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<antto> hello, i need a library where i can create a (web-friendly, i guess 264+AAC) video file from a pile of images i draw in a pixel buffer, is "libavcodec-dev" the thing i need?
<JEEB> avcodec for raw AVFrames to AVPackets, then avformat for AVPackets into container like MP4
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<antto> which pixel format would be "most convenient" for ffmpeg? my pixels come all the way from (float) CIE xyY to XYZ and for displaying on screen i convert to linear RGB and then gamma-compressed sRGB (8bit per channel)
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<antto> hm, this? AV_PIX_FMT_GBRPF32LE, ///< IEEE-754 single precision planar GBR 4:4:4, 96bpp, little-endian
<JEEB> for H.264 the end result you want is YUV420P with probably sRGB transfer
<antto> assuming it's float g,b,r; linear RGB
<JEEB> (and BT.709 primaries)
<JEEB> in theory RGB is possible, but the decoders in browsers will not support it
<JEEB> (hardware decoders are getting utilized and they mostly lack support)
<antto> uhm, i mean how do i prepare my data.. since i already toss it between different colorspaces
<antto> so i thought the less number of conversions - the better, i already go thru CIE XYZ
<JEEB> yea so if you have sRGB for screen then you have according to H.273: matrix: identity , primaries: BT.709 , transfer: sRGB
<furq> there is an xyz pixel format for j2k but i guess that will end up getting converted to rgb for the encoder
<JEEB> so if you convert the matrix to BT.709 or so, and then chroma subsample to 4:2:0, that should be nicely playable in browsers
<antto> JEEB, i'm rewriting a thing that used to draw pretty pictures on the screen (so, gamma-compressed sRGB) in realtime, but i'm rewriting it as an offline version because this time it'll draw much fancier so it just won't work in realtime, thus i want it to spew out a video
<JEEB> furq: technically by flagging it as RGB and using the libx264rgb wrapper with the primaries set to XYZ you are getting XYZ
<JEEB> since matrix = identity for both RGB and XYZ
<JEEB> but yes, the XYZ pixel format is not usable in the x264 wrappers
<furq> i meant for input to the encoder
<JEEB> that's what I meant
<JEEB> RGB pix_fmt and primaries as XYZ
<JEEB> ends up coded as XYZ
<antto> so i have floating point XYZ in the middle, and i have -> linear RGB -> gamma -> sRGB (8bit per channel) just for display, but i am willing to toss that if the encoder prefers a different input format for less color conversion
<JEEB> well you mentioned web playback right?
<JEEB> that limits your capabilities
<antto> ehm
<furq> any of those should work as input if you flag it all correctly
<JEEB> since you need to take into account them plastic boxen
<furq> i guess srgb is the most common
<JEEB> and hardware decoders
<antto> i don't expect the colorspace of the .mp4 to be "XYZ"
<JEEB> technically it's possible, but then what correctly interprets that color space information is a separate question ;)
<JEEB> avcodec does not do conversions for you
<antto> i know video encodings have special colorspaces which are similar to xyY in that luma (Y) is sepparate, and usually more detailed, while chroma can be more crushed or undersampled, etc
<JEEB> yup
<JEEB> basically you can query this from the API as well, but to see an example
<JEEB> `ffmpeg -h encoder=libx264`
<antto> i wanna make average .mp4, the same sort of mp4 i make when i wanna upload to pootube or wherever
<JEEB> that lists you the supported pixel formats by that module
<JEEB> then additionally you have requirements such as "I want to play it with XYZ"
<JEEB> which in your case is "I want to play it on the web or so"
<JEEB> if I understood your requirements correctly
<JEEB> that already brings us down to YUV420P since that is the most commonly hardware decode'able format
<antto> hold on
<JEEB> it's 8bit, YCbCr. you can flag the matrix, primaries and transfer (aka "gamma" in olden wordings) to tell the player how to handle it
<antto> i do NOT expect the .mp4 to be XYZ colorspace, that's insane, XYZ is more like a middle colorspace that is used to "glue" all other colorspaces together
<JEEB> + 4:2:0 chroma subsampling
<JEEB> yes I understand that
<furq> yeah we get that
<JEEB> > < JEEB> avcodec does not do conversions for you
<JEEB> so your input to avcodec is literally what you push out
<JEEB> anyways, re-read the last 5-10 lines I noted
<furq> swscale or avformat will do xyz to yuv or linear rgb to yuv or srgb to yuv for you
<JEEB> he already has a flow getting to 8bit sRGB
<furq> right
<furq> i'm saying you can pick any
<furq> just flag it correctly
<JEEB> so he only needs to add matrix conversion to BT.709 YCbCr, and then chroma subsampling to 4:2:0 and bob's his uncle
<antto> i'm unfamiliar with ffmpeg, i sorta thought that i tell libavcodec what my pixel buffer is and what the output pixel format should be, or am i supposed to prepare the buffer in the right format?
<furq> format conversions are done by swscale
<furq> usually through avformat
<antto> x_x
<JEEB> as I said, "avcodec does not do conversions for you"
<JEEB> there are other things in the FFmpeg project that do that for you but that is clearly separate from "just encoding"
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<JEEB> thankfully, you are already very close to one of the formats that is well supported
<antto> what should i do?
<furq> through avfilter i mean
<antto> prepare my buffer in a suitable format myself, or use even more libraries to do that?
