<karenw> Urgh, it's been ages since I worked on this interrupt handling branch and I have no idea what I was doing or if it's even correct.
<karenw> Maybe I sack it all off, implement ACPI parsing, then come back when I understand what the endgame should look like.
<the_oz_> szatku, time to single step and watch for eip getting weird after your bootloader is jmped to
<szatku> one moment, I need to take from IDA address of jump when it crash
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<bslsk05> ​gist.github.com: gist:338dc5cfa2b5af827127aa5e0dadcb1c · GitHub
<szatku> I hope I do it correctly
<szatku> on f331 is a jump to load_kernel (where I put hlt for tests). But step put me somewhere in weird location
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<szatku> Okay - i look into IDA: EA 30 F3 00 00                                                  jmp     far ptr loc_F330