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<aaabbb> redeeman: is your source video yuvj420p?
<aaabbb> if it is then you want -vf scale=out_range=pc
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<swing> does av1 hw decoding work without a blob on intel? a380
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<kepstin> the entire a380 card as a whole can't be used without a firmware blob, so no.
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<aaabbb> #audio
<aaabbb> oops
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<swing> do I need a blob for vaapi to work?
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<aaabbb> swing: if your graphics card works, vaapi will work
<aaabbb> well integreated graphics
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<swing> aaabbb: so it only requires a firmware loaded into gpu, but not some sneaky running on cpu? talking about a380
<swing> what is love?
<aaabbb> swing: correct, you don't need any proprietary kernel drivers
<swing> thank you! :>
<aaabbb> idk about a380 but for example for my intel cpu with integrated graphics, vaapi works simpy by having i915
<swing> and you have a firmware loaded?
<aaabbb> the bios loads relevant firmware blobs in most cases
<swing> mkay
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<aaabbb> the blob is necessary for the gpu to function. if your kernel drm driver is open source then you can use the gpu's features
<aaabbb> and i assume you have a drm driver ;)
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<brianp> is there any limit on filters? I have about 400 drawtext filters applied, and they all use the same fontfile and then 1/5 times the encoding fails because "Cannot find a valid font for the family Abel". But the font file is present, and encoding work 4/5 times. So there's no problem with the font file, or the path.
<JEEB> you'd have to trace the process and check which API fails. could be open file handles or something general like that?
<JEEB> ltrace for example
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<brianp> Cool, I'll check that out. This was also my guess that maybe the fontfile was being opened/locked on each filter usage. Which could cause some issue. Although I only seem to run into it after a threshold of filter usage. Almost like the more filters the higher the chance of not closing the file.
<aaabbb> brianp: could you be running into resource limits? try increasing the stack with ulimit (just a guess)
<aaabbb> idk how ffmpeg filters work inside but maybe some thread is failing because it's running out of reources
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<brianp> good call- I just checked and it seems resource friendly. The command fails before it attempts processing it seems. So never actually tried to perform the encoding. But it seems each filter may be attempting to call fopen on the file in preparation. So I'm probably running into some kind of allowed handles per file limit.
<brianp> oh jeeze. Just found this: which leads to and apparently it can only handle 512 drawtext filters
<JEEB> > It is connected with C-runtime limitation of max number of opened files.
<aaabbb> /6
<JEEB> but do check if that still is the case
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<Swedaniel> im still new with theese ffmpeg command lines, but is this the situation when the '2nd pass' function can help?
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<brianp> could be a solution. Alternatively, there's code managing the font file before providing it to ffmpeg. I could also create multiple font files and distribute the load. A shame it can't be defined a single time per encode, and used in multiple filters. 1 open would be ideal :D
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<Swedaniel> Yeah i think i read something about using 2nd Pass function would basicly let some procedures complete in one order and then launch the '2nd Pass' with commands to spare resources during the first pass.. i might be the only lucky one and is still finding success with most default settings over here....
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<Swedaniel> I have seen WinFF v.1.5.5 have an second pass function
<furq> brianp: could you maybe do this with a subtitle file and the subtitles filter
<furq> probably easier unless you're doing dynamic positioning based on timestamps or something like that
<brianp> I don't think, as the example failing right now has 8 bits of text, in different places over video, where the text changes every second. But yeah the multi-position is the problem
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<brianp> huh. Maybe subtitles could work. I was under a distinct impression only 1 subtitle could be displayed at a time. And it seems like I was wrong about that
<JEEB> with non-broadcast subtitles multiple can overlap
<JEEB> you can utilize something like aegisub to create ASS stylized subtitles, and then render them out
<brianp> yeah cool. This actually seems hopeful. a few more temp files to write / manage but feels like better processing.
<furq> better to have a 400 line subtitle file than a 400 line filterchain
<Swedaniel> does the program collect info from an font folder during this operation? ive tried read all messages im not sure if im understanding anything correct here.. but the font folder is an protected folder and windows can have security protocols to an folder during an specific event on the computer... example would be when the codec database is accessed,
<Swedaniel> the font folder is protected.. or any other folder
<furq> this isn't on windows
<Swedaniel> so basicly when you access the codec the font folder is protected and fail?!
<brianp> I was wrong about 400 filters. It was 728 lines. '=D
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<brianp> Swedaniel the issue is that every filter i define `fontfile:/some/path/font.otf` tries to take an open handle to the file. But the OS limits the amount of times a file can be opened. So after 512 filters the font can no longer be opened, and the encoding fails.
<Swedaniel> ooh, ah yeah that make sense allso..
<brianp> but this subtitle solution looks promising. I'll try that.
<brianp> if I wrote any C i'd look at making a PR to try and re-use an open fontfile handle but that's getting out of my depths :D
<Swedaniel> i guess anyone would regret not becomeing an RAM memory expert to know how to load the font into the RAM Memory to bypass the limit
<Swedaniel> maybe if you store the font into an RAM Drive you can bypass OS restrictions
<Swedaniel> or atleast the font would now be accessd very fast :P
<aaabbb> what should be done about transcoding a video with a lot of artifacts from generation loss with x265? is denoising a good idea?
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<redeeman> aaabbb: yes, it is full range(pc), but is there any correct way to specify to get rid of the warning?
