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wake up osdev
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no u
are you in australia oz? i thought you were
no, my handle has nothing to do with the usual reasons to have this as a handle
not aussie, not wizard of oz etc
the because names usually must be greater than 3
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oz because it was a shortening to 2 of a longer name that a 13 year old would think was cool back when aol ruled the net
i got mine by doing anology to manowar, i hted manowar
man of war , cloud of wind cloudowind
cloud'o'wind guvnah innit
thanks for teaching me a word
i have another nck called timer but i am letting the python program thative written which brings chatgpt here into irc by using selenium and irc libraries
it basically creates a oort between http and irc
i borught him here one day just for a short time to make a show but i think he got banned here
i do better shut up now to get banned cloudowind here as well , you have a good one
Ozzie/Flea/Slash - Chrono Trigger that's about aol time ;D
nah it's not a reference to anything
it's a shortening of an o.. omnipoeaia?
sort of
I forget the word, but it's also not that but anyway
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it's very dumb and I will never reveal it
sorry, no sphinx here
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if nobody else is there I think you went on the wrong day
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sortiecat I’m just seeing your message now, but yeah the Managarm crew has a bunch of people at FOSDEM, me included. We just finished giving a talk in the microkernel devroom
I watched it
I'm still here in the room
Nice. So are we (back of the room, on the right)
Let's say hi when the presentations are done? I'm in yellow with the flame hat
Spotted! Sure thing
i believe we’re leaving after this one tho
I wanna say hi to the managarm and redox people hehe
I can arrange half of that :)
But yeah I can pop out in the hallway now
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Absolutely sortiecat! Maybe see you tomorrow?
heat where's the GOGDEM
At your place?
gog's place obviously
he's petting breki for freedom too
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Just wanted to share, I was around here last june iirc. I have now created a minimal OS, where it boots up, goes into 64 bit mode and then starts a single process. Discussions that happened here motivated me to pursue writing the code, and I am grateful for that.
congrats :)
Hello heat, i remember you!
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Everyone knows heat
Yay Shaddox404 :)
good work Shaddox404
Thank you! I will make it open source soon with some notes and documentation I made so it will help anyone who wants to understand what's going on
I remember you gog
oh yeah?
was i helpful or annoying?
* gog
gog it was helpful
doesn't sound like me
I remember that conversation about Microkernels vs Monolithic, rust being the future of kernel programming language (or rather, the preferred language used for writing kernels)
sounds more like you were talking to the schizo crowd
i don't think i've written a single line of rust :|
I tried
I failed
for me it was sort of easy, although I am still in the basics
Shaddox404: is your kernel in Rust?
no, in x64 assembly and C
I remember someone from this IRC telling that MS Windows is the close to being a microkernel, I am positive about that
that isn't what they said
The NT projected *started* as one, then rapidly stopped
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So it still has some project-structure-holdovers
Oh? 👀
Would L4 not be closer to being a microkernel given that it's a microkernel? :|
But didnt they move many things from the kernel space to user space since Win Vista?
I seem to remember NT having to move the graphics drivers into the kernel for performance reasons
Yes, DWM is now in userspace iirc
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there are two parts for graphics drivers now, a kernel mode and user mode component
the user mode component can crash and be recovered gracefully by the kernel mode component
Also GeDaMo, I didn't write any kernel code in Rust, I use Java or python for my projects. I was just testing rust to see how the language was
Oh, i responded to your message previously, my bad!
Oh, i see
Wait, does MINIX have any proper desktop env/UIs?
<bslsk05> Installing X windows on MINIX 3 | Notes on Linux
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* geist
hiya germs
aww, shaddox is gone
was gonna grats em
did you just call me a germ
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two geists!
heh yeah. i have been meaning to use this irssi more from
not that irccloud doesn't work perfectly fine, but it's more street cred
i can't irssi from onyx now, it's just crashing mysteriously
/bin/sh is also crashing, it is quite weird
hi geist-sdf
hi geist
one is my innie, and one is my outie
actually no, my innie is @travisg
i see you're enjoying severance too
yah watched S1 back in the day, rewatching it now. it's soooo good
S2 isout
yah was rewatching in prep for S2
or rather it's started
considering google just offered severance to a bunch of teams
i got really fucking confused
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well also yeah, it's a pretty twisted and not entirely unrealistic thing
that's what makes it hit good
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just watched a fun one from DamiLee, she does good architecture style analysis of stuff
but yeah severance the show is brilliant. the metaphors it spins are not particularly contrived to, but they work on a few levels, so it's still pretty deep
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i ahve an actual programming question
say i have an inline assembly "lea label(%rip), %rax"
why did it remove the double percent signs
anyhow, what if i wanted to use a placeholder %3 say and then define a "g" constraint
do i need to specify a variable it refers to or can i leave that out?
instead of "g"(whatever), just "g"
i don't have any particular need to use rax here
so i'd rather not have to use a specific register and have to mention it in the clobber list
"+g" i guess it would be
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'g' just means "anything"
so if you did "g" (42) it might be mov eax, 42 and be "%eax" or it might be "42" or it might be "dword ptr [fortytwo]"
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depending on where it felt the best place to get that 42 from was
ok i'd want "+r" there then
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but i don't need the value outside of the assembly template
r is put it in a reg then it evalutes to that reg's name
why + it then if you don't need it afterwards?
because it's goign to be pushed
push doesn't write
to the register
hang on i'll paste it
in fact, no, i won't, i'm just going to try it and see if it works
+r is "I want the value in this reg, but also, I am going to destroy it, so technically, give me just a copy"
vs r which is "I want the value in this reg, I won't destroy it"
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i have an actual operating systems question too
obviously getting the time from an rtc is kinda fucked because of the 1s imprecision
however, would it a decent idea to periodically poll the rtc chip waiting for the second to roll over, and register *that*?
spend an entire second of your boot process polling it until it ticks over
sounds like a good plan
not necessarily
you can get a timer to do it every milli or every 10 millis or use the RTC's irq functionality or alarm functionality
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alarm sounds like it might work okay
like some sort of internal best effort calibration
it might Just Work
decently enough
ok no it wants an expression after the constraint definition
so i can't just leave it blank
I think the cmos might actually take like.. quite a while to update though
like a crappy LCD
gog: like, ofc?
int bob; bob = ;
"I want the value of this in a register" "Okay, what value?" "Fuck you, I'm not a snitch"
it's an output value
but i don't need it outside of the template
"I want this value in an output variabble" "Okay, what variable" "Fuck you, I'm not a snitch"
how's it an output if you don't want it
I'm not seeing a problem with yea just.. not specifying an output
it's an output into the next line
i'll paste it
so you have two asm blocks or something?
zid`, if the cmos fucking sucks then yeah, that idea is dead in the water