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how goes it heatofreak2010
terribly actually
did you remember threads exist
and now you're sad
i have a weird crash where threads > cpus spamming a futex (not sure if it's directly related) crash the system uncontrollably
with garbage stack corruption
How good are you at instrumenting qemu and catching it trying to create new TCG blocks
im on kvm
does it crash in tcg too though
might be a useful skill toi learn just in general
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uhhhhhhhhhhhhh i think this is a kasan problem...
as in kasan caused it?
something in kasan isn't thread safe, or just your implementation?
something with my kasan implementation might be fucking things up
i disabled KASAN and things seem to just work... i'll be stressing this while watching tha tennis
i have 40 threads (for 4 cores) spamming both futex system calls and the mmap rwlock and no crash in sight
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erm, isn't a futex supposed to be a user-mode mutex...?
There's kernel-side support needed
A syscall that sleeps until a piece of memory changes (iirc)
i always thought that a futex was spinlock based
now that i'm reading some stuff this doesn't seem to be the case. is there a name for what i'm thinking of?
ring0_starr: just pop open `man futex` and look at the operations it allows
FUTEX_WAIT will test if a given address still contains a given value, and then sleep until FUTEX_WAKE is issued by something else on the same addr
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the idea being, if you lost the race to a mutex, and you need to wait until its unlocked, you FUTEX_WAIT
and whatever has the mutex, will FUTEX_WAKE when it unlocks
FUTEX_FD looks fun, it creates a special fd, that will be readable after a FUTEX_WAKE
so you can shove the "block until unlocked" part into a select() loop
so a single thread could be blocked on stdin, a dozen networks sockets, and a dozen mutexes
i think the other big thing with futex, is that the kernel auto-magically deals with virtual memory, so you can act on a mutex in shared memory, that is at a different virt addr in each process
yeah the manpage mentions this
> No guarantee is provided about which waiters are awoken (e.g., a waiter with a higher scheduling priority is not guaranteed to be awoken in preference to a waiter with a lower priority).
why is this okay?
it might just be an un-ordered linked list in the kernel, and it just wakes whatever is first
that doesn't make it okay... this is a case of priority inversion
scheduling priorities are complicated on modern linux
and nice doesnt do what you think it does
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sorting by priority on every (un)lock would have a lot of overhead
not if you use a purpose built data structure
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futex has PI support
i wonder if anything changes if the threads have SCHED_RR
that are using this
sorting by priority would fucking suck
you'd starve lower priority waiters
yeah im reading about it now
but if you use a non-PI futex, there's no guarantee about which waiters are awoken, therefore the starvation of some readers might still happen
what readers?
i don't know. i was about to call this "a mess"
<ring0_starr*> but if you use a non-PI futex, there's no guarantee about which waiters are awoken, therefore the starvation of some waiters might still happen
normal futexes are perfectly fair, roughly FIFO waiting
I guess uaddr readers
it's not perfectly scheduling-fair, but it depends on the hat you're wearing
there's no guarantee of that being the case. in practice it works out alright but what makes it a mess is that you cannot reason about it
you do not need to reason about it
there is no need to expose internal details to userspace
hrmm i vaguely recall there being some kind of 'red hawk linux'
i wonder what they do
as the environment, you do need to expose those kinds of details to userspace, because nothing else in between the language and the kernel is making any kind of guarantee
if nobody makes any kind of guarantee in the chain then there is no determinism
you do not need to expose these kinds of details to userspace
seriously, try it
you'll paint yourself into the most hellishly well documented corner
internal details should not be ABI
it's not the ABI though, it's the operating environment at large. you only really would need to know these details at a level greater than any single process
you're right if you think of every process as its own island, but this isn't ever the case...
say i explicitly document the futex waking order, in a man page
this works great while it's a very simple linked-list-like hashtable. good.
now say i make up a new data structure that does not play ball with the waking order
oopsie, fucky wucky
your users would just stick with the older more reliable version of your kernel
>more reliable
citation needed
more deterministic
also haha sure thing boss
clever, futex_fd has been ded for like 15 years btw
i just found it in the man page, and it looked neat
17 actually
Because it was inherently racy, FUTEX_FD has been removed from Linux 2.6.26 onward.
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clever@c2d ~ $ uname -a
Linux c2d 3.8.13-gentoo #3 SMP Thu Dec 15 10:33:05 AST 2016 x86_64 Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU 6300 @ 1.86GHz GenuineIntel GNU/Linux
klingon@klingon:~$ uname -a
Linux klingon 3.2.0-75-generic #110-Ubuntu SMP Tue Dec 16 19:11:55 UTC 2014 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
dont think i can find a 2.6 machine still running, lol
i have 2.6 on an access point from the early 00s!
with 8mb of ram
it freezes up when you make too many web requests
ring0_starr: my old ISP router had a stats page, that was basically just printing the byte-counters from iftop
but the idiots used an int32_t
after 2gig of traffic goes thru the router, it overflows, and reports 0 bytes
after another 2gig of traffic goes thru it, it fully wraps around, and starts working again
> Jun 30, 2004 · The Live CD boot of Knoppix v3.4, with the experimental kernel 2.6.6, is beyond a shadow of a doubt, the hottest thing that I have ever run that should work ;D > [knoppix 5.3.1] includes Linux Kernel
also, if you scrape that http page every second, the router will lock up solid after 29.5 days
like clockwork, very repeatable
every minute*
knoppix 3.4, hot and racey, oh my
knoppix 3.4 is the knoppix i've had for years
i also have morphix 0.4, which is a precursor to ubuntu and started the whole "hybrid livecd/installer" thing
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geist: hi, are you available?
