www.ssllabs.com: SSL Server Test: irc.sortix.org (Powered by Qualys SSL Labs)
I should probably thank OpenBSD for all the TLS stuff I stole from them :)
>I should probably thank OpenBSD
/votekick sortie
heat_: I believe what you meant to say was “wow sortie that's cool“
wow sortie that's cool
i wish you were using openssl though :(
Thank you heat, it does mean a lot coming from you :)
I never find myself wishing for openssl
acme-client wasn't too hard to port. I just had to splice in a bit of BSDism replacement goo here and there. Same old same old. There's somebody that made a portable dist of it too, but they GPL'd it for some reason, and figured it was super easy to just whip up a custom port myself like I did with other openbsd stuff
>they GPL'd it for some reason
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I tried certbot too, since I got python, but somehow despite it being written in python, it somehow transitively depended on rust
heat_: GPL-2.0-only too
You just know some people have particular tastes in licensing when they take an ISC licensed program, add a couple of glue files, and then relicense it to GPL-2.0-only
personally i wouldnt do it but it is what it is
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note that it's not really super srs bzns so it's not really a real wm/display server/compositor, doesn't speak X nor wayland
i think sortie has plans for possible wayland support In The Future
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most stressful thing ever: watching someone speed run Battletoads
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acme.sh is pretty neat
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hi. Maybe someone would know. Is it possible to capture frame buffer using modern VGA chips (in an OS independent way) ?
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sskras: Could you explain more about what you're trying to do?
Do you just want to see what is being displayed (i.e. read from the framebuffer)?
And by os-independent, do you mean without an OS running? Or something that works when any OS is running
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(1) yes, I want to grab the picture on a regular basis. Several times per second. And then store it somewhere. Lost frames or low framerate is fine.
Heyyo Mutabah
(2) both ways. Imagine running that code from an OptionROM.
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sortie: o/
Mutabah: What's your take on gccrs?
Been looking at the whole rust bootstrap problem
sortie: It's interesting watching their progress
How's their progress compared to mrustc? I'm getting the impression they can't bootstrap any versions of rust?
There was a suggestion before it started for mrustc to be adapted in, but it'd require a lot of refactoring to get rid of RAII and exception use
They can't build libcore yet - but they're going the more formal/correct route.
While I just YOLO'd it
Haha I appreciate that
Personally I have the opinion that any serious systems language should have a quick and dirty implementation in another established language everyone has that can bootstrap the real implementation
sskras: To do that would require hardware-specific code, i.e. you could maybe make it work on just a given nvidia card series with one piece of code
sskras: Modern cards are very different to the old VGA "standard"
Really impressive and really appreciate all this work :)
Since rust is so heavy and the requirement that version X is needed to build X+1 and the quick release cycle, I basically would have to do a two phase build where I first compile mrustc, and then bootstrap the highest supported rustc
Shipping a two year old version is probably impressive and useful enough :)
That's what ?guix does
Thanks for all your answers :)
This definitely shapes my plan for what I'll do when I port rust, maybe for 1.2
Mutabah: I got Let's Encrypt working natively last night (via acme-client) and got a real certificate I could put in production :O I overhauled my sortix.org website in preparation for the upcoming release
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ooh, fanceh
> Modern cards are very different to the old VGA "standard"
Mutabah: I was wondering how different they are amongst themselves. Eg. maybe there are some modern, but universal I/O registers and memory maps that allow reading the framebuffer.
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To my knowledge, there are families of mostly-compatible cards (e.g. nvidia has something like 6 different drivers to cover their different cards)
It's unlikely that there's a common subset, so you'd have to write custom code for each card family
Fair. Thanks for the insight!
