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<aaabbb> with ffplay in interactive mode, how do i step back 1 frame? s steps forward one, but i want to step forward, or back
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<aaabbb> i wish to be able to step thru frames with -v debug and mpdecimate filter so that i can see the values for hi and lo for each frame
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<kepstin> you can't step back when using stateful filters like mpdecimate
<kepstin> either you'll get different results because the frames go through the filter chain in a different order, or you'll get different results because it has to re-initialize the filters and start as if you'd seeked directly to the new point.
<aaabbb> kepstin: the filter doesn't need to work backwards, as long as i can look back at the previous frame that it had last worked on
<aaabbb> basically, i want to see the value of hi and lo for frames that are incorrectly kept, and for frames that are incorrectly dropped, and being able to go back and forth lets me visually see the difference. that along with seeing the hi and lo values helps me tweak them
<aaabbb> i *can* do it only stepping forward by pressing s, but then i have to keep a mental picture in my head of the previous frame and hope that i see the difference
<kepstin> so.. you want a player that saves a copy of the previous frame in memory so you can go back and look at it again? I haven't heard of any that can do that :/
<aaabbb> kepstin: mpv lets me seek backwards and forwards, i assumed it kept the last few frames in memory so it didn't have to decode the whole gop again but my assumption could be wrong
<kepstin> no, decodes the whole gop again when backstepping, running the frames through filters again
<aaabbb> ah ok
<kepstin> with mpdecimate that means you'll get different decisions on which frames are dropped
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<kepstin> it's actually pretty noticable; on video encoded with long gops, backstepping is a lot faster near the start of the gop than the end :)
<aaabbb> so perhaps i'll have to do something more complex, to somehow run drawtext with the values being compared against hi and lo on each frame, with mpdecimate doing a dry run (deciding whether to drop or keep a frame, but not actually doing it). that part is easy but doing the drawtext is probably harder, and i'll have to use libavfilter in a custom program
<kepstin> yeah, i don't think mpdecimate puts the debug threshold values anywhere that another filter could read, they're just debug text logs.
<aaabbb> i could either change vf_mpdecimate.c and recompile, or save the debug logs to a file and parse them, then run ffmpeg again and use that file to determine drawtext values
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<aaabbb> this is great for ffplay: -vf "split[tmp][out];[tmp]mpdecimate,nullsink"
<aaabbb> is there any way to see the values of hi and lo in the debug logs? "lo:0<343 lo:0<85 lo:0<85 drop pts:512 pts_time:0.04 drop_count:1" doesn't say hi
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<aaabbb> oh it's out of sync
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