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<Traneptora> LimeOn: what builds are you using? if you're on windows the zhongfly builds should work fine
<LimeOn> linux
<Traneptora> on Linux most distros package harfbuzz
<LimeOn> last version, 6.1
<JEEB> BtbN is part of the community and there's automated FFmpeg builds set up by him :)
<LimeOn> well, there has been a problem and the library is missing, it has been reported by other person too
<Traneptora> did you install a dynamic 6.1 build?
<BtbN> hm? It's long added.
<Traneptora> because drawtext depends on harfbuzz, it's possible the packager didn't configure ffmpeg with --enable-libharfbuzz
<BtbN> The static builds do not use system libs, ever.
<JEEB> yea this person clearly isn't yet using your builds
<BtbN> No, I mean "did you install a dynamic 6.1 build?"
<JEEB> right
<BtbN> Using a shared build does _not_ mean it will use system libs
<LimeOn> i will try that one, JEEB
<LimeOn> That one worked, i tried 'ffmpeg-master-latest-linux64-gpl.tar.xz'. Replacing 'ffmpeg' with the path to the 'ffmpeg' binary present in the folder, did sucefully used drawtext
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<LimeOn> I was not aware of BtbN release, i will take note of those builds, thank you!
<LimeOn> releases*
<LimeOn> I also verified into 'johnvansickle' 5.0 build and it was also capable of using 'drawtext', so maybe the packager of that build and the archlinux one forgot to add the libharfbuzz lib
<BtbN> It needs to be explicitly enabled I think? i.e. it doesn't autodetect it, even though it's usually there.
<another|> IIRC debian also had to reenable it
<another|> was it autodetected before?
<LimeOn> I was confused because here there was 'libharfuzz', now i realize 'drawtext' is not present in there. https://johnvansickle.com/ffmpeg/release-readme.txt
<LimeOn> If i do '.../ffmpeg -buildconf' it does not show 'libharfbuzz' in there, so maybe something happened
<LimeOn> But in the end, i guess, this depends on the ones who compile the package
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<BtbN> it was not needed before
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<avc1657> Hi, guys, i have a problem. I jusst updated from ffmpeg 6.0 to 6.1 and suddenly the command i was using for encoding is not working anymore.
<avc1657> im getting this error: [Parsed_format_0 @ 000001b4aa3d0640] Invalid pixel format 'yuv420p010le' [AVFilterGraph @ 000001b4ab05d700] Error initializing filters [vost#0:0/hevc_nvenc @ 000001b49e373ac0] Error initializing a simple filtergraph Error opening output file .\00000.mkv. Error opening output files: Invalid argument
<psykose> you probably want yuv420p10le
<avc1657> typing "yuv420p10le" doesnt work either