www.phoronix.com: Microsoft Announces Direct3D 12 For Linux / WSL2 - Phoronix
"This is the real and full D3D12 API, no imitations, pretender or reimplementation here… this is the real deal. libd3d12.so is compiled from the same source code as d3d12.dll on Windows but for a Linux target."
they even dropped the balloon on lkml
and got told to fuck off
so you can use DWORD even in linux
also, zid, that's an approriate response kek
oh cool thing btw: ntsync ended up being merged
heat_: which part is ew
both D3D12 and DWORD
"That never happened" *20 seconds later* "Actually it was merged"
hm? ntsync is a totally different thing
for wine acceleration
ah is that WaitForMultipleObjectsEx but linux?
when linux will copy its homework on desktop stuff from windows
it's called systemd
not that part
systemd is macos
idk actually how to write services in windows
i think tiling wms are largely unusable for normal people
who here is a normal person though
though i took the effort of learning how to use it
Nerdy? Yes. Reasonable? Also yes.
im not quite normal but i do use normal software
though qemu feels better in floating wms/des
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(though there's a guy in phoronix who hates tiling stuff, and i have no explanation except they were bullied by tiling wm users in their childhood)
tiling wm users and bullies is mutually exclusive
as i said, there's no other explanation
the only tiling wm i stan is xmonad
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ah, haskell, very minimal
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haskell is not minimal but peak mancave at mom's house
OR math phd
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How do you feel about the ratpoison WM? :P
heat_: start with category theory
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i never bothered to try tiling ,it seemed like dvorak or esperanto, if i learned it, would be a pain in other env.
i am not against that, but in that case...why not go all out and not even worry about compatability at all :D
if there was a distro that specifically used programs that were designed for keyboard use, maybe i would bother
does this mean with ai there will be a resurge in voice command interfaces? that was a thing in the 90s, not sure how popular...
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i had some problems with plasma after using sway first, but now I adapt fine
on other topics, now I believe that windows is the only os that supports (or supported) acpi on armv7
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i almost forgot to tell heat, there is proof of bsd ""Escape Clause" is episode six of the American television anthology series The Twilight Zone." the devil character stamps the paperwork with a nice trident :D looks like a triple sagittarius, would make a nice logo :D
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Ermine, why wouldn't linux?
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heat_: it doesn't seem to support, probably due to the lack of interest
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C's non-fixed size types seems to be the thing which is consensually a mistake so everyone has those sizes fixed now
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Who else is literally fighting an army of spambots attacking their OS? :D:
does stress-ng count?
or will-it-scale
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My self-hosted IRC network is actually holding back the spam using DNS blocklists
also, welcome to the world where you need your network stack secure
This isn't even new :)
But it's definitely a lesson worth sharing with everyone, to be extra safe and careful when implementing networking
Anything remote facing
And plan for people sending actively abusive shit because they will
now get ready to massive ddos attacks like those handled by cloudflare
I have gigabit connectivity
One billion spambots served
(at one bit per second? they're gonna have a bad time)
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if we didnt have to hide anything from anyone and if everything can be visible to everyone we wouldnt need to hide or protect anything , its only human , bears or camels do not try to hack
* cloudowind
says cloudowind and dissappers
what the hell was that blowing through the clouds and wind
did anyone else experience that
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no, you're crazy
* pog
whispers "gatekeep gaslight girlboss"
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pog may i gog you
that's inappropriate sir
do it
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* mcrod
gogs pog
* pog
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execute code outside RAM or ROM at 0x3167f016. I tried some things like disabling some code and put only jumping to unreal mode. And the weridness is, because this code is rewritten code of the same bootloader (but written in C and ASM stub - compiled w Clang - and there it works, but here don't).
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how are you compiling it
if you're able to crash qemu, that should be the locus of your attention.
never mind the bootloader.
3167f016 is an interesting value for an address
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ascii string fragment with some array indexing math applied to it
it's not worth speculating on, just debugging.
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pog I use nasm with command: nasm -f bin seconds_stage.asm -o secondst.bin
And its weird. I cannot blame first stage, that it loads something incorrectly because bigger bootloader (written i C - the size is a reason why i rewrite it to asm) is loaded properly