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<kof673> > ok the total war troy was measured on a 4790k it seems > The settlement of Thebes is a building chain in a Total War Saga: Troy /me points at bslsk05
<kof673> alchemy wars over alchemy locations :D > Having followed the cow, Cadmus established the site of Thebes. He sent his companions to fetch water from a nearby spring that was guarded by a dragon.
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<cow> well that was an interesting ping
<cow> I do confirm I can lead people to site of Thebes
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<zid> I take them to hull, much worse
<heat_> no one has ever tried to destroy hull *as a punishment*
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<zid> who would it punish
<zid> It'd be a sweet relief for everybody
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<cloudowind> goodays quite people
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<nikolar> quite people indeed
<pog> hi
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<zid> nikolar is vaguely people
<zid> I am definitely not people
<nikolar> sounds about right
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<cloudowind> good to see aliveness
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<cloudowind> have you left netherlands already pog
<heat> gog's in iceland i think
<heat> though she should move to greenland
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<pog> yeah i'm back in iceland
<pog> have been for 2 weeks
<pog> netherlands was really nice tho
<pog> in spite of the circumstances of being there
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<cloudowind> very nice
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<cloudowind> https://www.gnu.org/gnu/linux-and-gnu.en.html nice to see that they are about to reach their $400k target , i was worried they wasnt gonna do it , very important to support gnu imo
<bslsk05> ​www.gnu.org: Linux and GNU - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation
<heat> i dont think they are
<heat> nor are they important at all
<Ermine> they're almost there unfortunately
<Ermine> $400k get wasted, unfortunately
<heat> they took a whole year to get 350k, getting another 50 in 9 days sounds unrealistic to me
<Ermine> fair enough
<Ermine> though $350k are still wasted
<heat> correct
<heat> fsf the author of great hits such as "non-free software bad, non-free hardware good"
<Ermine> this
<Ermine> but, in any case, they're meaningless
<pog> software bad
<pog> stop using softwrae
<heat> use bazel
<Ermine> Like, latest important stuff happened in fsf world is... gplv3, and this is controversial
<Ermine> also, another fsf hit is 'CLA good'
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