neumannt/aoc24 - advent of code 2024 in SQL (0 forks/29 stargazers/MIT)
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very nice
nikolar you could say he solved aoc with btrees
your dream
btrees are love, btrees are life
he didn't test it on the best database, sqlite, though
sqlite more like craplite
sqlite is great
no it's not
1) it just functionally suxxors
2) the code style looks like the gnu coding style but on shrooms
3) it's not even really open source
4) the build is a little cursed
never tried to build it to be honest
5) it has tcl integrations for full boomer points
1) is fast 2) is actually used in prod by real workloads 3) is featureful 4) is bae
> it's not even really open source --- but everyone distributes it happily
lol as if sqlite isn't already on literally every computer
i mean real workloads
sqlite isn't even meant to server a billion requests per second
not rpmdb.sqlite
that's a perfectly valid workload
the only real workloads are GOOGLE WEBSCALE?
is it even real if it's not WEBSCALE
meanwhile KDE using mariadb scares me
what do they use it for
akonadi or something, idr
what's the problem with mariadb
it's a full-fledged RDBMS
it's overkill for storing your contacts/account data/whatever
doesn't kde catalog your whole filesystem?
that's baloo, and it doesn't use mariadb iirc
* Ermine
yep, baloo doesn't depend on mariadb
it uses lmdb instead
maybe kde should shut up and pick a single db
mongo :clap: db :clap: WEBSCALE :clap:
it's nonfree though
but we can joke about Apache Cassandra
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KDE is all bloat, i'm moving back to CDE
plasmoid nonsense aint worth the 5000 TB of ram usage
actually is a great DE
if there was a contest between software organizations on who could produce the most bloated thing, who would win?
java, firefox, windows, KDE??
microsoft is the worst
rewriting electron in Java
a dogshit suck ass shit ass software
this way it can run as an applet inside of Firefox
copy paste on top of the copy paste
its ok computers will just get more ram
just download more in the meantime
thankfully, software organizations have sane people and don't host bloat championships
shit ass dll hell
windows is the only working desktop os so far
when i open c:\windows folder and its child folders i get ptsd
when i open regedit i get nightmares the next day
wha what? you keep child porn folders in c:\windows??
whenever i need to run xperf i say fuck and cuck every god damn minute
thank you, need to vent =)
then i start linux and begin the day with figuring out why my wifi doesn't work
and realize at 1:30 am that i haven't had a dinner
too late for a dinner have something light
and whenever i troubleshoot something on windows i feel like someone put a gag on my head and is trying to choke me from behind, because i am powerless i have no source code
I have made my new years resolution. I am going to stop trolling
do you think this is feasible and realistic
the windows way: you submit to us, you have no code, you can only reverse engineer, but our "hungarian notation" suck ass $9/hour developers will make sure it won't be easy
and only our mighty powerfull $300/hour tech support will be able to fix your shit if you are lucky because paying does not guarantee you anything
i just recommmmended somebody on another channel to use the gdb tui. i think i made a mistake.
this is a great way to make somebody hate debugging.
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gdb is fine
lldb? sorry i only use postgres
gdb is *fine*, that's the issue. it's not exceptional, intuitive, discoverable. there's no equivalent to ollydbg or windbg for not-Windows actually
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i learned by poking around through the GUI and seeing 500 different windows full of information and how they update each time i hit run
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you sure could accomplish the same with gdb, but it'll take much longer and more research on the user's part
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it's a little rough to use on bare metal x86, due to the 32/64/etc stuff
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