SlugOS/SlugOS - A minimal OS (0 forks/0 stargazers/CC0-1.0)
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ThatOSDeveloper: Sounds like you read the stack wrong then? did you push 1 / push 2 / push 3 etc at the start of an otherwise generic handler or osmething then try to pop it off?
gotta pray and fast for intel
oh crap I never pushed it LOL
wait no I did
where am I looking
ah, init
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inside of src/init/interrupt and inside of isr.s and exception.c
well for one there's a big problem
in that you never pop the state back out
biggest problem I noticed is that you have your * on the wrong side of this char
kinda new to assembly lol
disgraceful behaviour
and eh with C, I mean I am mid with it, only known it for a few years
isr_no_err_stub never pushes anything either
childlikempress, BASED paulmck memory models i must add
helpful as always zid :P
oh yeah, I guess I am using cdecl?
* united states federal territory, they don't claim the land per se...federal territory is defined as outside any of the geographical states :D
for example, the only one I ever remember off the top of my head, rdi = first parameter, rsi = second parameter, rdx = third parameter, ..., stack aligned to 16
okay so cdecl says your args are on the stack
oh, now I think I know what you mean
you've pushed like 12 args, then retrieved 1 arg
a pointer
so do I just need to push like ebp (the stack frame)
zid: pretty sure that's sysv
rdi, rsi, rdx, rcx
or is ebp the stack pointer?
no, push esp
oh esp okay
also, your order is completely fucked
esp - stack pointer
ebp - base pointer
you either want to do void exception(int arg1, int arg2, int arg3, int arg4, ...) or actually push esp first, so that your first thing on the stack is infact, a pointer to all that other crap :P
I recommend the latter
so I would need to do push %esp?
okay then I push all the other stuff?
push esp just copies the current (which is the 'end') value of the stack pointer, to the stack, making it the first argument to your function call, and at the 'end' of the stack, is all the other crap you pushed to it
push esp last, it needs to be the first argument to your function, and it needs to have the address of 'all the other crap'
no! = NaN
nikolar, js?
right because assembly does it backwards compared to C right!
ThatOSDeveloper, i think you dont understand the stack
if you pushed it first, its value would be the saved eip of the assembly routine or whatever
you really need to
heat: just in general
no is indeed not a number
neither is no!
listen man I barely understand C let alone assembly, I am impressed I even got this far on my own
ok, then understand the stack
You might wanna look at godbolt more, in future
so if I push it last, it is the very top of the stack which then goes to the function right?
well goes to the function first
the last thing you pushed is the first thing to be popped, yes
so do I need to pop it after exception handler?
and the way you're pushing things will come up with a very broken stack frame
cdecl says if you should or should not
heat: sounds about right
got to admit, I got pretty far on my own.
you need to push in reverse wrt the struct
like, the stack grows down right?
stack cleanup column for cdecl in the wiki page: caller
and C structs grow up
so, looking at exception_frame_t, ds needs to be the last thing you push
so the caller needs to remove the parameters, your pushed esp, but then you also need to remove that temporary local struct you made in the callee
then eax, then ecx, then edx, yadda yadda
so if I push all my stuff first (in the code) then at the end of my code (right before exception_handler is called)
last thing you push *before the push %esp for the argument*
so I want to push all of my crap, then esp, then call the function, then pop it all?
nice dog btw
normally you could use ebp to achieve that, but if you use ebp, you'll corrupt it
so do not push ebp
you can push it, that only changes what's on your stack
so pushing it changes it?
you can push it, that only changes what's on your stack
oh lol
You need to *not* corrupt ebp, inside an interrupt handler
so you can't do the usual mov ebp, esp; push esp stuff
wait did I do that?
That's what almost all cdecl functions do
no you did not
Your problem appears to be reading comprehension
[01:32] <zid> normally you could use ebp to achieve that, but if you use ebp, you'll corrupt it
I think I got it, I am going to try and make those mods now, so just in case, if a C stack grows upwards, if I do it in assembly, I would need to push it the exact opposite way?
