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<twb> Is there a reason I can say "udp://" but not "rtp://" ? Per https://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg-protocols.html#rtp
<twb> wait that IS there...
<twb> It's just not in the older version I'm running.... :/
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<aaabbb> i'm converting an audio codec at 22050 hz sample rate (and wideband) to opus. i see in the spectrum that there are some artifacts above 11khz, is there any benefit to having a low pass filter to remove them since they obviously weren't in the source audio?
<aaabbb> *MB not WB
<twb> Maybe a dumb answer, but do two test runs, one with and one without, and just listen to them?
<aaabbb> my ears are bad and i personally cannot tell the difference
<twb> ask your grandkids to listne to it for you? ;P
<aaabbb> well i would but the audio isn't necessarily appropriate for kid's ears xD
<aaabbb> i do 'showspectrum=mode=separate:color=intensity:scale=cbrt:s=640x360:fps=60' on the input audio, which is 22050 hz aac, so of course at about 12 khz the spectrum goes black, but there are still little spikes going above 12 khz which means surely they are artifacts
<microchip_> oi
<aaabbb> and i'm not sure if i want opus to be trying to encode those artifacts
<aaabbb> 9
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<aaabbb> also for low resolution (480p) videos is there any reason not to use mpdecimate to get rid of similar frames when there is very little motion happening?
<twb> That doesn't happen automatically?
<aaabbb> twb: no, it still encodes frames, it just takes less bits because there is very little motion
<twb> "The main use of this filter is for very-low-bitrate encoding (e.g. streaming over dialup modem)"
<aaabbb> i know but it's useful to remove duplicate frames when someone reencodes vfr as cfr, or records a video with screen capture
<twb> Maybe I'm a slob but I generally don't mess too much with defaults, except maybe for one-off cases
<aaabbb> a video captured at 60fps of a webcam recording captured at an average of 8fps sent through several bad transcodes so even identical frames differ slightly is literally dozens of times larger if i transcode without mpdecimate
<aaabbb> shrinking a 200mb video to 60mb (hevc, no mpdecimate) or shrinking it to 5mb (hevc, with mpdecimate), with minimal quality loss
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<aaabbb> i think because the transcodes it went through introduced far more quality loss than i ever could lol
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<twb> interesting
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<twb> I thought libvpx (or whatever the hevc equivalent is) was smart enough to detect that automatically
<twb> at least in "typical" cases and not, like, a slow pan across waving tall grass while on a bumpy train
<aaabbb> it won't, if you tell it to output 60 fps then it'll output a frame every 60th of a second
<aaabbb> if two frames are identical, then it'll only take a small number of bits but it won't deduplicate the frame
<twb> oh hang on I see
<twb> your 8fps of input became 60fps but those frames *weren't* "0 changes since the last keyframe"
<twb> even though they should logically be
<aaabbb> it became 60fps because some idiot was screen recording a video from a browser
<twb> Incidentally I was fucking annoyed that right after I settled on vp9 I found out iOS can't do anything but H.26x
<aaabbb> how is vp9 half the size of hevc?
<twb> No idea
<twb> Liek I said I don't mess with the default settings
<aaabbb> the quality isn't the same then
<aaabbb> the default settings for vp9 is actually really bad
<twb> The visual quality looked identical IIRC
<aaabbb> same vmaf?
<twb> I mean in my security camera recordings; I have no idea about yous
<aaabbb> ah
<twb> I'm not doing anything vmaf related afaik
<twb> I did set AV1 instead of older VP9, but the encoder was too slow at the time
<twb> I haven't looked since then
<twb> "20220906" implies I was doing this stuff last year
<twb> The actual input to motion appears to be MJPEG
<twb> Which is some trash thing: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Motion_JPEG#Design
<aaabbb> lots of security cams use mjpeg
<aaabbb> it's actually not too bad for security cams because it's an intra-only codec
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<furq> if you want to be even more annoyed then ios has supported vp8/vp9 for ages but only through a private api that only safari is allowed to use and only for webrtc
<furq> so that's nice of them isn't it
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<aaabbb> wow wtf
<furq> i think at some point there was a whitelist that safari could use so that netflix would work
<furq> idk if that's still the case
<furq> but either way it wasn't something anyone else could use
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<furq> with that said i would generally expect x265 to be faster and better than libvpx
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<aaabbb> x265 is much better in almost all circumstances
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<twb> furq: ugh
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<twb> When I do this: "ffmpeg -i tmp.ts -f rtp_mpegts -codec:a copy rtp://"
<twb> ...it seems to play back the video too fast (speed=26.3x)
<furq> -re before -i
<twb> Is there an option like "in real time"?
<twb> Thanks
<twb> I was looking for it under the mpegts or rtp settings
<twb> Nice.
