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<zumba_addict> can we concat copy if our mp4 file sources are the same resolution but different pix_fmt(no re-encoding)? My slow machine is taking so much time.
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<zumba_addict> wow it worked! I tried with yuv420p and yuv422p. I can play it with vlc and mpv but not with macosx quicktime player. It cannot understand it
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<zumba_addict> i'm uploading it now in youtube to test whether it will re-encode it or say invalid video format
<zumba_addict> kinda weird that uploading is stuck at 0% for 5 mins now
<zumba_addict> oh wow, finally it moved. It's now at 1% LOL
<zumba_addict> so friggin weird, it went back to 0%. I have never seen this kind of uploading in  13 years I've used youtube
<another|> mp4 without faststart?
<zumba_addict> I use concat
<zumba_addict> used
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<zumba_addict> first from this page -
<zumba_addict> and uploading is still stuck at 0% for almost 20 mins now, really weird
<zumba_addict> youtube is not even complaining about the file I am currently uploading
<zumba_addict> wow, it hasn't moved yet. It's still at 0%, Maybe Youtube thinks I'm doing something crazy
<zumba_addict> i cancelled it. Trying it with another browser
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<zumba_addict> not a browser issue, file issue. Can't believe Youtube can't figure it out
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<another|> I read the backlog. can't start processing the file if it's not moov at front
<another|> also subsampling change might be not supported
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<zumba_addict> ah
<zumba_addict> oh wow, it's working now. If I am using my office laptop, it doesn't work. Maybe they put restrictions. It was working before. I'm now uploading using my linux machine
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<zumba_addict> upload is complete
<zumba_addict> what's weird though is that it didn't create a thumbnail. Or maybe because it's not complete yet, 90 minutes to complete with post processing
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<BillTorvalds> My ffmpeg has started acting up in the most puzzling manner. After failing to convert a PNG to JPEG with numerous different commands, both ones I have long used and ones suggested by ChatGPT/online, I tried the most basic one I could find: `ffmpeg -i test.png output.jpg`... Yet it too gives the nonsensical error: `The specified filename 'output.jpg' does not contain an image sequence pattern or a pattern is invalid.`. What is wrong?!
<BillTorvalds> (Linux Debian, installed via apt, no exotic/fancy/custom setup)
<JEEB> yup, since that is probably utilizing image2 writer which is expecting a sequence
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<JEEB> you can see it in the Output #0 log
<JEEB> also I recommend poking at the static auto-builds of master branch from if you want to easily test a newer version :)
<BillTorvalds> JEEB: I mean, why would it even "look inside" the file that doesn't exist yet and which I want it to create?
<CounterPillow> it's not looking inside the file
<CounterPillow> it's looking for a pattern in the filename
<JEEB> anyways, extract the autobuild into your homedir and launch it with the full path instead of just "ffmpeg"
<BillTorvalds> It thinks that the PNG is a video/animation?
<JEEB> no, it thinks everything has the possibility of having multiple things
<JEEB> you can check that the output module it utilizes is image2
<JEEB> most likely
<BillTorvalds> "Output #0, image2, to 'output.jpg':"
<JEEB> yup
<BillTorvalds> Just confused about what is actually happening. I would very much like to not have to do some "custom update" mechanism for ffmpeg too, which I already had to do with yt-dlp and a couple of others because the apt version is always ancient and useless.
<JEEB> welcome to distros
<aaabbb> BillTorvalds: switch to a bleeding edge repository
<JEEB> you get stability, but you get to eat the grass you were given
<aaabbb> i'm sure someone has made a bleeding edge repository for ffmpeg
<BillTorvalds> "ffmpeg version 5.1.4-0+deb12u1"
<JEEB> aaabbb: for just testing it out I'd say just utilizing BtbN's auto-builds are Good Enough
<aaabbb> true
<JEEB> BillTorvalds: nice, not 4.4 xD
<JEEB> gesus I've become so used to it being from 2020
<JEEB> but this message is in image2 now as well
<aaabbb> 4.4? what kind of new cutting edge tech is that? i'm still on 4.3!
