<muffincookie> Is the ffprobe necessary you think?
<MS-7C95> Only if you're don't know the duration and codecs
<MS-7C95> If you put the input first does that make a difference? I usually start everything with -i
<MS-7C95> The -to command would allow you to crop the last ten seconds if you knew the duration ahead of time. That's how I would do it. I haven't used the -sseof command yet
<muffincookie> Thing is I dont know the length
<muffincookie> and it's the last 15 seconds I need, not the first
<MS-7C95> That's why I do ffprobe first
<muffincookie> adding ffprobe didnt help
<MS-7C95> Oh, so it would be ffprobe -i Input.flv | Duration example 00:01:20 | ffmpeg -i Input.flv -ss 00:01:10 -c copy Output.flv
<muffincookie> wasnt -ss with reference to the start?
<MS-7C95> You don't add it, ffprobe is it's own command, lets you see duration, metadata and codecs.
<muffincookie> oh, right
<MS-7C95> Yeah, but if you start at the last 10 seconds, it'll copy the last 10 seconds
<muffincookie> hmm, I'm trying to do this through a script so parsing output from ffprobe might get tricky
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<MS-7C95> Do you have the file stored locally?
<muffincookie> Yes
<muffincookie> And it happens to be the output of a stream so it's constantly updated
<MS-7C95> You're trying to crop the last ten seconds of a stream? Ouch.
<MS-7C95> What's the steam if you don't mind me asking
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<muffincookie> One patchwork would be to copy the file using that command once, somehow fixing the timestamps and then running the -sseof again
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<muffincookie> It's just an audio-only twitch stream
<MS-7C95> So what's your end-goal? Why not wait until the stream ends and do your cropping then?
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<muffincookie> Well, I'm trying to get it to crop and basically CC the stream
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<muffincookie> the tool for cc doesnt support streams so I'm just hacking up small patches of audio and doing on them
<MS-7C95> Is this for like, redistribution?
<muffincookie> naa, just some toy thing I'm fiddling with
<MS-7C95> That's relatable
<muffincookie> but alas, if there is some parameter that could "fix" -sseof, it'd be nice
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<MS-7C95> I'll return shortly, hopefully with some potential solutions
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<muffincookie> Hmm, I shall try
<MS-7C95> I'm sure there's some thing you have to modify, but the general idea is laid out for you
<muffincookie> hmm segments sounds like it would require knowing the total length, fiddling with different values still output the whole file
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<muffincookie> a comment there acctually references -sseof as a parameter
<MS-7C95> I hate to be 'that guy', but I have some things to do tomorrow, so I have to be off. Feel free to ask the question again, and include the version of ffmpeg that you're using to get better help. Good luck.
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<muffincookie> Yea no problem! Thanks a ton for the help
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<muffincookie> Well, if there's anybody else that could help I'd appreciate
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<MS-7C95> I have the 6.0.1 source downloaded and extracted; How do I go about compiling it?
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<typological> did you try to follow this? https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki#CompilingFFmpeg
<MS-7C95> typological: Nope, reading it now, thanks
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<MS-7C95> How bad would a "crippled build" be? It says that nasm/yasm "not found or too old"
<ecapi> why not just install nasm?
<MS-7C95> I didn't realize it was that simple to be honest, I figured it was preinstalled on mint 21.2; I just installed it and the error message went away.
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<MS-7C95> does the -j8 syntax or whatever its called apply to both the make and make install command? I just typed make without the -j8 added to it and, it's working, but I imagine the -j8 would make the process faster
<furq> it only applies to make
<furq> i guess it would work for make install but that just copies files
<BtbN> it can make the install process faster, if you have a fast ssd and are using blk-mq
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<BtbN> But if you are worries about the speed of the install process, you very likely don't have that :D
<BtbN> *worried
<MS-7C95> Ah, thanks; I did ctrl+c and ran it again with -8, and it's already done. I can't believe I didn't have nasm, lol, what a fool..
<MS-7C95> Now I have 6.0.1 installed, and I feel like a boss, thanks for the help
<furq> hopefully you installed it to /usr/local or somewhere that it's not going to trample on your repo install
<MS-7C95> I believe it does that automatically, at least that's what it said in the documentation
<kepstin> if you didn't set prefix, /usr/local would be the default yeah
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<BtbN> Installing foreign libraries into /usr/local can already break the system
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<BtbN> would strongly recommend to never ever run any "make install" as root
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<furq> yeah but at least you can fix it with rm
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<LimeOn> i guess making an 'alias' to the ffmpeg binary created after 'make' would be a safe way to not mess with the system
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<MS-7C95> They didn't really give me much of an option; I had to use sudo for the make install, but I trust the devs, so hopefully my system wouldn't suffer for it.
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<kepstin> depends what you're using ffmpeg for it, you might not need to install it at all
<kepstin> if you're just using the cli tool, and have stuff staticly linked, you can run it straight from the build directory without issue.
<kepstin> (er, the "staticly linked" there is complicated; doesn't have to be a full static build, just have libav* linked into the ffmpeg cli staticly)
<furq> probably a good idea to do a full static build or else it'll break every time you apt upgrade
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<MS-7C95> I didn't know that, nor do I know how to do that, but I'm just grateful to be running the latest version instead of an outdated build.
<MS-7C95> I just ran apt update && apt upgrade and it didn't seem to affect ffmpeg whatsoever
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<BtbN> You configuring it to install to somewhere in /usr is what forced you to use sudo
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<BtbN> the build system does not insist on anything
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<MS-7C95> That's the default output for the vanilla install, so that's what I did. I'm not really an advanced user.