<twb> Hopefully this means I can throw away ingests and multicat
<JEEB> multicat is really nice and simple tho
<JEEB> while this parses the whole input, and then re-generates the output
<JEEB> so a *lot* can go wrong
<twb> I guess
<JEEB> multicat will not touch the data as much as possible
<twb> My two reasons for doing so are 1) having to run ingests afterwards is annoying; and 2) I want to write to both rtp:// *and* rtp:// at the same time
<twb> The current time-shifting process seems to be: multicat -d <duration × 27_000_000> @239.255.x.y:1234 foo.raw.ts; avconv -y -i foo.raw.ts -async 500 -vf yadif -q 4 foo.ts; ingests -p 8192 foo.ts; duration = $(lasts foo.aux)
<twb> and then when playing it back, "multicat -t 2 -k foo.ts 239.255.x.y:1234"
<aaabbb> is there a guide somewhere to understand how to correct metadata in an untagged video? something that tells how to detect if color range really is full despite being tagged as limited, whether something not tagged as progressive actually is, etc? for example i use signalstats=out=brng:color=red to determine if pixels fall out of the 16-235 range
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<aaabbb> only the ones that can be detected unambiguously of course, so not things like dar
<furq> there's the idet filter for progressive/interlaced but i usually check by eye
<furq> and for things like primaries you just have to make an educated guess or compare to another source
<furq> e.g. for an hdtv source it's either bt.709 or someone has made a mistake
<aaabbb> mostly not hdtv, stuff recorded on cameras, phones, etc
<aaabbb> lots of videos i have marked as yuv420p(tv) actually have pixels outside 16-235 and something to automatically correct that (and other things like chroma location, i had one that said it was center but it was actually left)
<aaabbb> or at least just to erase all the metadata, because a*lot* of the time when it says tv, it's actually full pc range
<galad> it's not strange to have values outside 16-235, even if it's not full range
<aaabbb> i thought limited meant constrained to 16-235?
<JEEB> 16-235|240 but due to lossy video coding you might have some slightly out of range values
<galad> cameras fill those too, so for example in post-production you could save some highlights or similar things if you got the exposure wrong
<furq> it just means values outside that range will be clamped to 16 or 235
<JEEB> yea
<furq> encoders are free to use that space however they want
<furq> and cameras etc
<aaabbb> so ignalstats=out=brng:color=red isn't an accurate way to determine the range?
<aaabbb> *signalstats=out=brng:color=red
<furq> there'd be no need to flag the range otherwise
<furq> do you ever say something and then immediately realise it's wrong
<aaabbb> ?
<aaabbb> i'm still learning so a lot of what i say will be wrong without me realizing
<furq> i meant what i said
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<furq> i meant that the thing i said was wrong
<aaabbb> oh
<twb> practically every day
<twb> "It's not the DRESS that makes you look fat, honey, it's your huge arse"
<furq> that's terrible
<furq> massive arse has a much better rhythm to it
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<twb> Well if you want to go there, there's always "callipigean"
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<Trel> But callipygian doesn't mean big, it means shapely.
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<znf> Still no support for AV1 in MPEGTS :(
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<JEEB> znf: yea nobody from the developers has so far had interest in implementing it, although one of the developers is a co-author of the spec
<znf> sad
<JEEB> I do wonder if it will end up taking in https://github.com/AOMediaCodec/av1-mpeg2-ts/issues/43
<znf> I think I asked this before
<znf> but -- once implemented on the "encoder" part, does it also need support on the decoder/demuxer (aka: the video player)?
<JEEB> definitely
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<znf> so, even if it lands in tomorrow, it's like still 1-2 years away
<JEEB> ?!
<JEEB> if someone implements it, they generally will want to implement both demux and mux
<znf> I mean, in the wild
<JEEB> in the wild a lot of people utilize master
<znf> that is if they actually use ffmpeg/libav and they release a new version of their $thing, and... so on
<znf> and probably tv-manufacturers won't care to implement it for older models either
<JEEB> and now you've gotten outside of FFmpeg :D
<znf> yup
<JEEB> personally while I do like the idea of AV1 in MPEG-TS, the custom startcode format and other such things just make me go "meh"
<JEEB> and I have plenty of other stuff on my plate like finishing up avctx side data for encoder configuration
<znf> what I'm trying to say is that, even if it lands tomorrow in ffmpeg, I probably won't see support for it for consumer devices any time soon, even if, for example, almost all new mobile devices ship with an AV1 decoder
<znf> (hardware decoder)
<BtbN> existing consumer devices won't receive updates for AV1 anyway
<BtbN> their CPU is _WAY_ too weak, and you can't patch in a hardware decoder
<znf> yup, obviously
<znf> but, still, I think a lot of SoC for Smart TVs released in the last 2-3 years support AV1 hardware decoding, considering both Netflix and YouTube are pushing it
<JEEB> anyways if you care about it, feel free to make a stab at implementing it yourself?
<JEEB> you may get guidance about it and all :P
<JEEB> after all, if you care about something you then actually end up happy if you hack it
<znf> I'm very not a programmer :)
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<znf> my C knowledge is close to 0
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<JEEB> everyone goes through that point :D
<znf> I'm too old for this, I just spent 1 hour in fixing a custom patch :D
<znf> (which is under 100 lines)
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<znf> BtbN, I don't assume there's a way to *hasten* makeimage.sh? Apart from the actual compilation, everything else seems to underutilize all my 100+ threads
<znf> oh wait, there's max-parallelism = 4
<JEEB> I think with MPEG-TS you need to 1) write the stream type and descriptor (there are plenty examples of those in both the mpegts writer and reader, just searching for AV_CODEC_ID such as H264 or HEVC will bring you that stuff) and 2) handle the OBU to start code format conversion
<znf> is that for local builds, too?
<JEEB> of which I expect 2 to be more complex
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<BtbN> znf: only increase that if you got south of 64GB of RAM.
<BtbN> Since it will happily spawn max-parallelism * nproc compilers
<znf> I'm good, got 512
<BtbN> might be able to safely set it to 8 with that
<znf> Uhm
<znf> Ok I might not be good
<znf> I set it to 32 and went away
<BtbN> You said you got 100 threads or something. So the ram consumption of every individual build can already be over 100GB or something
<znf> If it crashes, it crashes! I'm not going back upstairs now
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<znf> BtbN, didn't crash!
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