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<aaabbb> is it better to denoise before or after rescaling, just in general?
<aaabbb> my thought is denoise before will let the scaler make more accurate decisions, but will cause the denoiser to effectively be less "aggressive"
<aaabbb> -vf "atadenoise,scale=-2:480:flags=spline" or -vf "scale=-2:480:flags=spline,atadenoise" basically
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<furq> before seems more correct but it's probably subjective in the end
<aaabbb> furq: more correct how so?
<furq> you generally want to scale last unless you specifically don't want the other filters to work with the full frame
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<furq> but for denoising i could imagine either way would work
<aaabbb> and +accurate_rnd+full_chroma_int is still recommended right?
<furq> probably
<furq> it's been a while since i used swscale
<aaabbb> ok
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<hans__> what's wrong with the following command? if i remove -c✌️libx264 then it works, but with it i get >>>Trailing option(s) found in the command: may be ignored. (...) At least one output file must be specified<<<, why? : 'ffmpeg' -y -f concat -safe 0 -i '/tmp/phpBuVZvR' -c✌️libx264 '/home/hans/test/output2.mp4'
<JEEB> you have some funky unicode character after the -c :P
<JEEB> so most likely that affects something
<hans__> irc client problem, the real command is -c✌️libx264
<hans__> blah
<hans__> ```-c✌️libx264```
<hans__> dafuq
<hans__> can see the full command here https://paste.debian.net/plain/1298468
<JEEB> there is no such character in other bits of your command, and if you had a general issue with it, I'd expect it to be in other spots as well :)
<aaabbb> that's the emoji somehow being generated automatically from :v:
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<JEEB> that's not an IRC problem, but a client problem I'd say :)
<hans__> anyway i suspect maybe `-f concat` tries to dictate the output format too (while i only want it to specify input format, not output)
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<JEEB> don't worry, it can't affect the output format
<hans__> ok. but any idea why i can't specify x264 / preset? can't specify either of them
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<JEEB> add more verbosity at the very least, `-v debug`
<furq> it's -c:v libx264, not -c:v:libx264
<JEEB> yea I just glossed over it and saw not much was getting logged
<JEEB> so yes, it parses that as a single option and then utilizes the next as the value
<JEEB> -v debug would log that
<JEEB> also for the record while it's great that version 4.4 contains the color information passing from input to output I did, that is also a Very Old version. if you do not want to compile FFmpeg yourself, utilize Btbn's automated master builds
<JEEB> extract to homedir and utilize full path instead of just "ffmpeg"
<hans__> that was it! thanks
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<aaabbb> i have an mp4, when i transcode with -vsync 0 there are some non-monotonous dts timestamps, it tries to correct it but some applications are catching on the output
<aaabbb> is there any downside to -vsync cfr -vf setpts=N/FR/TB ?
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