C doesn't have a stack
okay thank you
a C *struct* goes upwards
an x86 stack grows downwards
yes struct is what I meant
ah yes, compounds/arrays, go forwards
a[0] is before a[1]
a.member0 is before a.member1
note: you do not need to pop your arguments
oops scrolled over it, (at 8.1 now LOL)
also figure 6-4 has the same info
and is technically the correct one for you, I think
what version
all of them
gotta read man
please pleas eplease just read man pelase read PLEASE i mean PLEASE JUST READ
I mean like version 78 or like version 86 or which one of the manual ontent-details/671200/intel-64-and-ia-32-architectures-software-developer-s-manual-combined-volumes-1-2a-2b-2c-2d-3a-3b-3c-3d-and-4.html
fuck do you mean which version
it's a figure number, not a page number
it's the order the pictures are in, in chapter 6, interrupt handling
of volume 3
looking thru it now
6.14.5 Interrupt Stack Table got it
no, that's 6.14.5
you want FIGURE 6-4 or FIGURE 6-9
yeah figure 6-9 IS 6.14.5
no, it is not
its just the image, but 6.14.5 explains it in words
6.14.5 is a chapter, about the ia-32e stack table
in its own words "an alternative to the modified legacy stack-switching mechanism described above"
Above being the table I want you to look at, it's literally, 100%, NOT that
A) It's an entirely different method to the normal one and B) You're not in ia-32e mode
I thought ia-32e is just 32bit mode
Did you read that, in the manual
or did you just wildly guess, after assuming
I see your point now
but figure 6-9 covers the same thing and it says IA-32e and you told me to use it
it's pretty easy to guess what ia-32e means even, if you look at say
figure 6-9
I am looking at that, it still makes no sense to me
It describes two different stack layouts, one legacy, and one ia-32e, and the legacy one matches your registers
and the ia-32e matches different, extended, registers
that you don't have
oh that makes more sense, I assume legacy is just normal 32bit mode and IA-32e is 64bit mode (guess on regist starting with R like RSP and RFLAGS and such)
or 64bit registers
Yes, that is a MUCH better assumption
tysm for explaining that.
I really hate that I had to
you were trying to find if eflags was pushed or not, remember
i mean, that is okay, x86 is complicated
yeah it is, and well ARM is, ... far worse
arm is actually not worse
riscv is even simpler
riscv is good, but not really used anyware AFAIK
riscv in, in fact, not good
it's a sucky arch
so if I push a stack I just need to push what is in figure 6-9?
(for a bare bones thing)
it was already pushed for you
you need to push the rest
oh that makes more sense
your exception frame struct is largely correct
oh thank god!
except for a bit of the order I assume
the order in the asm is completely fucked wrt the C struct
I am fixing that order now
and what do I push at the end?
it was ebp right?
esp okay
so I tried to push in the right order but now I get 1166609477
wiki.osdev.org: User:A22347/Printfure - OSDev Wiki
I mean I can run it thu a debugger
trying to rn
just got to my exception handler
I should go back and stop it at my exception handler macro
no, check the values there
like the int_num?
for some reason it will not let me stop there I dunno I guess GDB does not like stepping at push instructions
there = C
do it in C
do it when I am in the C handler?
I tried, it will not let me look at its value
do I need to specify to look inside of the struct that is passed?
like would I need to do print frame.int_num?
or something like that
oh thx
so I do get (gdb) print frame->int_num
$1 = 0 but whenever I pass it it seems to fail.
ok, your printf is fucked
you're welcome.
perhaps, but then why does %d and such work everywhere else?
it does not seem to be fucked anywhere else and reports everything right everywhere else
i dont know
imma try something weird that might work
its not my printf
I just tried something independent of it
it seems to be my get_exception_message of all things
at least I think
no it cant be that
what exception message are you getting?