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<JEEB> that's more on us as the FFmpeg project if you are not specifying that pix_fmt yourself
<aaabbb> redeeman: if the source is yuvj420p then there's no way to get rid of it. it's just telling you that the format of the input is going to be deprecated
<JEEB> since we deprecated the pixel format but it was really complex to get to its actual removal
<furq> didn't it just get removed the other day
<redeeman> but what would replace it then?
<JEEB> the flag from which (pc) is looked up from :)
<furq> yuvj is (was) a hack to accommodate yuv with the full range flag set
<aaabbb> furq: no there's just a plan on the ml
<JEEB> it would just be yuv420p (pc)
<JEEB> aaabbb: no there is an actual patch set
<furq> yeah that's what i saw
<JEEB> second one actually, there was an earlier one that got stuck
<furq> did that get merged yet
<aaabbb> JEEB: oh awesome!
<JEEB> its prerequisites did
<furq> nice
<aaabbb> i'm excited for yuvj's final removal then !
<JEEB> yea, long overdue
<aaabbb> now just to wait another 8 years for the update to trickle down to debian's packages lmao
<redeeman> so is it complaining that the input I have is yuvj420p(pc, bt709) ?
<JEEB> redeeman: it's complaining that somewhere in the flow yuvj pixel format is being utilized
<redeeman> Stream #0:0[0x1](eng): Video: hevc (Main) (hvc1 / 0x31637668), yuvj420p(pc, bt709), 3840x2160, 299551 kb/s, 59.94 fps, 59.94 tbr, 60k tbn (default)
<furq> the warning message comes from the library, not from ffmpeg itself
<redeeman> thats what it says for input
<furq> it's warning ffmpeg to not use this because it's been deprecated
<furq> but it has nowhere to do that except in your terminal
<aaabbb> redeeman: it's totally harmless
<redeeman> okay so once this gets removed upstream, i shouldnt need to change anything as the input will just be detected as yuv420p instead of yuvj420p
<furq> yeah you can just ignore it and hopefully before too long ffmpeg will have stopped using it and the warning will go away
<furq> right
<redeeman> excellent, thanks
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<Guest75> Hei
<Guest75> Seems$(FFMPEG_HASH).tar.gz is now forbidden (since some days). Is it normal? e.g.
<Guest75>$(FFMPEG_HASH).tar.gz works but the shasum is different (as generated by github I guess) and seems to be some slight differences during the build
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<JEEB> if you actually want tagged releases then there were IIRC downloads for those. the snapshots from the gitweb probably were generated by git automagically
<JEEB> unless they somehow were signed by the signing key
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<Guest75> it's not all the tags, just the release on this page, but will try with 6.0.1 I guess
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<znf> hm, how exactly do you use libvpl with ffmpeg?
<znf> the _qsv encoders?
<JEEB> I think for decoding there's a hwaccel, and for encoding yea
<JEEB> intel keeps changing the name of that library yet the contents is pretty much the same API :P
<znf> wonder how the hell do I set up SRV-IO in vmware running under windows
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<znf> hm
<znf> not sure why it's decoding in software
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<znf> I figured out. Got it working.
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<JEEB> it was branched out ages ago
<JEEB> 6.1 is a newly branched release/6.1 which is not yet tagged
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<_zoggy_> this was from n6.0.1 - FFmpeg 6.0.1 release
<JEEB> has 6.0.1 and both the Changelog link and Release Notes links seem to point at 6.0?
<JEEB> respectively
<_zoggy_> odd, yeah going to the tag then tree then it ends up showing you 6.1 version but if you go to the tag then shortlog then tree it does stay within 6.0 branch. sorry about that
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<ShaedS> hey
<ShaedS> why's this command taking so long? ffmpeg -i -i wrazdubs-s3e28-vince-grave-cut.m4a -map 0 -map 1:a -c:v copy it's running at 20x i thought i'd be 200x without re encoding
<furq> you're reencoding the audio
<furq> i guess you wanted -c copy
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<LimeOn> hello, the previous questions makes me wonder the following: which is the proper method to map streams? or whats the difference between: 1:a:0 / 1:a or 1:0 for example
<LimeOn> question*
<furq> 1:a is all audio streams, 1:a:0 is the first audio stream, 1:0 is the first stream
<ShaedS> furq: but: a -c:v copy
<furq> the v is for video
<ShaedS> where do I put -c copoy for audio?
<furq> replace -c:v copy with -c copy
<ShaedS> arg thta com,,mamd dodm
<ShaedS> t eve copy mmy video it just copied audio
<ShaedS> ah yeah it's crunchin itg out with -c copy isntead of -c:v copy
<ShaedS> oh but no video
<ShaedS> how do I copy the audio and vidoe without re-encode?
<ShaedS> that syntax i got from a stackexchanging saying that was the answer but it's clearly not
<ShaedS> ffmpeg -i -i wrazdubs-s3e28-vince-grave-cut.m4a -c copy -map 0:v -map 1:a "0:v" matches no sreams
<ShaedS> ??
<ShaedS> ffmpeg -i -i wrazdubs-s3e28-vince-grave-cut.m4a -c:a copy -c:v copy only copies the aduio there is no video
<ShaedS> ffmpeg -i -i wrazdubs-s3e28-vince-grave-cut.m4a -map 0:v? -map 1:a -c copy doesn't copy the video either
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<another|> ShaedS: full cmd + output ?
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<ShaedS> another|: I ran a few commands all similiar
<ShaedS> none of thjem copied the vidoe