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freebsd devs commonly do freebsd dev on their macs
but i suspect thru ssh only
Mutabah, sortie: i'm pretty sure rust does not do dynamic linking at all? in general
except against glibc because it's glibc
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I osdev on Macs
jjuran, what's your toolset like
do you use homebrew
i mean like, whether this is doable at all depends on what you're building and what tools you use
heat_: rustc uses dynamic linking for the codegen backends, and maybe also for proc_macros?
that's sortie's problem now :)
* Mutabah
vanishes into sleep
huh that's funny. that's really problematic if they try to static link shit
There's degrees of dlopen
Like whether it's truly needed to dynamically load arbitrary stuff later on
Or on the other end of the scale, it's a static think linking to a static thing, once
For a number of ports, I was able to basically static link all the stuff together, and then replace dlopen with glue that just gets a known symbol from each module
... but I try to work with whatever dev tools normally shipped with the host OS
The OSes I dev are MacRelix and Advanced Mac Substitute. They're both guest-only — neither runs on the metal.
sortie, i will note you'll need to manually patch all those intermediate rust versions (compiler + versioned crates in separate repos)
and the rust build system is one of a kind
Yeah I'm not going to port N rust versions
I'm going to have O(1) build phases, so mrustc + the highest rust it supports.
are you just doing the bootstrap in linux then?
that might be the more cromulent option
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Honestly I will need to bootstrap it on both Linux and Sortix
thats a cute idea but im not sure if it works
Since who knows if the source linux has the right rust toolchain
even debian ships really recent rustc's because it needs to
This is not unusual btw. For a bunch of my ports, I actually build the exact same version locally, and then use it to build the port. It's needed for some ports that don't cross well.
Are all newer rust versions able to build somewhat older rust versions?
jjuran, what _does_ ship with OS? Do you install the mac dev tools, what's it called, xcode?
nur: Most versions of OS X / macOS have a Command Line Tools package that it will offer to install if you try to run one of the missing commands. I expect that or Xcode to be present.
sortie, maybe? hopefully?
But no way I'm building N rust versions. Especially since it's that heavy. Is it really a serious stable language if the compiler can't be written to a language that's a couple years old, so even compiling it is easy.
you'll love the build speed btw
jjuran, like git or something
it takes like an hour on 8 threas here
nur: That's one of them.
heat_: Honestly I give it 80% probability that building rust on Sortix turns out to be so massive in terms of CPU requirements, RAM requirements, and disk requirements, that I just scrap it and say this thing is its whole own operating system and just much too heavy (big shame)
But I truly don't know, just based on what I'm hearing
It is worth noting I know nothing about rust
forums.gentoo.org: Gentoo Forums :: View topic - Why does rust require so much disk space???[SOLVED]
I should check what it's up to now
"sortie: so massive in terms of CPU requirements, RAM requirements, and disk requirements" <— That sure is surprising, given Rust's origins as a Mozilla project
jjuran: Note I do not have any information. I am 100% guesswork based on a what people are saying.,
rust may require a llvm port
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> static link all the stuff together, and then replace dlopen # i don't recall the name, but there was an ancient probably gnu project that had a fallback like that, so it would support the same interface whether the platform supported dynamic linking at run-time or not :D
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sortie, they support cranelift but yeah for all intents and purposes it's llvm you want
How does cranelift compare?
Asking because llvm is definitely a whole undertaking in its own right
llvm is not hard to port
Mostly in size, I suppose
it's a big build but that's it, it's 99.9% portable C++
It's like I said earlier, pure compilers are easy ports, they just need input output and that's it. Runtimes are a whole other story
omg sortie you're going to die as soon as i say this
plz no death
>Cranelift itself is written in Rust.
Yeah I knew that
That's ok as long as mrustc can handle it
>edition = "2021"
it might?
sortie, note that if you want the llvm sanitizers it's a way harder port. like exponentially harder
Yeah I imagine
because it requires you to actually patch the sanitizer runtime with all your own functions and some internals stuff and yeah... it's kind of a mess
like for every libc symbol you want to "intercept" (sanitize) you have to explicitly opt-in in some form
but uhhh the rest is pretty nice, patching clang with your own target is literally just writing a SortixToolchain class that derives from Toolchain, in pure C++, no spec file awfulness required
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