<JEEB> antto: in your position since you already seem to have plenty of colorspace stuff there, I'd probably add a matrix conversion to BT.709 YCbCr + chroma subsampling with the left chroma location position as an alternative to the 8bit sRGB output
<JEEB> you can then validate it against zscale filter with the command line app or so
<JEEB> and probably a good idea to do limited range output when taking it to 8bit
<JEEB> that I at least documented :P
<antto> hm.. how badly is the chroma subsampled btw? :/
<JEEB> since sRGB in H.273 terms (https://www.itu.int/rec/T-REC-H.273-202107-S/en) is { primaries: BT.709, transfer: sRGB, matrix: identity }, then that YCbCr result would just be { primaries: BT.709 (same), transfer: sRGB (same), matrix: BT.709 (since you did RGB->YCbCr conversion with BT.709 matrix), chroma location: left }
<furq> hopefully you don't have small coloured text
<JEEB> antto: the most commonly supported by hardware decoders format is 4:2:0, which means that luma is full res and chroma is 1 sample per 2x2 area
<antto> what i'm drawing is a noisy-looking colorful pile of pixels that is a spectrograph, so the chroma can vary wildly from pixel to pixel, and while i know noisy pictures are the worst for this kind of video compression, the motion (from frame to frame) is basically a horizontal shift to the left
<JEEB> if you are watching youtube etc, all of that is 4:2:0
<furq> most likely everything you've ever watched on a tv was 4:2:0
<furq> but it can cause artifacts in screen recordings etc
<furq> you'd just have to test it and see i guess
<antto> basically for every frame, the old picture shifts N pixels to the left, and then the empty area is drawn with new stuff
<furq> it's hard to say how bad it'll be from a description
<furq> it sounds like it could be bad
<antto> if the chroma is subsampled it would be bad
<antto> lemme come out with some pictures
<furq> if you have pictures you can convert them with the ffmpeg cli
<furq> yeah that looks like it might be terrible
<furq> you'd need to see it in motion though
<antto> ignore the program's frame and stuff, just look at the colorfull mess in the center
<furq> it also generally looks like hard work for a video encoder
<furq> regardless of pixel format
<antto> and for every new frame, this shifts to the left several pixels
<antto> (the picture comes from the audio)
<JEEB> antto: if you have an sRGB PNG or so, you can check how it looks with the ffmpeg tool: `ffmpeg -v verbose -i input.png -noauto_conversion_filters -c:v libx264 -crf 21 -vf "scale,format=pix_fmts=gbrp,zscale=m=709,format=pix_fmts=yuv420p,setparams=color_primaries=bt709:color_trc=iec61966-2-1" test.mp4`
<JEEB> that expects 8bit sRGB PNG
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<JEEB> that filter chain basically: whatever the decoder outputs -> gbrp (with 8bit RGB this should just swap the data around into a format that zscale supports) -> converts matrix to BT.709 and chroma subsamples to 4:2:0 with zscale -> makes sure to set primaries and transfer
<JEEB> since primaries and transfer might not be set in the input, but we want that metadata in the output
<JEEB> theoretically the setparams could also be the first filter but that's how I quickly concocted that up :P
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<antto> well, it looks jpeg-ized ;P~
<JEEB> if you get compression artifacts then instead of the CRF you utilize `-qp:v 0`
<JEEB> that should do lossless coding
<JEEB> so only loss in that case should be the 4:2:0 chroma subsampling and limited range
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<antto> i guess "f*ck it" this is gonna be only for fancyness and not for serious analysis, i should make my app also render to .png
<psykose> if you're not limited to h264 then web browsers don't mind playing 4:4:4 av1 which keeps the colors looking original
<antto> hm
<psykose> or at least on desktop
<psykose> i did not try like ios safari
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<psykose> but webkit gnome web and firefox/chromium do it ok
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<antto> when i said "web" i really meant my typical usecase of uploading to pootube
<psykose> no hwaccel on the decode ofc cause nothing supports that (it's like some professional-tier requirement)
<psykose> ah, ok for youtube i have no idea
<psykose> i know they re-encode your shit anyway a bunch
<JEEB> antto: that is going to get converted to 4:2:0 in any case
<psykose> yeahg
<JEEB> so it makes sense to control that conversion
<JEEB> instead of hoping for the best
<antto> yeah i notice the chroma is definately badly undersampled on anything pootube
<JEEB> for stuff like dot art people just use nearest neighbor and scale to 2x2
<JEEB> then the chroma subsampling doesn't hurt
<antto> that's what i was thinking too
<psykose> what's the 2x2 scaling trick
<JEEB> scale to 2x I mean
<JEEB> the trick is that then every original chroma sample has an output sample
<JEEB> in 4:2:0
<JEEB> since 4:2:0 is one sample for 2x2 area
<JEEB> (for chroma)
<psykose> yea, the math checks out
<psykose> do you have a ffmpeg cli example for it
<antto> how exactly do you parse this "4:2:0" type of number?
<JEEB> I never learned it :P
<JEEB> 4:4:4 is full res
<JEEB> 4:2:2 is one sample for 2 samples on a single line (so each line has data)
<JEEB> 4:2:0 is one sample for 2x2 samples
<JEEB> then there's 4:1:0 which was utilized in DV
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<JEEB> I will guess the first number is luma since that keeps being 4
<antto> and then there's like "RGBA 8:8:8:8"
<JEEB> that sounds different
* psykose checks `ffmpeg -pix_fmts`
<JEEB> that's bits per sample on each plane
<psykose> the world has too many pixel formats
<JEEB> since RGBA has 4 planes and each of them are 8 bits per sample :P
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<JEEB> right, so it was relative to the first value and then vertical
<antto> it almost makes sense ;P~
<JEEB> and of course right away there are things that are exceptions
<JEEB> like that 4:1:0 I mentioned
<JEEB> lol
<JEEB> thankfully most that people have to know in general is 4:4:4, 4:2:2 and 4:2:0 (and that such numbers generally describe chroma subsampling)
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<antto> undefined reference to *everything* x_x
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