Unkown since get_exception_message does that when it gets a strange number
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I will use the debugger again to see exactly when it gets fucked up
strange right when I call get_exception_message it gets to 25 of all things instead of 0 which it is.
then it becomes 0 again
it stays 0 but for some reason fails as a Unknown exception
then out of nowhere it becomes 1779231875
I should try to back it up into another thing and try that instead
sometims that sort of thing is because your stack isn't aligned properly
i haven't read the entire backlog, but double check that
maybe? I dunno how would I check that
you should absolutely make sure it is to start, and then it'll probably not get out of aignment
but that would make no sense of it changing over functions if my stack was misaligned
and even if it was all my other functions should fail
it changing over functions?
more like lines, but yeah
goes from every number under the sun man
no it wouldn't. it tends to show up on printf because it's probably the only thing using varargs
and misaligned stacks tend to not show up until then
because the compiler will emit code based on that
depends on the arch of course
I did it in GDB, it changes, like from one function to the next, its 32bit
i didn't read the whole backlog but what arch are you on?
(I think)
mm, kk. you think?
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yeah its i386 (checked with makefile)
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I get the same number, so at least the printk is consistant
its always 1166609477
welp, no solution in sight for me tonight
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committed a buncha shit tonight!!
Both meanings?
did it clog your build pipelines?
i have like 10 build jobs desperately building toolchains
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heat: you go girl!
yasss queeeen!!!
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"Who's house? Run's house. Who's house? Run's house. Martin..." a 90s joke for the young ones
*legacy joke
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oh i finally got somewhat speedy tcp working
the problem ended up being that i wasn't recognizing that the remote host supported SACKing, and these higher bandwidth transfers routinely drop packets it seems
fixed that and went 500KB/s -> 5MB/s
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the hell was that guy about
how do you start writing your own os but you barely understand C and you can't read documentation
and more importantly, why are you helping him heat
way to encourage stupidity
because we're nice people
everyone starts off stupid. sometimes helping people actually works
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For every 10 trolls, there's one misguided but enthusisastic person
I know because I was one
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Well said. Most osdev journeys are 'try until you fail' and then the act of failing teaches you something valuable. Many people come back later, try again, and fail on something new and exciting. Some people fail so much they succeed in the end
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Success is just failing to fail :P
since when is this a philosophy channel
where are my language flame wars
zid: Do not recommend passing a structure by value to newbies when writing interrupt handlers. Most people will push all the registers, run the handler, and then pop all of them. But that will corrupt your registers. Because under the System V ABI, the values on the stack belong to the called function, which may clobber the stack. This does happen. Passing a struct registers by pointer is the easiest way. The new OS in question here did in fact correctly
pass it by pointer (see the push %esp int he code).
wiki.osdev.org: James Molloy's Tutorial Known Bugs - OSDev Wiki
(ok I see some of that code did change in the repo since then)
nikolar: osdev is just applied philosophy
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philosophers were once considered dangerous, because they had the power to overthrow society -- messing with people's minds :D they were more dangerous than the flame wars, which was all talk :D
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sortie: but running into this issue and debugging it on your own is part of the test.
sure i get that it's not fair for a tutorial to contain the bug, but in order to "get so far" he's gotta have some kind of growing pain jeez
"i can't believe i got so far and i barely understand C and asm" he says
kof673: its not the philosophers there its the questioning mind is found to be dangerous , what philosophers does is practicing this questioning , goodays people
he's got gdb up and running at least so there's a start, with just a bit less help and a few more pushes into the right direction he might've been able to eventually figure it out
in this tutorial on how to use a high level rust "crate", the language and lib itself changes so fast, the example code doesn't work at all, which as a rust beginner, makes me hate it as opposed to engaged
i'm not going to see this self-inflicted difficulty as an interesting hook to get me to learn deeper concepts when i haven't become invested into it at all
(self-inflicted as in, the thing i'm using created the difficulty, not me)
if just the tutorial's example code breaks like that I'd hate to have to rewrite a whole kernel on the same time schedule
for an OS... i mean look, there are lots of OSes out there in the world today, some very successful and everywhere, but the thing is, these constructs he's playing with haven't changed in 40+ years
so there's this inherently difficult thing that isn't a constantly moving target and there are many inspirational high quality examples of what you could have should you succeed