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<aaabbb> with hstack and vstack how do i have them wait until all inputs have given a frame before they output a frame?
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<kepstin> aaabbb: i don't think there's any way to do that built in to the filter or framesync code. You can use the trim or fps filter to make all the streams start at the same time.
<kepstin> note that I recommend using the fps filter to clean up timestamps on all the inputs to the hstack/vstack filters anyways, to ensure all the frames timestamps match up nicely.
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<aaabbb> kepstin: this is for merging the output of audio filters like showspectrum, which i can lock to a certain framerate
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<aaabbb> however even when i lock them all at 60fps, sometimes the final output is 120fps despite all of the individual filters putting out frames at 60fps
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<kepstin> that's weird, it shouldn't happen if the filter is generating frames using a timebase that's 1/fps
<kepstin> (if for some reason it's using a different timebase... then run it through the fps filter to fix it)
<aaabbb> i'll try that
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<aaabbb> kepstin: noob question but is it necessary to use the fps filter in each filter chain or can it be done only in the final vstack/hstack?
<aaabbb> nevermind, that doesn't work. i'll keep investigating why it's doing that
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<ufk> an ebuild for gentoo came for ffmpeg 6.1, i get this: ERROR: ffnvcodec requested but not foun
<ufk> ah it's related to nvidia and i have latest nvidia drivers installed (545.29.06)
<JEEB> ffnvcodec are the nvidia headers, technically unrelated to the driver
<ufk> yeah you're right i'll report it on gentoo, thanks
<ufk> ahh ok the media-libs/nv-codec-headers package wasn't updated to v12 for ffmpeg 6.1 support.
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<AlexandrKirilov> Hello all! Is there any way to add timestamp to FFMPEG output? For now my message is:
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<AlexandrKirilov> [hls @ 0x55d5d5d59900] Opening '/home/camera01/stream.m3u8.tmp' for writing
<AlexandrKirilov> Need to have this
<AlexandrKirilov> 165417547145754 [hls @ 0x55d5d5d59900] Opening '/home/camera01/stream.m3u8.tmp' for writing
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<AlexandrKirilov> Is there any way to add timestamp digits in FFMPEG output?
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<BtbN> well, adding it to the code is fairly trivial, but not with just some cli arg, no.
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<CounterPillow> many such cases!
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<Balling64> I mean we can continue here, but I am lazy.
<Balling64> And I can use many accounts with gmail
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<slowbugfixers> I can switch to ISPs then.
<slowbugfixers> Libera chat involved for IRC chat. Funny
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<jess> hey, libera chat staff here, need some help?
<BtbN> Dude's creating mass amounts of accounts with the pure intent of harassing in #ffmpeg-devel
<BtbN> But seems like we plugged that channel up well enough now
<jess> cool. i'll take a look and see if we can do something
<CounterPillow> omg it's libera chat staff can I get an autograph that's so cool
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