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<nikolar> lel
<zid> I prefer russian bootlegs, they come with cs 1.6
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<zid> This video is invalid, he just removed winrar
<zid> Also we need to teach him about dll files
<heat> why
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<monkeyPlus> greetings. are global and static variables, loaded on .data memory area, or .data also has variables that are assigned?
<monkeyPlus> assigned on .text section
<monkeyPlus> im saying , this , because chatgpt , says ".data segment: Contains initialized variables (both global and static)."
<monkeyPlus> but then it also claims, that initialized variables are, also stored on .data
<ring0_starr> typicall uninitialized variables are stored in .bss
<ring0_starr> typically local variables are not in a section designated within an object file
<monkeyPlus> ok. so, in main(), "int a=0;" stores, a and its value, in .data or .text?
<ring0_starr> the platform allocates memory at run time that does not overlap with the program being executed, usually known as a "stack"
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<geist> right, local variables to a function are allocated from the stack
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<nikolar> chatgpt is probably one of the worst way to learn stuff
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<zid> nikolar: but how else am I going to know how much pee to drink?
<nikolar> easy, ask reddit
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<nikolar> ILLUMOS
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<zid> That's not a word in honzuki, you've been cheating on me and reading words about other girls
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<nikolar> I don't think a girl has ever come across the word illumos zid
<zid> you can be that girl
<zid> dream big
<nikolar> Lep
<nikolar> Lel
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<heat> gog knows what illumos is
<nikolar> No one else then
<Ermine> i have run openindiana in a vm once
<zid> If you do it in a VM you're still a virgin afterwards
<Ermine> if i get it on bare metal I won't get laid for sure
<zid> nikolar: My christmas present shows up on the 7th right?
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<Ermine> are Serbians orthodox?
<nikolar> We don't do Christmas presents exactly
<zid> I do though
<zid> Even jews have to buy me christmas presents
<zid> otherwise you are disrespecting my culture
<nikolar> You know other people?
<zid> I know a jew!
<zid> proper israeli one
<nikolar> No way
<Ermine> again, we see how British impose their culture on what they think is their colonies
<zid> til the russians actually believe that weird psyop
<Ermine> which psyop
<zid> the one you just repeated, lol
<Ermine> that's not a psyop, that's a fact
<zid> see
<nikolar> I love politics in my osdev
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<Ermine> if you like politics do you like policy
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<nikolar> I like scheduling policies
<Ermine> Some people like mechanisms more
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<heat> i dont like policy, no policy in my kernel
<heat> like a good UNIX kernel would say
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<nikolar> Kek
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<bslsk05> ​neumannt/aoc24 - advent of code 2024 in SQL (0 forks/29 stargazers/MIT)
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<nikolar> very nice
<heat> nikolar you could say he solved aoc with btrees
<heat> your dream
<nikolar> btrees are love, btrees are life
<nikolar> he didn't test it on the best database, sqlite, though
<heat> sqlite more like craplite
<nikolar> sqlite is great
<heat> no it's not
<nikolar> lol
<heat> 1) it just functionally suxxors
<heat> 2) the code style looks like the gnu coding style but on shrooms
<heat> 3) it's not even really open source
<heat> 4) the build is a little cursed
<nikolar> never tried to build it to be honest
<heat> 5) it has tcl integrations for full boomer points
<nikolar> nice
<heat> meanwhile CHAD POSTGRESQL
<heat> 1) is fast 2) is actually used in prod by real workloads 3) is featureful 4) is bae
<Ermine> > it's not even really open source --- but everyone distributes it happily
<nikolar> lol as if sqlite isn't already on literally every computer
<heat> i mean real workloads
<nikolar> sqlite isn't even meant to server a billion requests per second
<heat> not rpmdb.sqlite
<nikolar> that's a perfectly valid workload
<Ermine> the only real workloads are GOOGLE WEBSCALE?
<heat> is it even real if it's not WEBSCALE
<nikolar> yes
<Ermine> meanwhile KDE using mariadb scares me
<nikolar> kek
<nikolar> what do they use it for
<Ermine> akonadi or something, idr
<heat> what's the problem with mariadb
<Ermine> it's a full-fledged RDBMS
<heat> and
<heat> ?
<Ermine> it's overkill for storing your contacts/account data/whatever
<heat> doesn't kde catalog your whole filesystem?
<Ermine> that's baloo, and it doesn't use mariadb iirc
<nikolar> nice
* Ermine checks
<Ermine> yep, baloo doesn't depend on mariadb
<Ermine> it uses lmdb instead
<heat> maybe kde should shut up and pick a single db
<heat> mongo :clap: db :clap: WEBSCALE :clap:
<Ermine> it's nonfree though
<Ermine> but we can joke about Apache Cassandra
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<ring0_starr> KDE is all bloat, i'm moving back to CDE
<ring0_starr> plasmoid nonsense aint worth the 5000 TB of ram usage
<Ermine> BLOATED
<Ermine> actually is a great DE
<ring0_starr> if there was a contest between software organizations on who could produce the most bloated thing, who would win?
<ring0_starr> java, firefox, windows, KDE??
<fedaykin> microsoft is the worst
<ring0_starr> rewriting electron in Java
<fedaykin> a dogshit suck ass shit ass software
<ring0_starr> this way it can run as an applet inside of Firefox
<fedaykin> copy paste on top of the copy paste
<ring0_starr> its ok computers will just get more ram
<ring0_starr> just download more in the meantime
<Ermine> thankfully, software organizations have sane people and don't host bloat championships
<fedaykin> shit ass dll hell
<Ermine> windows is the only working desktop os so far
<fedaykin> when i open c:\windows folder and its child folders i get ptsd
<fedaykin> when i open regedit i get nightmares the next day
<ring0_starr> wha what? you keep child porn folders in c:\windows??
<ring0_starr> lol
<fedaykin> whenever i need to run xperf i say fuck and cuck every god damn minute
<fedaykin> thank you, need to vent =)
<Ermine> then i start linux and begin the day with figuring out why my wifi doesn't work
<Ermine> and realize at 1:30 am that i haven't had a dinner
<cloudowind> too late for a dinner have something light
<fedaykin> and whenever i troubleshoot something on windows i feel like someone put a gag on my head and is trying to choke me from behind, because i am powerless i have no source code
<ring0_starr> Ok
<ring0_starr> I have made my new years resolution. I am going to stop trolling
<ring0_starr> do you think this is feasible and realistic
<fedaykin> the windows way: you submit to us, you have no code, you can only reverse engineer, but our "hungarian notation" suck ass $9/hour developers will make sure it won't be easy
<fedaykin> and only our mighty powerfull $300/hour tech support will be able to fix your shit if you are lucky because paying does not guarantee you anything
<ring0_starr> i just recommmmended somebody on another channel to use the gdb tui. i think i made a mistake.
<ring0_starr> this is a great way to make somebody hate debugging.
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<nikolar> gdb is fine
<Ermine> L L D B
<heat> lldb? sorry i only use postgres
<ring0_starr> gdb is *fine*, that's the issue. it's not exceptional, intuitive, discoverable. there's no equivalent to ollydbg or windbg for not-Windows actually
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<ring0_starr> i learned by poking around through the GUI and seeing 500 different windows full of information and how they update each time i hit run
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<ring0_starr> you sure could accomplish the same with gdb, but it'll take much longer and more research on the user's part
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<geist> it's a little rough to use on bare metal x86, due to the 32/64/etc stuff
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