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<aaabbb> kepstin: so for low-res videos that never exceed 5 minutes (and 1mb), is keyint=-1 appropriate? it seems to be able to seek without too much effort for the player
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<MisterMinister> Greetings! Is there an option to add blank SCTE-35 data track, PID type 0x86 please, similar to what specified in tsduck ?
<DeHackEd> at this time, the answer appears to be No...
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<zumba_addict> I have several mp4 files(from a concert) with different pix_fmt. What is the proper way of adding them all and making one big file?
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<zumba_addict> I'm getting an error of "No output pad can be associated to link label '1:a:0" I followed this page, last section, different codecs -
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<zumba_addict> I have a new error after removing eq=brightness. "Invalid file index 19 in filtergraph description
<zumba_addict> [1:v:0][1:a:0][2:v:0][2:a:0][3:v:0][3:a:0][4:v:0][4:a:0][5:v:0][5:a:0][6:v:0][6:a:0][7:v:0][7:a:0][8:v:0][8:a:0][9:v:0][9:a:0][10:v:0][10:a:0][11:v:0][11:a:0][12:v:0][12:a:0][13:v:0][13:a:0][14:v:0][14:a:0][15:v:0][15:a:0][16:v:0][16:a:0][17:v:0][17:a:0][18:v:0][18:a:0][19:v:0][19:a:0]concat=n=19:v=1:a=1[outv][outa]."
<BtbN> it starts at 0
<zumba_addict> yep, I just fixed it :)
<zumba_addict> thank you
<zumba_addict> omg, i don't know when it will finish
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<zumba_addict> a 5g takes about 45 mins to 1hr on this old machine, LOL. Total size of all files is 75gigabyte
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<zumba_addict> hmm, I got this "deprecated pixel format used, make sure you did set range correctly", 10 lines of that. I used -pix_fmt yuvj420p
<zumba_addict> i'm generating an mp4 and I don't want to loose quality
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<zumba_addict> i know it's a warning
<kepstin> if your goal is to make an mp4 that's playable in normal players, especially browsers, you should use limited-range yuv420
<zumba_addict> for youtube, do they accept yuvj420p?
<kepstin> if they do, they'll convert to limited range
<zumba_addict> oh gotcha
<kepstin> if your inputs are all normal limited-range files, then converting to full-range technically is a quality reduction, too.
<zumba_addict> they were yuv422 originally then I converted it to yuv420p but as I was working on for weeks, I decided to use yuvj420p on the remaining files
<zumba_addict> now I am combiining all of them to 1 mp4 file
<zumba_addict> I guess I won't be able to see degradation in quality like banding since it was a concert and dark
<zumba_addict> when using yuv420p
<BtbN> yuvj is deprecated since over a decade at this point
<BtbN> I think it'lll finally be gone in 7.0
<zumba_addict> what should I use?
<BtbN> What it suggests in the warning
<zumba_addict> no suggestion in the warning
<BtbN> You just quoted it, with the suggesting in it?
<zumba_addict> I'm not sure what I wrote earlier, can't find that string
<zumba_addict> "deprecated pixel format used, make sure you did set range correctly",
<BtbN> "deprecated pixel format used, make sure you did set range correctly"
<zumba_addict> yep, I don't see any suggestion
<BtbN> set the color range correctly instead
<zumba_addict> my input files had different pix formats
<zumba_addict> ok
<zumba_addict> i'll use yuv420p
<BtbN> color range is generally unrelated to pixel format
<BtbN> which is why yuvj420p is kinda a bit of an abomination of a format
<zumba_addict> i guess yuv420p is browser friendly since it supports limited color range 16-200+ something
<zumba_addict> or is my thinking wrong?
<zumba_addict> I still got the warnings even after passing yuv420p
<zumba_addict> output being generated - Stream #0:0: Video: h264 (libx264) (avc1 / 0x31637661), yuv420p(progressive), 3840x2160 [SAR 1:1 DAR 16:9], q=-1--1, 59.94 fps, 60k tbn, 59.94 tbc (default)
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<zumba_addict> I ran ffmpeg -i input.mp4. The Stream #0:1 is Audio: aac and so on. It is ok I used `[[1:v:0]1:a:0]`? I'm confused about 0:1 in the output.
<zumba_addict> or should I use `[1:v:0]1:a:1]`?
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<zumba_addict> oh i think 0:a:0 is good. I just saw this `Stream #0:1 (aac) -> concat:in0:a0`
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