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Hi, is there a TCP packet (MSS) size limit in qemu?
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has anyone looked at zig for os dev?
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seemed like it'd work fine, language wise, just comes down to the tools I guess
can it spit out a standalone elf? if so, you're gtg
<bslsk05> Zig Bare Bones - OSDev Wiki
heat has joined #osdev
zig person used to come in here a long time ago i believe...
i made a ddr "drop the bomb" joke once and i think that was the end of that :D for great justice
ebrasca, i dont think so, obviously the MSS depends on the link MTU and all that
kof673 lol
zid tooling should be fine. I was just wondering if someone has already some experience with the language.
I imagine the zig channel does? :P
no i think the ceo of zig, zid, would know better
shit, rumbled
zid tooling
Yeah but in the zig channel I'll probably getting actual answers to my question... which is not what I am looking for. I'm looking for the cynical responses and rants you only get in #osdev :P
zig is shit, then
Finally! That's all I needed to know.
It's like C but last lexographically, making it inf- I MEAN SUPERIOR
zig is actually crap
you have to be a special type of hipster to enjoy it
C people like C, rust people like rust
said a guy using c++
I saw some guy using zig once, it didn't look awful
zig is neither C nor rust
but that's because it looked like C
actually, i don't remember heat saying he enjoyed c++
i retract my previous statemetn
but it looked like C made slightly more annoying
but it has meta programming which is nice
So does C
>but it has meta programming which is nice
found the C++ enjoyer
Write a C program that printfs a C program, have your makefile keep compiling everything over and over
yeah.. but no thanks... :D
That's called being picky
heat: because c++ is the only language that has meta programming?
because C++ is the language for metaprogramming enjoyers
I don't think anyone really enjoys c++
maybe bjarne
just visit r/cpp
i don't think bjarne enjoys it either
heat, do you enjoy c++
heat: stockholm syndrome != enjoying
not really
there we go
They think it's a wonderful tool that solves all problems, if they could just figure out how to use it correctly
i think bjarne enjoys it a lot less than some r/cpp people
oh, shit, here we go again
please stop using "stockholm syndrome". It's not a thing
tell that to r/cpp
The problem isn't C++ ofc, it's that their tiny mind is too feeble to contain all of C++'s glory at the same time so they're having to spend years and years learning it and practicing, so that one day they can write GOOD code
One must imagine the C++ programmer happy.
Ah the good old "it all makes sense once you get better" argument. That's the one thing Rust took over from c++. That and the made up memory model.
every memory models is made up :P
yea rust is certainly on the scale
sorry, spectrum
Rust users are on the spectrum*
double typo what am I like
double whammy
a lot of stuff in OS space is made up
futexes were made up and they're pretty good
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heat: Thx!
before that spammer arrives, should #osdev have +s mode
#osdev has +s alrady
Permission Denied - You're not an IRC operator
I don't see it though, I see +nrt
ah wait, not +s
heat is lying
but we do have +r
or that fucking flag
that stops you from joining without being registered
non-temporal, registered, turtles, +nrt
irc flags fucking suck
no, you suck
no u
no, joe biden
no u
ircd won't let me kline joe biden, it's a disgrace
all praise joe biden yes sir i'll buy the biden coin
the biden coin is coming soon
zid, give it a few more hours
I assume +s is "registered only"?
and then joe biden will make me an ircop!?
no, that's +r
+s is secret
ah, cool
zid, yes!
+s hides channel from /list and /whois
Ping me in in a few hours, and I'll clear it when I wake up
sergev/LiteBSD - Variant of 4.4BSD Unix for microcontrollers (36 forks/314 stargazers/NOASSERTION)
there was a prior lite, but not sure what the meaning was: > 4.4BSD Lite was the second-to-last release from the CSRG. After they had to withdraw the Net/2 source, the files found to be derived from [...] # IIRC at&t or whoever was found to have stolen some of their code :D
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half a meg of ram? bougie as fuck
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With is the best kernel for inspiration for TCP/IP?
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hi geist! Sorry for the question: does android use mainline kernelspace for bluetooth? From source code it seems like so (some service opens PF_BLUETOOTH socket at least)
no clue whatso ever
but, i doubt it
android has its own userspace bluetooth bits