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<aaabbb> for the BtbN autobuilds, what's the difference between -gpl, -gpl-shared, -lgpl, and -lgpl-shared?
<aaabbb> i know the difference between the gpl and lgpl, and i assume -shared means it's not static compiled, but what's the practical difference between the gpl and non-gpl versions in terms of features and supported codecs?
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<aaabbb> all the github page says is that -lgpl lacks certain libraries like libx264 and libx265, but it doesn't list any others
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<tm512> is there any reason why ffmpeg doesn't have a musepack encoder? I've been kinda entertaining the idea of getting an old MP3 player to run rockbox on, and it seems like musepack is one of the better codecs when it comes to the compression efficiency vs. computational complexity tradeoff
<tm512> apparently being cheaper to decode than even MP3
<tm512> I guess I'd just end up using the official mpcenc program but it seems like a weird omission considering the array of obscure codecs that ffmpeg does support
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<JEEB> tm512: it's called someone caring enough and implementing it :)
<aaabbb> tm512: how does it compare to opus? for such a high compression ratio, opus has very modest computational requirements
<aaabbb> tm512: also there are some hardware media players that have hardware decoding for efficiency, many have hardware decoding for mp3
<aaabbb> idk if rockbox uses the hardware decoing tho
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<tm512> aaabbb: apparently it can use hardware where available. on some of the oldest devices it supports, I guess it only supports MP3, because the CPU is too weak to decode anything
<tm512> basically has to use the hardware decoder
<aaabbb> tm512: yeah i looked that up to see if there was something it could do, only the arcos device can do that, and they're so old that i doubt the hardware decoding would save much or anything of the battery
<tm512> I don't know how musepack and opus compare. I thought opus was one of the more taxing codecs. I feel like real-life tests would probably need to be done to see what the best option on rockbox is, because I guess they have highly optimized decoders for many of the supported codecs
<aaabbb> it's more taxing than mp3 but the space savings are probably worth it
<aaabbb> the rockbox wiki has information on power use with various codecs it hought
<tm512> seems there's basically no reason I'd use MP3 except for MP3s I already have, but I wouldn't use it for making my own lossy copies at this point
<tm512> in the past I've usually used q6 vorbis, I think
<tm512> even in the case of MP3, I've got quite a lot of 320kbit MP3 files, which might still be worth reencoding to a better lossy format, even though it incurs a bit of generational loss
<aaabbb> xHE-AAC or Opus would be the choices for that
<aaabbb> but it's better to reencode from lossless
<tm512> to my ears there's probably not going to be much of a difference making a ~160kbit transcode from lossless vs. a 320kbit MP3, the latter is perceptually lossless to me. but yeah, it's not ideal
<tm512> just got a lot of 320kbit MP3 from back when upgrading to a 500GB HDD seemed like a massive upgrade
<tm512> like parts of my music collection from when I had everything on a 160GB HDD
<aaabbb> you can get down to 96kbps or even 64kbps safely
<aaabbb> unless you have good ears or know what to listen for, you won't notice the difference (when using a good codec)
<tm512> I've been meaning to ABX test codecs at various bitrates. I forget what bitrate vorbis targets at q5 and q6 but those are basically transparent to my ears afaict
<tm512> the Sansa Fuze players I was looking at, which seem to have great rockbox support, have a microSD slot, so it's probably not critical to get the bitrate as low as I can tolerate, but if I got a player with limited on-board storage, then yeah, ~96bit would start to seem appealing
<aaabbb> yeah lower kbit is great for things like ipod, with fixed storage
<tm512> I wish my Zen Mosaic from back when I was in high school still worked, but unfortunately it took a swim at one point and got bricked. thing only had a fixed 4GB of storage though
<tm512> I quite like the design of that thing though. looks a bit less 2000s than some of the other devices on the market around the time, heh
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