<JEEB> it will warn when apparently image count matches the amount of images the file name can match
<JEEB> and yea, there is a separate "mjpeg" writer which will not warn you about that and just push one or more JPEG packets as-is
<JEEB> welcome to FFmpeg and image formats
<JEEB> people didn't want to implement outputting to multiple files in ffmpeg cli app, so now we have image2
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<BillTorvalds> I expected to find some sort of "custom APT repository" instructions on, but it just mentions and links to a Debian website. As I perceived things, you wanted me to use a newer version than the one I already have installed, which was installed with ffmpeg in apt.
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<furq> it's probably good that the website doesn't feature instructions on how to completely wreck your distro
<aaabbb> furq: why would it wreck it if it only installed the ffmpeg binary?
<aaabbb> like a static build
<CounterPillow> they clearly mean third party repositories
<aaabbb> yah a 3rd party repository to install the binary
<aaabbb> there's no reason a package can't specify just the static build
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<furq> well if you know one that does then great
<aaabbb> i don't, i'm just saying it wouldn't wreck the system for it to install the BtbN builds into $PATH
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<furq> sure
<furq> that's generally not how debian repos do things though
<aaabbb> oh yeah i mean a 3rd party repo
<furq> well those as well
<furq> granted i've not bothered with them for many years so maybe things changed
<aaabbb> that kind of thing exists. whether or not someone has done it for ffmpeg, i have no idea
<furq> i'll stick with my shell script
<furq> with that said i don't see any reason to not use testing if you can, and testing is on 6.0 already
<furq> and maybe if you're lucky there won't be any big changes during the next indefinitely long package freeze
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<BillTorvalds> CounterPillow: Third-party APT repository?
<BillTorvalds> That's what I meant also.
<BillTorvalds> But I see no instructions or any mentions whatsoever on how to install it from anywhere else.
<BillTorvalds> So this is a known bug in my version of ffmpeg, which means the one all Debian users use?
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<BillTorvalds> The power cut here. I did not see any replies if you sent some.
<JEEB> BillTorvalds: no, my pointing towards BtbN's builds was just the usual thing of if you're seeing something seemingly weird with a packaged version, I will first of all point you towards an easy manner of testing the current master
<BillTorvalds> (You'd think that the workers who cut power randomly would have some sort of button that they can press which warns people a few minutes in advance that there will be a power cut, and this is notified via e-mail if such has been set up in the apartment site...)
<JEEB> (if you wish you can always check if current master is green on FATE before downloading a specific build, but generally not necessary)
<BillTorvalds> JEEB: Well, I have no reason to assume that this error will go away in a newer, less stable release, do I?
<JEEB> it's not an error btw
<BillTorvalds> Not?
<JEEB> > av_log(s, AV_LOG_WARNING, "The specified filename '%s' does not contain an image sequence pattern or a pattern is invalid.\n", s->url);
<BillTorvalds> Well, the resulting file is called .png and not .jpg.
<BillTorvalds> Even though the outfile is a .jpg.
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<JEEB> then that warning has nothing to do with it
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<JEEB> that warning is just due to image2 getting picked before the mjpeg writer
<JEEB> and it warns you at the point where you hit the amount of images which would fit in your output definition
<JEEB> if you are somehow getting .png instead of .jpg as a file name, even though Output #0 is 'something.jpg', then please check the master build from BtbN which I linked. he is part of the community and the build process is 100% open
<JEEB> and then if it still happens there, please report it as a bug
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<BillTorvalds> JEEB: Only after downloading the build you mentioned and trying it out in a different dir, noticing that this only happens (with either version of FFMPEG) in the first dir, did I realize that this was a result of my automatic transformation of any JPEG to PNG in the entire dirtree under which I was testing this. It was so efficient that I never noticed it first being saved as .jpg and then getting instantly turned into a .png. Sorry. A feature
<BillTorvalds> which saves me countless amounts of time every day has just wasted significant time just because I forgot about its existence... ;S
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