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<another|> None of your inputs has a video stream
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<LimeOn> i see, they are all different, thank furq
<LimeOn> you want to add a new audio? ShaedS
<LimeOn> ffmpeg -i -i wrazdubs-s3e28-vince-grave-cut.m4a -c copy -map 0:0 -map 1:0 OUTPUT.FORMAT
<LimeOn> That one will use video from the first input and the audio from the 2nd input
<another|> wat?
<LimeOn> 1:0 is the 0(first) stream of the file 1(second input)
<LimeOn> and it will just copy the streams, so it should be almost instantly
<another|> this copies the first stream of both inputs regardless of type
<LimeOn> yes
<another|> the first stream does not have to be video
<LimeOn> i just have seen the pastebin, it looks like it has 2 audio files
<LimeOn> yes, i know, but in most cases it it
<LimeOn> it is*
<another|> in a lot of cases. not sure if I'd be comfortable with saying most
<another|> though especially not in this case as there is no video stream in any of the files
<LimeOn> well, you can always inspect the file to be sure
<LimeOn> yes, i agree, there are 2 audio files in this case
<another|> so please don't say that it will "use the video from the first input" without having inspected the input
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<aaabbb> how do i drop frames in a certain pattern? the decimate=cycles= filter cannot do it. for every 7 frames, i want to drop the 2nd and 4th frame
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<ShaedS> another|: they are .mov files which are video streams.....
<ShaedS> LimeOn: not instgant but much quicker
<ShaedS> the 0:v mapping didn't do
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<another|> ShaedS: there are none listed
<another|> what makes you think there are any video streams present?
<furq> aaabbb: -vf "shuffleframes=0 -1 2 -1 4"
<aaabbb> thanks!
<furq> plus setpts if you want cfr or -fps_mode vfr
<furq> -vf "shuffleframes=0 -1 2 -1 4 5 6" i mean
<aaabbb> furq: with regular decimate, i never needed setps (or -vsync vfr), since the timestamps evenly divide the timebase anyway
<aaabbb> at least, the total runtime stays the same, the framerate is reduced accordingy, and the audio and video stay in sync
<furq> are you sure you weren't getting duplicate frames
<aaabbb> yes, i cheked. i do -v 40, and i step through frames as well
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<aaabbb> with mpdecimate, yes i need to do -vsync vfr to avoid having dupes
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<aaabbb> i'll try shuffleframes and see if it gives me dupes in cfr and adjust acordingly
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<ShaedS> its' an mov and a m4a the mov is the video...... LimeOn your command did work idk why stackoverflows didn't
<ShaedS> another|: it's a .mov, i just opened it in qu8icktime, it shows video. It's a video period.
<ShaedS> idk why ffmpeg doesn't recognize .mov as video
<ShaedS> i do have another thing I am trying to figure out but it's going to be a pita to hash out the bash/details
<ShaedS> I'm finding myself using this a lot: -af silenceremove=window=0:detection=peak:stop_mode=all:start_mode=all:stop_periods=-1:stop_threshold=0 because of dmca muting
<ShaedS> this however re-encodes and i loose quality. I'd like to be able to silent detect, mark that time in a variable, then do -ss -to to concat the parts that aren't silent w/o the muting
<ShaedS> im not fluent enough in bash to make it so
<ShaedS> also is ffmpeg a little buggy? -ss 00:00:00 -i file -to 1:00:00 doesn't work as expected, i had to discover i needed to -ss <time> -to <time> -i <input> for it to work /in that order/ when stackexchange said otherwiwes
<aaabbb> or stackexchange has outdated information
<aaabbb> furq: that worked perfectly, tho it turns out the source video doesn't keep that exact pattern, so i'll either have to just encode the dupes or tweak mpdecimate
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<another|> mov is just a container. It doesn't have to contain video
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<ShaedS> oh
<ShaedS> i thought was extension for video
<ShaedS> formats
<ShaedS> not a container for them
<aaabbb> mov is a container, people don't usually use raw video formats
<aaabbb> you won't see many .h264 or .y4m videos around
<ShaedS> i guess i don't know shit about video stuff it turns out
<ShaedS> never really paid attention to it just aduio
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<aaabbb> even audio generaly has a container
<aaabbb> like ogg is not raw vorbis
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<another|> Well, there's mp3...
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<aaabbb> mpdecimate default settings seems to try to drop more frames that have very little motion than frames that are (actual) duplicates, why?
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<aaabbb> nvm i misunderstood the purpose of the hi and lo params
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<EveHQ> Guys could u help me with this? im trying to stream a .ts file with this command " ffmpeg -i "C:\Users\EveHQ\Downloads\ya\stream_2023-11-11_18-51-16.ts" ^
<EveHQ> -vf scale=1280:720 -vcodec libx264 -preset veryfast -b:v 2000k -map 0:v:0 -map 0:a:0 -acodec aac -b:a 128k -f flv -flvflags ^
<EveHQ> no_duration_filesize rtmp:// " ¿what im doing wrong? because is not working.
<EveHQ> [h264 @ 000001a5f16bb3c0] error while decoding MB 0 1, bytestream 20334
<EveHQ> [h264 @ 000001a5f16bb3c0] concealing 8033 DC, 8033 AC, 8033 MV errors in P frame
<EveHQ> [h264 @ 000001a5f1217cc0] concealing 7971 DC, 7971 AC, 7971 MV errors in B frame