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<LimeOn> remove the ffmpeg package you just have installed
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<LimeOn> then use it as 'static' ffmpeg6 version, without installing
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<MS-7C95> Static is from the git right? You should make a tutorial video or link me to an existing one. The 6.0.1 that I installed isn't working for converting to avif
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<DeHackEd> One-liner bugfix.... libavfilter/Makefile : vf_cropdetect depends on edge_common.o as well. Affects custom builds with configure --disable-filter[s] abuse
<ecapi> BtbN, are you still in contact with HdkR?
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<BtbN> hm?
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<MS-7C95> Would this be better for my needs? I want to be able to use avif and av1 and opus and whatnot. https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ffmpeg/7:6.0-9ubuntu1
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<MS-7C95> I tried it, isn't doing what I want. Funny how 4.x is already setup to do what I want, it just doesn't have avif support. I'm not sure where I'm supposed to add --enable-libaom
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<CounterPillow> in your configure step when building. You don't seem to be building at all but using prebuilt binaries, MS-7C95
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<ppw> does libx265 interpret -crf any differently from libx264?
<BtbN> Even libx264 interprets it different than libx264, depending on settings.
<BtbN> It's entirely arbitrary
<ppw> "CRF works just like in x264" thanks LimeOn
<LimeOn> yes, but check the value considered as 'default'
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<ppw> yes, I've noticed. I'll be on alert.
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<BtbN> A given crf value does not equate to any quality, bitrate or anything is what it means
<BtbN> The only thing you really know is lower value = better quality
<BtbN> And usually higher bitrate in return
<BtbN> THAT behaviour of crf is consistent by anything offering it, or an equivalent
<BtbN> But the specific values are very much not
<LimeOn> yes, those values are just a guide
<LimeOn> you always will have to check the output bitrate and decide
<BtbN> well, and the quality
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<BtbN> there can be edge cases where even that assumption does not hold
<LimeOn> but the quality depends on bitrate
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<LimeOn> in most cases you cannot reduce the bitrate from some valies without losing considerabilly the quality
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<LimeOn> values* , considerably*
<BtbN> normally, yes. But edge cases exist
<BtbN> Where some encoder feature switching on/off might turn that seemingly natural assumption around for a certain range
<BtbN> i.e. a lower bitrate suddenly is a higher quality, cause some more advanced feature got turned on
<kepstin> keep in mind that the original implementation of crf as made available in x264 is basically an internal detail of their 2-pass rate control mode - i.e. the first pass analytics determine this constant factor applied to the rate such that the result, if encoded using the same settings, would average at the target bitrate.
<BtbN> I'm still amazed that a singular value like that can hit a target filesize over a multi hour long video
<LimeOn> oh, i dont know about those details, BtbN
<MS-7C95> So, would I have to type something along the line of "./configure --enable-libaom-av1" before running make to get the codec working?
<LimeOn> btw, does using 'slower preset' means that there will be a harder 'charge' into the decoder to watch the video?
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<LimeOn> i know that slower presets means higher or better compresison
<BtbN> not nearly as hard as the additional load to encode, but it might get harder to decode as well, as more advanced features are turned on
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<LimeOn> i see
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<LimeOn> there should be a 'limit' in that too, i guess, where higher compression means a lot 'harder' to the decoder, offering just a slightly better size
<LimeOn> you need libaom? MS-7C95
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<LimeOn> i suggest you to use a 'already made' static build, i just have checked and 'libaom' is enabled in that one
<LimeOn> http://ffmpeg.org/download.html , click in the button that says 'static build's
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<BtbN> There is huge diminishing returns, yes
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<BtbN> the slowest preset is called placebo for a reason :D
<LimeOn> then choose one of the 'release' links
<LimeOn> lol BtbN
<LimeOn> i only used slower, just because it should be 'a bit' better
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<LimeOn> theres a graph in the manual thats really good about the topic
<LimeOn> :D
<BtbN> There is very little point to using a release version btw.
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<BtbN> all it means you get artificially delayed fixes
<BtbN> master is rarely if ever in a broken state
<MS-7C95> LimeOn: Yeah, want it for avif conversion; Plus a few other codecs weren't enabled by default in the 6.0.1 file I downloaded, so I have to enable them all manually I guess.
<LimeOn> a lot of the most common ones are enabled in the file i have downloaded in there
<LimeOn> check it out, you can see which ones are enabled going into the folder, and rinning ./ffmpeg
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<LimeOn> have you downloaded one of the static builds?
<LimeOn> i see a few more options
<LimeOn> and libaom is present too
<LimeOn> check them with './ffmpeg -buildconf'
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<MS-7C95> I just found a static build, appears to be four times smaller than the official release, but it has all the configurations setup properly; I don't think I can install it though, doesn't have a configure or make file ect
<LimeOn> static builds are 'portable' ones
<LimeOn> as far as i know
<LimeOn> as i mentioned earlier, you can create a bash 'alias' to point to that ffmpeg build
<LimeOn> so you can type, lets say, '6ffmpeg' in terminal or another name, and it will use that version
<MS-7C95> I'll look into that, thanks; Though I kinda wanna have it installed with everything enabled.
<LimeOn> you should not install that once, since it will mess with your system version ffmpeg and dependencies
<LimeOn> it could break other programs, so its discouraged
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<MS-7C95> I can uninstall 4.x and make a system restore ahead of time
<MS-7C95> If there's a way to get 4.x to convert to avif I'm all ears
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<LimeOn> if its not present in the 'ffmpeg -buildconf' of the system provided package, i guess you have to compile it using the 4.x version
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<LimeOn> in that case, i suggest to stick to the stable release, its easier
<MS-7C95> 6.0.1 has a stable release, that's what I downloaded the first time around
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<MS-7C95> I keep getting the error message "[vost#0:0/libaom-av1 @ 0x7a83880] Overriding packet duration by frame rate, this should not happen" trying to make an animated .avif
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